Young Military Rarities

Chapter 286: Gifts from Xingda (3)

Meet each other. "

"Don't take the picture, be careful Che Ge confiscated your phone."

Turning their heads to look at them, a group of young people blew their whistle one after another. Zhan Yafei even flicked her mobile phone and shot at them. Ye Xingchen, who had been taken by them, had a helpless reminder, and wanted to know where her photos went Where, why do those rot girls seem to have become their c-party? They know everything about them, not because they have traitors.

"Everyone is early."

Yun Che greeted them with a smile and looked in turn. In addition to today's new couple, all of them wore formal gowns. Zhan Yafei Shuiyu also put on some light makeup, and her long hair was also high. Usually, she is still beautiful and spirited, and the whole house is filled with a festive atmosphere.

"It's not long ago, we are still talking about it. There are already a lot of people outside the venue. Fortunately, we applied for road closure yesterday afternoon, otherwise we don't know what the wedding ceremony is like."

That being said, the happy smile on Ye Xingchen's face was no discount at all.

"It is conceivable that we thought of it when we decided to hold a running seat."

Yun Che Xing Feng did not sit down in the living room. Instead, he went to the restaurant with everyone. Seeing that they were so homogeneous, he was obviously waiting for them to have breakfast.

"You're finally down, let's eat, it's still warm."

Yun Yao, who was just ready to ask them to eat, hurriedly led his younger brother to the table and sat down, placing the two boiled eggs in front of him "Xiao Che, happy birthday!"

"Thank you, sister, what about you?"

Picking up the egg, Yun Che asked casually. Before he broke and peeled the shell, Xing Feng who sat next to him took the egg and sent it to his mouth.

"He has eaten long ago, and you are left."

Looking at his brother's spirit shaking, Yun Yao couldn't help but have some fever in his eyes. He quickly turned around and picked up Xiaofei Chen to distract his attention, and then continued to watch. She was afraid that she couldn't help tears. Today is a great day for her brother. Absolutely. Can't cry.

"Everyone eat quickly. It's time for the guests to come. You still have to go and welcome them."

Compared to traditional weddings, they only need to greet the guests, and the people who are most suitable for welcoming them, needless to say, must be the brothers of Xing Feng and the others at the top.

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