Young Military Rarities

Chapter 265: What a chance, Yun Che made trouble (3)

It seems to be calculated that they will definitely adjust the surveillance picture when Fei Feng is in charge. Fei Ye did not rush to leave Lingjiang City. He deliberately took Yun Che to spare a large circle around Lingjiang City and left in the middle of the surveillance video at several intersections. After the video, I finally turned into the old highway from Lingjiang City to Tongyang City. I planned to cross the province to Yunyang Province by Tongyang City, and then go north through Yunyang Province.

Fei Ye ’s poison is really overbearing. Along the way, Yun Che constantly tried to condense the power. He also mobilized the true energy in his body to impact the acupuncture point, but he did not achieve any results until

"I want to be convenient."

Yun Che is both a phantom and a cultivator. His metabolism is very slow and almost non-existent, so he never thought of using urinary urinary or shit, until he had a little urinary consciousness.

"I'll help you?"

Fei Ye, who controls the steering wheel, took a moment to take a look, and at the same time did not forget to use his mental power to create toxins to spread out through the window. Before their car approached, the zombies blocking the front were paralyzed at the speed of the naked eye. The high bar of using poisonous means is definitely an expert among experts.

"I want to shit, do you want to squeeze me out?"

He is not disgusting, Yun Che is not disgusting. If he is disgusting, he will not say anything, he does not believe that he really wants to squeeze him.


Rarely, Fei Ye was really disgusted by him. After a short black line, he stopped the car and lifted a metal box from the back seat. He took out the handcuffs and crackled it and put it on Yun Che. Even then, he immediately took out a collar-like thing and put it on his neck, and a rope was tied to the front of the collar.

"Labour and capital do not play!"

Yun Che's brain was dark. Mom's death was abnormal. When he was a pet, he couldn't.

"Then you have to hold on."

Fei Ye, holding the collar, did not force him on it, but looked at it with a smile, telling him plainly that he had only two choices, either to let him help him, or to let him hold him Yun Che stared fiercely at him after half a ring and gritted his teeth and said, "Can't hold it, then I'll have to pull it in your car."

With that said, Yun Che really, um, um, ah, really looks like shit.

"You are too dirty, can you talk about aesthetics? Don't pull, don't pull, don't pull it out."

Fei Ye was really taken aback by him. He didn't have cleanliness, but he didn't like any ugly things. Yun Che was the perfect prey he saw. If he really made his own shit, his fun would definitely be It will be greatly discounted. Besides, now that he is on the old highway, there is no better car for them to replace. He doesn't want to smell the pee and go to Beijing.


The two have been together for a day and a night, Yun Che can be considered to understand his temperament, that is, to intentionally bet on whether he will stain the work he admires, although it is **** to compare himself to the work, it ’s fucking, but to catch Yun Che also had a chance to escape, and it turned out that he had made the right bet, and Fei Ye's face had changed greatly.

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