Young Military Rarities

Chapter 295: Conspiracy to the base (3)

The weather will become worse and worse after the last days. It will be cold to death when it is cold, and it will be the same as the whole person when it is hot. This summer is quite good, but winter is not so lucky, he remembers In previous lives, many ordinary people were frozen to death, and many chicken ribs could not survive.

"Fuck, this kind of thing next time you ask me to say earlier?"

Immediately guessed what he knew, Mo Wenyang suddenly wanted to cry, and now he said that he was too late to prepare, no, he had to go back to the army to arrange it, thinking of this, Mo Wenyang decisively Stand up. "We will talk about the remaining two days. I estimate that the bases will call you for antidote at the latest tomorrow. You can arrange it over the capital. It is best to talk to your grandfather. His old man is 70. It's not easy for a few to carry the entire old Xing family. "

Speaking of the grandfather, Mo Wenyang couldn't help but sigh softly. He knew that Xing Feng had always blame the grandfather for preventing them from killing his grandmother. His uncle, on the back of a murderer? Why didn't he complain at the beginning? After all, the person who died in that incident was Shao Ting, but after years of intentional or unconscious persuasion by his parents, he was also relieved, so He hoped that Xing Feng would no longer hold his breath with the old man, and he did it for them.

"Well, call him later."

Eyes flickered, Xing Feng pulled Yun Che to stand up, the three left the office together, and when he went downstairs and out of the Psionics Association, Mo Wenyang took his guard to leave first, while Xing Feng took Yun Che's hand slowly walked back. Previously, Mo Wenyang suddenly mentioned the old man, which reminded him of the previous events. He knew that the old man was for him and for the entire Xing family, but emotionally he could not accept it. That incident killed too many of his brothers. Even if he had destroyed the Dragon family, those brothers could not survive.

"feeling bad?"

After the two walked for a while, Yun Che looked at the front and asked casually, and also indirectly pulled the attention of Xing Feng, turning his head to look at his side, Xing Feng slowly shook his head. It ’s just a little sad every time I think about it, “Hehe has passed, we have to look forward. "

Turning his head to meet his gaze, Yun Che raised a gentle smile. He didn't ask what happened. He believed that when the right opportunity was met, Xing Feng would take the initiative to tell him.

"Yeah, it's all over."

Pulling him around and holding his back, Xing Feng's face climbed into a smile again. The dead brothers could not bring them back to life, but he could guard the living brothers and his wives .

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