Young Military Rarities

Chapter 159: Leak the bottom and reach consensus! (2)

Inform him and let him secretly make some preparations and operations. I do n’t know exactly how to do it, and I ca n’t tell you. When the people ’s grievances reach a certain limit, you encourage everyone to propose to replace the inactive chairman and use voting instead. In the way, the psionicist association ’s president is selected by our psionicists themselves, and finally Chaoyang and Zenith stand up and call on everyone to support Mo Shao. The probability of success is 100%, and 80% is absolutely okay. "

This is Yun Che's so-called opportunity. According to the arrangement of Xing Feng and Mo Wenyang, it would take at least several months for them to win the Power Association. But now those idiots of Wang Jiajun and Wei Jiajun have brought the opportunity to their door. No I am so sorry for using it.

"This can be there, but Yun team, don't fool your buddies, let's talk to us, aside from the relationship between the criminal squad and Mo Jiajun, what do you personally think of Mo Jiajun? Will they be here? After gaining the ownership of the Power Association, do the same thing as Wei Jiajun and Wang Jiajun? Do n’t blame me for being suspicious. There are hundreds of people in the Changle squad. Two-thirds of them are elderly women and children. We want to be a military pawn. Maybe one day it will be cannon fodder, leaving these old children how to live in this man-eating society 7 "

Chen Hua never cries miserably. As the fourth-ranked team in the base, they are not short of food and drink. What he said is fact. Looking at the entire base, which power team is not a dragger? Even if it is the rising sun and the peak, it is necessary to protect a lot of people. Once these people who are on the front line are disabled, those who depend on them are not miserable.

"Brother Chen, I also have a family to raise. I do not deny that most of the reasons for supporting Mo Jiajun are in Xing Feng, but I am not the kind of person who is blind and desperate. If Mo Jiajun is really despicable, I will definitely not support them. You have seen Mo Shao. In the last mission, the captain of the Major General Wang Jiajun and Wei Jiajun died. Changing people will definitely find a way to kill the remaining soldiers and weaken them. The strength of the opponent, but how did Mo Shao do it? He did not distinguish between Wei Jiajun and Wang Jiajun and Mo Jiajun all treated them equally. From this, it is not difficult to see that he is ambitious, but he also cares about the lives of the soldiers. The soldiers of other families are still like this, and it is impossible for us to be too much for our abilities. As for his ambitions, I can only say that if he has no ambitions, I would rather leave the base than support him, a successful leader. , Even without ambition, how to lead the entire base? "

Suddenly his expression converged, Yun Che said earnestly, the beautiful phoenix refracted the dazzling light, and Chen Hualei Dashan was silent. With their understanding of Yun Che, this is indeed his style, so they can really cooperate?

"There was another thing that shouldn't have been said, but I believe the character of the two brothers, let me tell you a little bit. When we went to the provincial capital to do the task, Xingda's research team brought back a few copies from the capital city. One of the preliminary research proposals is how to apply low-level crystal nuclei to Wuhuo to create firearms that are comparable to the powers that can cause damage to second- and third-level zombies. The second and third are antidote and fast for zombies. Nutrient solution to restore power. "

Taking their response into the eyes, Yun Che gave another dose of fierce medicine.

"Really ?!"

Chen Hualei and Dashan both stared. If these three things were really researched, their living space would be even greater. In the future, even if they do n’t rely on the peak of the rising sun, they can go to the urban area to collect supplies, and ordinary people can join. Don't have to be **** like you are now.

"Well, I won't joke about such things, but you should also know that the research institute, like the Psionics Association, does not belong to any of the three armies. The research direction is now there. The problem is that after the research results come out, Do you think it ’s our turn to use Wang Jiajun ’s and Wei Jiajun ’s attitude towards us? Even if it ’s possible, I think the price is not small, right? One thing you may not know is that the crystal nucleus can supplement and enhance the ability. I told Xing Feng that Xing Feng told the three armies and one government as soon as possible. Mo Jiajun advocated announcing the role of crystal nuclei, but the rest of the people were thinking of increasing the military ’s strength first. Mo Jiajun can only compromise, so in the end they not only announced the first time, but also tricked everyone to help collect the nuclei with the situation of the task, until Lei Ge came out with us, everyone asked us to complete some difficult tasks , The secret of the crystal nucleus

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