Young Military Rarities

Chapter 165: Shocked Wang Wei and threatened Lao Jiang

"What are you talking about? Luo Huai is dead, and the Power Association has collapsed?"

In the area where Wang Jiajun of the villa area was located, Wang Wei, who only received the news, suddenly stared, the major who reported to him looked at him cautiously, and repeated again, "Yes, not long ago the power association collapsed. The cause of the accident was the last days. Shura and Zenith battled in the hall of the Psionic Association, which caused the Psionic Association to collapse, and in the last days Shura was killed and none survived. "

To be honest, he was shocked when he received the news. In order to seize the rankings, the ten people of Shura in the last days were all moderately high, especially the captain Luo Huai, but the smaller peak was relaxed. The regiment destroyed them, the peak was strong, and once again refreshed their database. The most terrible thing is that it is said that it is not their complete lineup that destroyed Shura in the last days.

"What the **** is going on? Why did Luo Huai get to the top? I asked them to associate with various teams. When did they get Yun Che up? Don't you know what Yun Che has to do with Xing Feng?"

The shocked Wang Wei's face was as dark as the old pot bottom in the countryside. Although the ten power princes and their Wang Jiajun were not dead, at this time their plan was a huge loss. The reason why He Bahua spent in the top ten in just a few days was mainly because the top 20 team members left the base, and in private they also made President Yang regret his points. I moved my hands and feet, and it was just giving them another month, and they didn't necessarily get into the top ten, and the top three were all night and day.

"According to the news returned by Bawanghua and ours, it was the space department under Luo Huai's hands that provoked Yun Che again and again. Feng team wanted to take the stage from it, but Yun Che saw her voice. The power was almost strangled to death by him. It was supposed to be over here. The team of Kro was motivated and tried to smear Yun Che in the name of venting to Feng. The space department even pulled Chaoyang out. But he just said a few words from the criminal squad, Yun Che angered and abolished him, everything in the back was logical, and Shura couldn't swallow that breath, and the peak was intolerable. The two teams fought and Yun Che's dog joined. Fighting, it was easy to destroy the last days of Shura. "

The major found out the newly obtained documents and handed them to Wang Wei. From the report alone, the last-generation Shura was trying to kill himself. Whoever was provoked would destroy them. If the information comes from others, maybe they I still doubt the authenticity of it. The problem is that the information comes from the Overlord Flower and their own eyeliner. The authenticity is absolutely 100%. Not to mention the secret that the last-generation Shura belonged to Wang Jiajun cannot be disclosed. Even if everyone knows it, they have no way Revenge them.


"Damn stupid!"

After quickly flipping through the information, Wang Wei slammed the table with a fierce punch. He warned them that everyone can provoke them, but they can't provoke Chaoyang and the peak. Did they take his words to the ear? Now it ’s okay, they do n’t have to eat this dumb loss, otherwise it ’s just telling people in the last days that Shura is a military person, and the military deliberately sends people to disturb the rankings. It is more likely that the peak will bite them in turn. .

"Brother, it's too late to say anything, I'll give it to Overlord Flowers and let them pay attention. Yun Che is not easy to mess with, and the frontier behind him is even harder to mess with."

Also in the office, An Ningsheng, who had contact with Yun Che, suggested that, if he could, he really didn't want to deal with Yun Che anymore, that person was as cunning as a loach, and willing to be indifferent. Rogue, if not, he can't help but wonder if he has hidden a taunting ability, the most terrifying thing is that he is still capable.

"I know!"

Wang Wei gasped with a stubborn breath on his neck. "Tell Overlord Flowers, don't provoke any one of Chaoyang and Zenith. Also, if the task close to Zenith doesn't work, let them try their best to make good teams. Just fine, I'll talk about the others later.

"Yes, Chief!"

The major recorded his instructions, and Li Zheng gave him a military salute before leaving the office. Wang Wei said with a somber look, "Xing Feng and Yun Che, these two are too frustrating. When the situation is a little stable, at least we must find a way Just remove one. "

If the two were neutral, he would definitely think

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