Young Military Rarities

Chapter 447: Action alone (2)

Nye interrupted him. "Xiao Che's space is real. The children are all in the space. As long as Xiao Che is alive, they will be fine. Big brother and sister are fine. No accident, you can see them tomorrow. Now, rest assured, it's okay. What storms and waves haven't been experienced by the criminals for so many years? It won't break down because of this, and everything will end soon. "

Before it was changed, Xing Feng would never say these words to comfort her. After Yun Che and the children's adjustment, his relationship with his mother has been eased a lot. He has gradually forgotten those things that happened.

"Ah, oh, sorry to the younger, I'm not sincere about delaying you to talk about business, I'm just worried."

Thinking that he was impatient, the convicted mother would inevitably be a little cramped, and her relationship with her son was not easy until she became harmonious. She really didn't want to be like she used to.

"It's okay. I have to go to other generals' homes. I don't have time to tell you slowly. I'm going out tomorrow. You want to know that I let Hao Yi slowly talk to you."

"it is good."

Seeing his son was really angry, the punishment mother was relieved, and Xing Feng turned to his father again. "There is nothing bad outside. The elder brother is actually very good at leading soldiers. You should give the criminal family to him."

The general does not necessarily have to be a master of martial arts and martial arts. Although the punishment is not so powerful, when he has a brain, he will use his brain to lead the army. It's already pretty good.

"It's okay outside, go to another house, you can't move freely after dawn."

The grandfather's bitter smile shifted his topic to his grandson. How could he not know that Xun Ye was also a leader? But people are always greedy. If there is a better one, they definitely want a better one.


Nodded his head, Xing Feng stood up. "Xiao Che's space was not deliberately concealing you, but he didn't deliberately explain to you, and soon his space would disappear."

"What do you mean?"


How could the space suddenly disappear? Xing Feng simply told them about their plan. "That's it. Although Xiao Che's starting point is not to benefit the common people, but what he does is indeed for all humanity. You do n’t need to go. Let go of your heart, if you ca n’t kill Xuantian in the end, Xiao Che will also take you into the space, and they wo n’t let them go out on their own.

After speaking, Xing Feng's figure disappeared in the living room.

"Miscellaneous things, does the employer care about those people?"

He was preached for no reason, the old man jumped with anger, but the party had already left, and he could only hold his face dark with his own breath. It is undeniable that when Yun Che's space was indeed almighty, he was quite shocked. But he has nothing to hesitate to say, no matter how Yun Che is also from the old Xing family, his space is equal to the old Xing family, he is too late to be happy, where is the shit?

This night, Xing Feng traveled through several courtyards, and went door-to-door to inform the families of the generals under the house of the Xing family, and at the same time laid an enchantment within their homes, striving for more time for their rescue tomorrow. He didn't return to the army until the dawn. Ye Xingchen Jiang Shang was already waiting with Ye Lao and Shu Lao.

"Come back? Where's Chen Yu?"

He didn't even say hello to the two fathers. Xing Feng sat down and asked for a notebook to check the mail. The satellite network can only be connected to a computer and a specific mobile phone. Although Yun Che has a network, he can't get in. Yes, most internal circulation, so Yu Wenqing's good qq can not be used, last night he has been chatting with Yun Che by email.

"There was an accident. Both the Ye family and the Shu family agreed to cooperate with the six major families. Grandpa, they want to know our attitude and position."

Leaving aside grandpa and grandfather, Ye Xingchen whispered by leaning to the past.

Xing Feng turned his head to give him a glance, and deliberately raised the volume. "Since they are going to cooperate with the six major families, what can they do to save them?"

Send it all back. "


Ye Xingchen's mind was dark, so were the two old men.

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