Young Military Rarities

Chapter 322: Spooky child, boss born

Yun Zheng was injured, Yun Che was about to give birth under a strong stimulus, and the two brothers were together. Xing Feng, who was left outside the operating room, tried to contact Shen Rui by phone, but couldn't get through, thinking that they should leave Yonghe When the town is closed, Xing Feng can only temporarily suspend it. After all, only Yonghe Town and the base have signal receiving towers. There are no other places. He can't get through no matter how he fights.

-Guan Yu's black feather turned into a mastiff-sized mastiff lying silently in front of the operating room. Since knowing that Yun Che is pregnant, he has been looking forward to the arrival of the little master. Today it is finally coming, but under such circumstances Although he knows that his master is immortal, he still can't help worrying. Immortality does not mean that he will not hurt.

"Xiao Che, how is Xiao Che?"

Yun Yao, who suddenly rushed in from the outside, looked anxious. Recently, the entire community was very busy. After finishing her work every morning, she would go to the cafeteria with Wang Suhua to help them. I did not expect to receive a call from Gu Mingxuan just when I arrived at the cafeteria. Several people rushed over.

"Just got in."

Looking at the direction of the operating room, Xing Feng also had a heavy look on his face. Now his head was full of Yun Che's distorted face before he entered. There was no way to think about more things.

"Why did Xiao Che suddenly ... it's okay, don't worry about the small punishment, you can still have a caesarean section, no problem."

Yunyao said half of it. When he saw Xing Feng's face was not good-looking, he changed his face to appease him. He should also appease himself. Wang Suhua and Mother Confucius who had been able to walk came forward. Only children, Xiao Che is fine. "

"Don't worry, it will come out soon, soon."

"Team right ..."

I do n’t know if they are persuading Xing Feng or persuading themselves. In short, everyone ’s face was anxious and worried. When Gu Mingxuan came with Chen Xiaochen, they did n’t bother to say hello, and some sat on chairs. The six gods have no master, and some walk around the operating room, checking from time to time, only Hei Yu and Xing Feng face the operating room like a statue without moving.

"Um. Zhan, uncle ... just open a laparotomy without anaesthetic."

In the operating room, Yun Che, who let the doctors and nurses take off his lower body clothing, said as clearly as possible. If you were born, you do n’t know how long it will take to be born. It is also a question of whether it can be born. The anesthetic will make him temporarily unconscious. He couldn't, he had to be awake all the time, and send Xiao into the space when Xiaoxi came back.


It's so painful not to use anaesthesia. Zhan Tianlong has a tangled face, but he always sees him as his own son.

"Well. No, no, but quickly!"

Yun Che's face was distorted with pain, but his eyes were extremely firm. After looking at him deeply for a long time, Zhan Tianlong suddenly sank and prepared for surgery. "

"President Zhan ?!"

The doctors and nurses couldn't believe their eyes widened. Che, but their captain's wife, Chaoyang, how could he promise to have surgery without anesthesia?

"Shall I say it again? Ready for surgery!"

With sharp eyes, Zhan Tianlong's voice was also very low. Why didn't he know it would hurt? Although he doesn't know what happened outside, Yun Che has never been a reckless person. Since he asked for it, he must have his own reasons. In any case, as long as he believes in him, he believes in his medical skills. "B"


Seeing this, the doctors and nurses did not dare to hesitate anymore, some brought out the surgical tools, some were busy helping Yun Che shave the pubic hair to avoid cross infection, while others washed his stomach with iodine to disinfect and lay. Yun Che on the operating bed ordered as much as possible to ignore the discomfort caused by this environment. Since pregnancy, he has stubbornly refused to go to the hospital for examination. It is not that he has any quirks, but that he enters the hospital and lies on the examination bed. There will be a feeling of being imprisoned on the operating bed before returning to the previous life. Xing Feng should know him, so he would never force him, but today, it can't be avoided anyway, and he just holds back.

"Xiao Che, holding on to this."

Regarding the reason why Yun Che didn't go to the hospital for examination, they were learning about him

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