Young Military Rarities

Chapter 445: Galway's horrible plan (3)

Unfortunately, he was extremely disappointed with the country and the army. If it were not for the special situation, he would never have taken the initiative to take over the criminal army again.

"Ah, every time I talk about this kind of topic, I feel very tired. I really hope that everything ends soon, so I miss the time in the southwest."

When the matter was finished, Yun Che stretched his legs, thinking about it, it would be two years before they left the southwest. At the time, he said that he would go back soon.

"Quick, everything will end soon."

Fei Ye dragged him on the table with one hand and smiled and looked at him. He also wanted to go back to the southwest with him. Except for the time in Beijing, they didn't seem to have lived together.


Yun Che didn't doubt this. "Yes, I kept your vertical and horizontal in the space, and also adjusted them by the way. Now you can change all the shotguns to the cannon. Would you like to meet them?"

I almost forgot about them.

"You didn't program them to the top?"

Fei Ye raised an eyebrow, he thought they were already the pinnacle of people.

"No, even if you want to compile, you have to nod your captain and explain to them in person?"

Shaking his head, Yun Che blinked mischievously at him.

"It's all up to you, to be honest, I plan to give it to you from the other bank, and you will be responsible for supporting me in the future."

"That's daring, it's so easy to raise you, go and see them?"


Fei Ye stood up and grabbed his arm, Yun Che couldn't help laughing. "I and Fei Ye went to see the other side first."

Simply explain to Yun Yan and the two of them disappeared.

"If there was no Xing Feng, Che would fall in love with Fei Ye."

After they left, Zhou Zeyu whispered, the others looked at each other, but no, no single person could refuse to get Fei Ye. He was so good to Yun Che, he could hardly use words to describe it, and never lost to Xing Feng, the most difficult thing to blame is that he even abandoned the fight, because that would make Yun Che embarrassed, he couldn't bear it!

"Xing is not jealous for no reason, but never in this world."

Yun Zheng said and stood up. "I'll go over to the research room and call me if something happens."

Two years ago, he worked with Kong Yanjun, Dean Wen, and others to study the decline of human fertility. Although he has been busy improving his strength in the past two years, and has no time to participate in the research, the research has been ongoing, and a number of breakthroughs have been made. Now, it's okay these two days, he is ready to soak in the research room.

"I go with you."

Leng Yehan stood up and followed, and everyone looked at each other. Zhou Zeyu shrugged. "Well, let's go, Meng Gang, you are responsible for telling them how to cultivate."

After a while, everyone was dispersed. Before the battle came, even if it was one more point, they wanted to improve their strength as much as possible.

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