Young Military Rarities

Chapter 323: Safe delivery, triplets! (3)

After looking back, Xiao Fat Chen liked his brother at a glance, and stretched out some fat arms to hug him. Zhan Tianlong did not refuse, although he was only four years old next month, but he was already a fourth-level power. It's OK to hold a baby.

"Master, you are all right. Xiaozheng was injured by the energy gun. I checked the wound and there was no broken skin. I was unconscious. I asked Ye Han to take him back first. If you do n’t feel comfortable going back to check it out . "

He turned into a small milk dog and jumped over his shoulder. When Yun Yu didn't notice, he leaned his head and struck his neck. The master was all right, the master's breath was stable, and As he expected, the brothers and sisters were all born deities, and the mark on their foreheads was the best proof.

"Energy gun?"

His voice sank, his eyes coldly swept Wei Kan and others and a group of soldiers outside. Wouldn't they want to tell him that the energy gun developed by him hurt his youngest brother?

"Brother Che, you have just given birth and you shouldn't stand for long, let's talk about it."

Embracing Yun Yao who couldn't stop crying, Gu Mingxuan suggested with a deep voice, whether the accident was accidental or intentional, and they would naturally find out whoever touched Yun Yun would not want to get away easily!

"Let's go back first."

The child was hugged by Mo Wenyang. Xing Feng held Yun Che's waist in one hand and held him in one hand. Yun Che turned his head to look at him. Since you are here, Lao Wei, let's go and sit together at home. "

A very calm sentence, but the tone is unquestionable. Although he still does not know the beginning and end of the matter, but since the younger brother was not injured by the zombies, there must be something inside, they all came to the door, what happened to him? Might get them back?

"Then we're disturbing."

It's not that he didn't hear the coldness in his tone. Wei Kan Wang Wei and even Wang Guoqiang were open-minded, even if it was their soldiers that accidentally hurt Yun Zhi, as long as they could prove that they were not intentional, I believe Yun Che would not be too much Right, in contrast, they were more shocked by Yun Che's sudden childbirth. Yun Che has not appeared in the past few months. Originally, they were wondering what Yun Che was going to toss about. I didn't expect him to be Raising babies, gave birth to three in one breath. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would not have believed that men could have children, even though they didn't know why Yun Che could have children until now.

"Come back."

Did not miss the expressions on their faces, Yun Che showed nothing, and walked out with Xing Feng as soon as he stepped on the foot, Chaoyang Peak immediately rushed to protect them in the middle, separating him from the children and those soldiers. Even if Wei Kan was frank, the suspicions of those soldiers could not be washed away. How could it happen that the stray bullet just hit the most vulnerable head of the zombie?

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