Young Military Rarities

Chapter 163: Mission Shura, Association collapse

"Does the group die? I like it, everyone stops playing and hurry up!"

Zhou Zeyu, who has been using the wind blade, is no longer polite. Two erected tornadoes whistled and rolled towards his opponent, and Sheng Haixuan, who was closest to him, threw his hands, and dozens of thin cicada-like flying knives were involved.

"Ahhhh ..."

When the two tornadoes dragged each other in right and left, the miserable screams screamed sharply, the blood-sliced ​​meat pieces were thrown out, and everyone who saw this scene was scared and pale, Nima The wind system and the gold system are too **** and cruel.

"You have enough to play too? Free last ride for you!"

The battle with Zhan Yafei was also in the soil system. Originally, the two were fighting in an orderly manner. Seeing that the fighting of their companions was about to end, Zhan Yafei suddenly flew forward, both feet touched the ground at the same time, one meter wide and three meters long The ground became instantaneous.


The opponent screamed into the quicksand and was buried alive within a few seconds. Zhan Yafei shook her head with two beeps and said "No thanks!"

Putting aside the words of anger, the bumpy figure reversed, and immediately joined another battle. The remaining few people were quickly destroyed by their joint efforts. Only two shots broke the black of the two. Yu laughed not to mention how arrogant, but no one dared to doubt his belly again, third-level ability, he can shoot to death with one paw, this is no longer called powerful, but against the sky, special? Is it cruel?

"Captain, are we going to help?"

The members of the Overlord Flower who helped Feng Xinlan mingle in the crowd were frightened. Whether before or after the end, they asked who they were never afraid of, but this time they were a little scared. It was not only the beast. Everyone is strong, much stronger than their assessment.

"Help? It's about the same. The Luo team is dead. Let's report to the head."

Feng Xinlan rolled his eyes and sighed with a hoarse throat, who could not realize how terrible he was without anyone who had actually faced Yun Che. Previously, she really thought that she would be strangled directly by him, and that fear seemed to have disappeared. The demon remains in his body, and now not only does he not dare to intervene in the fight anymore, even the task entrusted to him by the chief is seriously doubting whether he will dare to perform it.

Although it is not kind, the women of Bawanghua quietly breathed a sigh of relief. The captain said it well. Even the last-day Shura couldn't resist it. They just gave up. No matter whether they accepted it or not, the overall strength of the last-time Shura was stronger than them. It is an indisputable fact. Originally, they could survive. Yun Che was prepared to give up several times. Blame them for being too indifferent, and it would not be easy for them to let anyone get entangled in that share.

"Oh master, your fighting power has fallen, and I haven't killed him yet. Isn't it too late to toss with Xing last night? I said that you human beings are not intemperate, and you want to hurt your pupils?"

In the last days, there was only one Luo Huai who was still struggling to support him. Yun Che was basically beating him, but this scene fell in the eyes of Hei Yu, and it changed decisively. An animal was still not a vegetarian. It's true that he didn't get wrong at all if he didn't perform any exercises.

"Shut up, say one more word, confiscate your energy bar!"


Yun Che, who slashed Luo Huai's shoulder blade, took a moment to cross him, and Black Feather suddenly mourned, "How can you be so inhuman? Master, isn't it easy? Isn't it just a little hobby, you also have to deprive it, woo master you You don't love me decisively? I'm so sad, Xiaohan asked for comfort! "


The cold night spit out a word, and hit Black Feather like an ice cricket. Between that moment, the whole fragmented power hall was filled with the heartfelt cry of Black Feather crying and grabbing the ground, and everyone at the peak touched their ears tacitly. Han Han enters his ears, and by the way touches the 3 on the carry button and presses the play button. The melodious singing finally replaces a certain magic sound to penetrate the brain.

But the psionicists present were not so lucky. They were all messed up in the wind and wanted to flee the door. Nima pit, this dog is a giant pit. Is there a dead pit?

"It's just the same for the team."

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