Young Military Rarities

Chapter 314: Shameless than Black Feather (3)

Duanbei, what a glory it is, Yun Che squinted his eyes and enjoyed his service, but his mouth didn't mean to let his mouth loose. Mo Wenyang was not discouraged. "That is to say that ordinary people, our relationship can Is it normal? "

"Don't say that we seem to be ambiguous. Xing in my family does not like the green grassland above my head.

"What ambiguous is not ambiguous, who doesn't know that you are my most respected cousin? Who dares to chew the tongue, and the capitalist shot him."

"Hey cough ..."

With a sharp stare, Mo Wenyang's domineering endlessness can be used in such occasions. No matter how you look at it, all you have to do is to be funny. The two dumb-eyed Lieutenants almost did not hold back, and the coughing cough was showing their patience How hard it is.

"Look, your subordinates can't get used to your cheeky. You said that you are also a baseman, so can't you have a little face?"

When seized the opportunity, Yun Che washed him politely, Mo Wenyang gave a warning glance at the two lieutenants, and instead pouted, "If my face can make my 200,000 soldiers fill my stomach, can I? Yes, don't stop talking about it. "

The base leader is not so good. He has more than 200,000 soldiers on his shoulders, and millions of survivors on the base. If he can fill his stomach with shame, he will force his face to be wiped out every day. Put it down in your pocket.

"I think you can change your name and call it Madonna Mo. There is no one who is more Virgin than you."

Human black feather is sanctified by the flesh. He is good. The whole person is almost sanctified, but ... he is not incapable of understanding his situation. The position of the person is different, the responsibility is different, just like he and Xing Feng must The burden is the same as the peak of Chaoyang. They all bear the same burden. The only difference is the responsibility.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I will help you with mutant birds. Twenty, can't be more." The bribes were all accepted, wouldn't Yun Che agree? In case someone is so embarrassed and crying, show him the whole thing. "The deal is still a blessed child."

Mo Wenyang couldn't help but sigh, especially a man who was too inhumane, and even happier.

Yun Che turned his head and looked at him suspiciously. "Child? No matter if you look up or look left or right, it has nothing to do with the child, okay?"

This face is really gone?

"To you ... labor and capital are metaphors, do metaphors understand?"

"I don't understand. I just know that there is finally a shameless product than my black feather."


"Haha ..."

Gu Mingxuan, who had endured most of the day, couldn't bear it anymore, holding their stomachs and laughing abruptly. The two were too good to engage. Obviously they were talking about very serious topics, because the yarn will eventually change Must be so funny?

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