Young Military Rarities

Chapter 164: Proposed re-election of chairman (2)

People stood up and said a fair word. On the contrary, when we could not bear to fight back, President Yang popped out, the power association collapsed, and President Yang wanted to put responsibility on me. Do you say I'm not injustice? In the last days, the whole team of Shura attacked. Do we not wait for others to cut it? President Yang stopped at this time, didn't he make it clear that he wanted to put all the members of Pinnacle to death? If you do n’t give me a story about this, do n’t blame me for getting into trouble. "

At the beginning, Yun Che seemed to be joking, and then became severer as he said, every word was like a blunt knife cutting them, not only Jiang Wanshan's face was twisted, President Yang was astonished as if he was going to pass out at any moment. What's the matter? The killer is still aggrieved, but there are people who are justified, so they can't deal with it.

"Cloud team, I was so anxious at that time, I really didn't want to push the responsibility on you ..."

Faced with bad attention from all sides and the harsh eyes of Jiang Wanshan, President Yang spoke stubbornly, in exchange for Yun Che's sneer. "Official characters have two mouths. It ’s not over what you want to say How do you say that? Aside from this, when the last elder Shura was at the top, where were you President Yang? And how did Changle and other teams react to each other? There is a saying in the Chen team. Yes, the power association exists because of our power, and your chairman is the leader of our power. If you ca n’t take the position of our power, decide for us, what else do you do? 7 Go home early and nurse your baby. "

Originally, I wanted to take it slowly. Since they gave him opportunities again and again, then he would not be polite to them. The position of the president, Mo's army is bound to win!

This is a bit heavy, and the scope of the extension is too huge. Jiang Wanshan frowned, and before he spoke, Chen Hua interjected. "That is, in my opinion, President Yang is too old, so it is better to resign. Well, why does the Puppet Association rely on accidents? It is because the leader is too impulsive. The next president, I personally think that we should choose someone who can control the situation. For example, the person who led us to the provincial capital last time for a mission. Major General Mo. "

"Team Chen!"

The worrying event finally happened, Jiang Wanshan stunned in his heart, and looked at him with disapproval in his eyes. On the other side, Lei Dashan said, "Major General Mo is a good candidate. During our mission, Major General Mo was to our abilities It ’s too good to say that even the mutant wolf meat that Zhenzhen blame gave out five points to everyone, the same is Major General, Wei Jiajun's Major General Zeng just got there, and when Major General Mo divided the mutant wolf, he stopped it. "

"Yes, yes, we are also very impressed with this. The three generals who were on the mission together, Major General Wang Jiajun's fart had already been farted. Major General Zeng's mind was smaller than the eyes, and Major General Mo was considered personal. . "

"If Major General Mo is our president, then I have no opinion."

"So are we……"

The captains and individuals of the twenty teams who have participated in the mission have expressed their opinions. Those who have not contacted Mo Wenyang basically follow the flow. Seeing that everyone is very optimistic about Major General Mo, and they have no objection, as if President Yang has stepped down, and they are in the formal election of a new chairman. Jiang Wanshan's face is blue and black, and black and blue, more brilliant than the palette. His hands hidden under his sleeves are clenched into fists. Yang Hui The president is sincere and horrified. It doesn't matter when the chairman is improper, but if the chairman causes Mo Jiajun to take over because of his mistake, then he will not need to confuse.

At this time, Yun Che and the peak people were silent. The reason why everyone was united was because the people who proposed to succeed Mo Wenyang as the chairman were Chen Hua and Lei Dashan. If they spoke again, it would be easy to think of it. It is easy for them to get clumsy with their relationship with Mo Jiajun.

"Everyone be quiet, listen to me first."

It took a lot of helplessness. Jiang Wanshan raised his hand to calm everyone down and made sure that no one would say anything again. "We will definitely take the matter of President Yang seriously, and we will not ignore it at the peak." But changing the chairman is not a trivial matter. How can I decide it casually? I know everyone's opinions, and I will respond to the above truthfully. Please calm down and cooperate with us rationally to solve the problem. "

The secretary of the district committee before the end of the world is really not

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