Young Military Rarities

Chapter 191: Terrible ashes rot girl (3)

We should also be mentally prepared. If our promotion is really related to this heavy snow, then the zombies should be the same. Think about it carefully. Did the last light snow raise the level of the zombies a lot? It's the same with heavy snow this time. "

The reason why Yun Che would remind them in this way is not only because they have a good relationship, but also because they are the direct hub that Mo Wenyang maintains with the psionicists. If possible, he will try his best to keep their strength.

"It seems to be really, damn, I want to say that we have finally broken through the fourth level, and we don't have to worry about those third-level zombies anymore. The excitement of this wave is too short."

After thinking about it for a while, both of them couldn't help lowering the curse, and they knew it wasn't that simple.

"In short, it is always good for us to take more precautions. After the snowfall, we won the academy. Xing and I are likely to go a long way. Pay more attention yourself."

The reminders are reminded, the rest is up to them.

"Going out?"

They both looked at them strangely at the same time. Zombies were running everywhere. Where were they going?

"Isn't that Black Feather clamoring for production equipment for energy bars all the time, I checked it, there are in coastal areas, and now when various creatures are not very abnormal, I want to get him a set back."

At this time, Black Feather is undoubtedly very easy to use. Chen Hualei Dashan, who has experienced his powerful ability to poke, has no doubt at all, but when they heard that they were going to the coastal areas, the two could not help but brighten their eyes. "What Cloud team, if you can, can you give us a whole bit of seafood back? 7 Although mutant beasts can also eat, but we dare not go into the mountains, shouldn't seafood be difficult? "

With the strength of Xing Feng and Yun Che, they have no worries about their safety. They only have seafood in their heads. There is less seafood in the inland areas before the end of the world. Do n’t even think about seeing it after the end of the world, let alone eat it .

"Okay, it's getting late, and we should go back."

He didn't tell them that the creatures in the sea were actually mutated. Yun Che looked at it almost a minute and a half and said, standing up with Xie Feng, holding his hand tightly, Lei Dashan didn't keep them, and got up to take them out.

"The criminal team Yunting is leaving now?"

Zhang Min, who was holding the child, was full of eyes, Yun Che's head was dark. "Well, it's not too early, the sister-in-law should hurry the child into the house, don't freeze it."

"That way, I often come to play in the future, I heard that you have an older sister, or I will go to her to move around in the future."

Zhang Min had finished talking, and everyone had gone, but Yun Che couldn't help but draw various kinds. Can he refuse? I do n’t know if the rot girl will be infected.

There was also Lei Dashan, who was completely defeated to his daughter-in-law.

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