Young Military Rarities

Chapter 140: National writing

The size of the state-owned research institute must be incomparable to that of a private research institute. The main research of this research institute in the provincial capital is the variety and hybridization of various seed plants, etc.It is said that it was quite famous before the end of the world, and it was made for China. Many contributions were made, but unfortunately the scientists inside did not die and became zombies. Only a few were rescued by the military. For researchers in this area, Yun Che did not catch a cold.

"You first take three space pundits to collect all the equipment and materials. Let's see how to open the tunnel of the underground warehouse."

At more than two in the afternoon, Mo Wenyang had enough food and drink to ask the vice general to take people to collect the equipment, and he himself took out the tablet and called up the structure map of the institute that was downloaded in advance. The underground warehouse is confidential for ordinary people, even if It was the former science and technology personnel, and not everyone knew the existence of the underground warehouse. It seemed that they did not have easy access to the warehouse.

"When did you find out?"

After waiting for a long time, Yun Che grabbed his tablet, adjusted the position of the general control room of the institute, took a group of people into the control room, and touched a laptop from the space to boot: "Military Satellite What is the password for the network? "

Although the network on the earth has been damaged, the satellite network can still be used, but the satellite network is often a hacker with strong layers of encryption and cannot be easily cracked. Although Yun Che will have a little hacking technology, it is not specialized.

"There is no electricity here, and the host of your networked control room is useless."

At last he knew what he wanted to do. Mo Wenyang shook his head, Yun Che gave him a sullen look, and waved and stunned another paddle oil generator. "Shen Brother Yang Brother, please trouble you to generate electricity."

The mountain does not turn around. For him, who has the most supplies, he has nothing to do with electricity.

"Uh ... the space powers are so **** wayward, I'll serve you!"

When Mo Wenyang patted his forehead and was weak, Shen Rui and Yang Huaien had long been carrying generators and diesel to accurately generate electricity for the Institute. For Yun Che, a doraemon attribute, what would he do? Xing Feng, Leng Yehan, and others have long seen it strange. It's strange if he can't pull it out one day, right?

I have to say that Yang Huai'en and others are really full of martial arts.In a few minutes, the two of them really called the Institute.Mo Wenyang could only report the password of the satellite network. Yun Che was ten flying. Hitting the keyboard, I quickly connected to the main computer of the institute.I saw that there was still a lot of information stored in it. Mo Wenyang was excited, and quickly pulled Yun Che to take the mobile hard disk to copy all the information, regardless of Useful and useless, take it home first.

When they found the entrance to the underground warehouse, it was almost half an hour later, and what was left to open the door? Well, let's just let the gold line up, there is no metal they can't melt, when a group of people enter the seed warehouse They all opened their mouths in shock at the door.Because of the electricity, the underground warehouse was reflected as if it were on the ground.The huge space could not be seen at a glance. Inside it was densely packed with dense shelves, and there were drums on the shelves. The drum's hemp bags are labeled with the name of the seed on each sack. The quantity is large and the classification is clear. Even if there is no need to plant, these seeds can maintain the southwest base for two or three years.

"It's worthy of a national handwriting. Great!"

I don't know how long, Yun Che gave a thumbs up and walked in. The inventory here was so big that he couldn't help but wonder that the military was going to hit it.

Taking precautions has always been our merit for Chinese people, but to be honest, I also feel a bit outrageous.

Mo Wenyang, who had managed to return to God, followed behind him and walked in. Before that, he never expected that this underground warehouse would be so huge.

"Not every province has a warehouse like this? Is it as big as this warehouse?"

Ye Xingchen and others who have entered one after another are still in shock. If this is to give them the peak, I am afraid that they will not be able to eat for a lifetime.

"No, there are not so many warehouses in other provinces. The southwest is special. Just like other provinces generally have one group army, but there are three group army in the southwest. From ancient times to the present, the southwest is a good choice for Tibetan possessions. Go to this institute before the last days

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