Young Military Rarities

Chapter 445: Galway's horrible plan

Chapter 445: Galway's Horrible Scheme

If a base wants to be maintained for a long time, ordinary people will not talk about it. The psionics must be raised. Even if the eschatological resources are scarce again, there are always tasks to kill zombies or mutant beasts. The psionics association cannot. Without a mission, and because less and less food is available, the official needs to release a mission to hunt mutant beasts.

Mutant beasts can only be eaten by ordinary people. Ordinary people cannot afford the powerful energy contained in flesh. Even if they are ordinary, they will bleed nosebleeds or sexual impulses if they eat too much. No matter which power squad is, the ministry cannot be all different. Among the most capable people, ordinary people definitely account for the majority. There are many official military abilities, and there is a large demand for mutant beasts. There are many ordinary people in the power squad, and the demand for food is large. The official release of the task of hunting mutant beasts Letting ordinary people get food is simply the best of both worlds.

"It was more than a year or so almost two years ago. The mission of the Psionics Association was reduced, and the rewards were gradually reduced. At last, it was reduced by at least about half. In the past, everyone was methodical in taking up the task department. Later, they simply grabbed it. They will fight out and kill people, but the official department never asked, the base's ability team has left a lot, before everyone thinks they might go to the base in Beijing. Now, I think they are all caught Center it. "

Liu Junnan narrowed his eyes uncomfortably, Chu Shengfang quietly grabbed his hand, they are not wood, although now they have been rescued, as long as they follow Yun Che, they will no longer be short of food and less clothes, but the original team they stayed after all After more than three years, I still have feelings. If you think of ordinary people who may have died, the teammates who have fought together may have been transformed, or they are about to be transformed, they are uncomfortable.

"it is as expected."

Wen Yan said that Yun Che was very clear. "Galway is a man who is very good at designing. We were unprepared and have suffered before. Presumably everyone is still very impressed. We have never been counted like that at the top. I think the Northeast Base's ability association should deliberately hold off the mission under his instruction in order to force away the power team. As long as they leave the scope of the Northeast base, he can quietly remove them. When the research center is caught, the donor will not worry. "

Previously, he was only skeptical. After hearing Liu Junnan's speech, he was basically sure. Galway wanted to study the powers, but did not want to stink his reputation, let alone expose his research when there were not many mutants. So, I just came up with such a method. Of course, this is his early concerns. Now he does n’t have so many concerns. Otherwise, no one will entrust the other side. The killer on the other side cannot fall into the research center. For more than three years in the last days Now, there are more and more mutants in Galway's hands, so there is no need to worry about that much anymore.

"Mom's metamorphosis. Can he turn all powers into mutants?"

Meng Gang, who was always hot-tempered, glared and yelled. Do not doubt, if Galway is now in front of them, his water power might have already been activated, but anyone who is an individual must not be used to Galway's actions.

"Maybe he really has that intention."

Fei Ye, who had already adjusted his breath, sat lazily with Yun Er's legs slumped, and Gao Wei turned his department into a mutant. What else could he not do? How could a person like him be born with nobility, hold power, and call the wind and rain? Only by turning all the human parts into mutants, and making this world a mutant, will he not be a stranger, but the only king who is high above him.

"Well, I think Fei Ye was right. Galway might be really planning to turn all the abilities into mutants after occupying the entire Huaxia Kingdom."

Yun Yan nodded with frost, and Leng Yehan distressed him and poured him a cup of hot tea. When he picked it up, he patted the back of his hand and motioned him not to be too angry, after all Yun Yun really liked it After doing all kinds of research, I saw that someone was studying this kind of harmful things, and he was able to understand the sadness and anger. Because of understanding, he was even more distressed.

"Do not."

Suddenly, Yun Che looked up again, and everyone's eyes looked invariably. Everyone thought he was going to refute Fei Ye and Yun Yan, but he sneered "I was thinking, maybe

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