Young Military Rarities

Chapter 324: Unconscious, find the cause (2)

We are not as good as one of his hair ?. Tears soaked Yun's hand, dripping down the sheets along the fingers.


I do n’t know when Yun Che came in and put his hand on his shoulder. Looking at his brother's eyes also showed distress and discomfort. In both of them, he thought that the level that accompanied Yun Yun was getting higher and higher. As he matured, even if he did n’t remember it, he would be as smart and mature as he once was. He froze coldly and coldly, grabbed Yun Che's hand, raised his head and asked anxiously in an almost begging tone | " You have a way, right? You can wake him up, right? "

Right now, he can't take care of Yun Che just after the production, he only knows that if someone can make Yun Zhi wake up, then only Yun Che.

"Don't worry, let me see."

Facing his red-stained eyes and tear-stained eyes, Yun Che felt a little bit more uncomfortable. Lu Haixuan stepped forward and hugged Leng Yehan's shoulder and said uncomfortably, "Yehan, don't do this, let Che brother see, his No less sad than you, we don't want to see Xiaoyu look like this. "

He and Leng Yehan were the first to know each other, and besides Yunche and Leng Yehan, the only person who had contacted Yun Ye before and saw that Yun Ye was asleep like a dead person, and his heart was also upset.

"Little sister ..."

Leng Yehan was pulled away by Lu Haixuan, Yun Che pulled away Fu Xing sitting on the bed and reached out to touch Yun Yi's face that looks exactly like him. "You can rest assured, but who wants to take your life away, I won't Promise, even heaven. "

The choked voice was strong and slammed on the eardrums of everyone in the house. No one doubted that, in order to protect the important people, Yun Che and Tian Dou's determination! And they will follow you! "boom……"

A powerful savage burrowed into Yun's body, carefully combed through the unique veins of the human body, and tried to find out why Yun's coma was unconscious. However, Yun Che was disappointed, and his consciousness followed Yun's The veins covered his entire body, not only did not find the cause of his coma, he didn't even know why he was unconscious.

On the way back, he had heard Gu Mingxuan's story and knew that Yun Zheng was in a coma because his energy gun had hit his back, but he couldn't figure out that although the back of his head was the most vulnerable place for the zombies, he could only measure the gun at most. Zombies below level 4 cause a large amount of damage. Although they are also useful for level 4 and 5 zombies, it is basically impossible to put zombies to the death. Besides, Yun's physical strength has already reached level 10, and the balance between inside and outside is at least maintained. At around the seventh level, even if the energy gun hit his back of the head and caused a certain rattan, it would not cause him to be unconscious, unless "Yehan, is there anything unusual for Xiaoyan today? Nothing different? "

They had to find the cause of Yun Mi's real coma before he could remedy the situation and wake him up.


I heard that Leng Yehan, who had calmed down a little, frowned, and thought for a long time, and then said, "If I have to say anything different, it is that he seems to be in a hurry today. We are not the first time we encounter a level 6 zombie. He should not So anxious, I didn't want to wait even a few minutes, and turned around to catch up.

Indeed, every time he encounters a high-level zombie, Yun Yun is very excited and wants to hunt immediately, but no matter whether Yun Che is there, he will obediently wait for them together, and he will not go to the zombies alone. Li Chong, this is the first time this is the case.

"Hmm one"

Yun Che stroked his chin in silence, everyone's eyes gathered on his body. If anyone can find the reason, it is only Yun Che.

It is not unclear what everyone expects, but Yun Che ignored their longing eyes. After a few moments of silence, they took out the air panel and looked carefully. Everyone felt that the degree of seconds was like a year, as if it had been a century, Yun Che was sinking. Channel one "If I didn't guess wrong, the trail would be so anxious because he was about to upgrade, maybe it was the last six-level nuclei, just like he didn't know how to use his power at first, he I do n’t know that I ’m going to upgrade, but I ’m just subconsciously pursuing a high-level crystal nucleus. The energy gun is developed by ourselves. We all have the lethality.

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