Young Military Rarities

Chapter 121: Use tree heart, keen aging

Yo, Xiao Jiang really fell asleep last night.

At the breakfast table, I accidentally stumbled into a kiss mark on Ye Xingchen's neck that could not be covered. Chu Hao made a strange noise, and everyone's eyes swept across in a flash, Ye Xingchen's mouth was drawn, not very He pulled the collar naturally. Before going downstairs in the morning, he also took a special look at the neck to the collarbone to see if there were any traces of it. However, it was still exposed. Xiao Jiang is a wolf cub. Mark, for fear that others will not see his mark.

Thinking of this, Ye Xingchen glanced at him with a grudge, and immersed in the beautiful scenery he gave him last night, as if he hadn't noticed everyone's ridiculous eyes, and took a small cage to him. Lips: "Senior, eat."

Fortunately, this time, instead of eating seniors, Ye Xingchen teased himself secretly, opened his mouth to take a bite, and hadn't waited for him to take a second bite. The rest was put into his mouth by Jiang Shang.

"Well, I want a boyfriend like Jiang too, Wenqing, or should we just make it up?" One hand rested on the shoulder of Pan Jiayu Wenyu, and Chu Haochi was eating and making trouble, occasionally mixed with ambiguous Blinking, Yu Wenqing, who heard what he said, was very indifferent to push him away: "Don't be kidding, who would dare you to eat like this? Stay away from me."

While speaking, he also reached out and patted the shoulder that was just struck, as if he was afraid of any virus on it.

"Fuck, Yu Wenqing, is there anyone like you who buried your brother like this?"

Chu Haoyu would not do it now, but Yu Wenqing was an old **** glancing at him: "Don't you pit your brother like this? They make up? Isn't it pitting him?"


I didn't wait for Chu Haojin to get into trouble. I saw everyone here smiling with a smile. Even Chen and Lu mother laughed. Breakfast continued in this noisy atmosphere. After everyone finished eating, Chaoyang's Everyone went to lead their own team, and Yun Che stopped them when Peak was ready to go out.

"Yehan, you stay, Zeyu, you will lead the team today, don't pick up the task, just go out of town to kill the zombies. If anyone asks me, say I'm sorting out some information. I don't have time for the task."

Facing the doubtful look of the big guy, Yun Che touched Yun Yan's head that rested on him slowly and said "OK, let's go now."

Yun Che's arrangement would definitely have his reason. Everyone was too lazy to ask, and nodded to Leng Yehan and walked away. "Something?"

"If nothing is happening, Yun Che will not leave him alone. For this, Leng Yehan still understands. Well, think about something last night, come upstairs with me."

Nodded, Yun Che turned and went upstairs with Yun Ye, Leng Yehan didn't hesitate. He walked behind them, and Yun Yao, who was responsible for cleaning the dishes in the restaurant, shook his head, and didn't mean to disturb them.

"Aunt Chen, I heard that you and your grandfather are very good at farming. Can you help me see the vegetables in the greenhouse later?"

"Well, okay!"

Lu Mu, who helped him clean up, nodded, her hand movements were more numb, and she knew how difficult it was. Now she and her father are both eating rice, so if there is a place to help them, she will very happy.

Yun's room on the fourth floor

"Brother, what about Black Feather?"

After entering the room, Yun Zheng decisively remembered that he hadn't seen Black Feather for a long time, and Yun Che casually said, "He is back in space, rest assured, he will come out with you in a few days."

After yesterday's trouble, Black Feather quietly found him, saying that he felt as if he was about to recover and needed a lot of aura. The aura in the outside world was not enough. He had to go back into space and he let him go back.

"Oh oh"

Yun Yan narrowed his eyes, disappointed, and touched a table tennis-sized fiery red crystal nucleus from his clothes pocket and sent it to his mouth to bite, which was Yun Che's three points for Leng Yehan's upgrade. The level of fire system crystal nuclei, Leng Yehan gave him all.

"Yehan, you sit with Xiaoyu."

Throw Leng Yehan a look, Yun Che said like casually, Leng Yehan who still knew him very well sat next to Yun Yan

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