Young Military Rarities

Chapter 444: Angry, Yun Che's doubts (2)

Nodding his head, Lu Haixuan narrowed his eyes and worked hard to precipitate his emotions. Seeing that they were vented, Yun Che asked lazily. "Did they say, how did the Northeast Base's ability association specifically release the task? The ability team completed the task. What is your success rate? "

"Huh? Brother you are skeptical."

Yun Zheng is not stupid. When Yun Che asked, he immediately guessed Yun Che's guess, and his face sank.

"It seems I have to ask them myself."

Judging from his response, it was known that Chu Shengfang did not elaborate. Yun Che felt a little indulgence and determined that they had come out of Bitan. His body suddenly disappeared, and he connected to the planting area of ​​Bitan. The washed-out Chu Shengfang Liu Junnan did not wait for a long time. Someone picked them up, and they just wandered up the planting area together. Looking at the planned planting area, it was filled with all kinds of vegetables and grains. Both of them are still a little unbelievable. In this world, There is such a magical place, and what they encountered in the cell was the legendary strongest southwestern man Yun Che.

Many people have heard about Yun Che and Pinnacle. It is said that Yun Che is the only person who can let things grow in the field. In the southwest, Binhai and Beijing bases with his help have grown food with his help. The thing is the best proof. It is also said that although Yun Che's peak power team is second in the southwest, the ability is definitely not lost to his men's Chaoyang team, and he is also known as the strongest power in the southwest. By.

There are many rumors related to them. Before that, they thought that they were presumed to be rumors. Yun Che may be strong and the peak is wrong, but it is absolutely impossible to be as **** as the legend, but when they are sent into this outdoor Taoyuan After the space, they finally believed, and even thought the legend was too polite.

"Sheng Fang, do you say I'm dreaming?"

In a footstep, Liu Junnan turned around. He was definitely not the kind of very motherly man at one meter and eighteen meters, but the question he asked at this time was really very white.

"Even if you dream, I will do it with you."

Chu Shengfang pulled up his hand and sent a kiss to his lips. Before, he didn't think he was an infatuated person, and even felt that the men who lived to love to die were stupid. Whoever disappears in this world will stop turning 7 As for the loss of the so-called favorite person who made a living? But when he was with Liu Junnan, he realized that love really makes people willingly stupid. In this troubled world, it can be difficult to find someone who truly loves each other. It is also worth living. guard.


Liu Junnan didn't twiddle. He smiled and nodded softly. Both of them have high face values ​​and are of outstanding height. Standing together can only be described by seductive eyes. If you can, Yun Che does not want to disturb they.


Seeing that they were about to kiss, Yun Che coughing two times behind them. He didn't mean it. Who made him look at each other affectionately when he appeared? It ’s true if he does n’t say anything. Watch their wet kiss up close.

"Captain Cloud?"

Sudden coughing alarmed the two, and they looked back at Yun Che. Both were a little embarrassed. Liu Junnan hesitated. In fact, he didn't know whether the other party was Yun Che or Yun Zheng. There is little contact between them, and for the time being we can't tell.

"You should all be older than me, just call me Yun Che."

Yun Che doesn't care much about addressing. He responds to others whenever he is called. Even if some old people in Chaoyang also call him Che, he promises to be natural, right.

"We are still like them, call you Che Che."

Calling his name directly, he really couldn't say it. Liu Junnan thought about it, and finally remembered that the people who had previously received them with Yun Ye seemed to call him Che Che.

"It doesn't matter, just a title, how about it? Is there any gain after you have soaked in Bitan?"

He didn't care much about waving his hands, Yun Che walked towards them. "Generally, the first time I get to Bitan, the harvest will be great, and some of them can stimulate the second power. How about you?"

"Well, my power

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