Young Military Rarities

Chapter 307: Grow tall, ask for help from Northwest Base (3)

The wife and daughter were not allowed to show up. "It's okay, I'm a means of transportation. I will go out with you for fun, and I won't take any action. Otherwise, let Xiaoyi protect me and take Chenchen away."

Without paying attention to Mo Wenyang's doubts, Yun Che pulled Xing Feng to persuade him. With him, he would n’t spend much time on the road, and would n’t use so much trouble. Being able to help in time, he believes that Xingda Conference understands, and he doesn't care about his body. This time, he really didn't plan to take a shot, just to be a means of transportation.

"Come on, who doesn't know that Xiaoyan and Chenchen both listen to you?"

Xing Feng almost let him give amusement, but finally managed to hide his face without tension, Yun Che flattered and held his arm. "Then let Heiyu follow me, don't take part in the fight. Now no one knows outside Is there already a level 6 zombie, what should I do if I really encounter it? Leave me alone at home, how can I be assured? Well, well, Xingda, let me go, I promise that I wo n’t really do it. Can you hide in space whenever there is a dangerous situation? "


It was true that he was rude. Xing Feng poked his head helplessly, and continued to say with a brave face, "You said, don't do anything, you can only stand at the back of the team, and you must be accompanied by black feathers, and hide when you are in danger Into the space, if you break your promise on the road ... "

"No no, absolutely no, look at my shiny eyes, isn't it sincere?"

Before rushing to him, Yun Che waved his hands again and again, and pointed at his own eyes. Xing Feng immediately felt a sense of crying and laughing, and he was regarded as having been given his life.

"No, who of you can tell me kindly, why can't Yun Che shoot?"

Seeing that the two had reached an agreement, Mo Wenyang asked aggressively, how did he feel that he had missed something very important? Also, what is meant to hide in space whenever there is danger? Can space still be penetrated by people?

Turning his head to look at him, Xing Feng raised his eyebrows calmly. "Did I not tell you? Xiao Che is pregnant, it's been five months."


"Bumping ..."

I heard that Mo Wenyang fell directly from the sofa. What is it that Nima is five months pregnant? Regardless of whether he looks up and looks down, the beasts in the town house are all good, right? It is difficult for a woman to get pregnant after the last days. How could he be pregnant?

Is the town beast so strong that it can ignore the laws of nature? Mom's pervert, should it be so scary?

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