Young Military Rarities

Chapter 327: Unleashed the suspect, Yun Yun shot (3)

Before the end of the world, he had no cleanliness, but after the end of the world, he has always had cleanliness, and it is very serious. Even if the memory is restored, the cleanliness is still retained. "Well. Say, say what ... not me."

The soldier's face moaning on the coffee table with his bleeding shoulders twisted, his teeth clenched tightly.



Yun Che snapped a finger casually, and a blood hole suddenly appeared on the other side of the soldier's shoulder. The blood came out like money, which made Wei Kan and others frightened. How strong is this fuck? Is it the strongest psionicist in the Southwest Base? The Yun family's brothers are more abnormal than one?

"Honestly, I'm afraid you admit it too quickly, don't worry, take your time. I have time. Where should I go next? Left leg or right leg? Don't worry, I studied medicine before the last days. Guarantee Won't hurt you. "



Another ringing finger sounded crisply, and a blood hole appeared in the left thigh of the soldier. Just as he was about to continue his fingering, the soldier trembling with trembling pain said no, don't ... I said, I said ... "

"Can't carry it so fast?"

Raising an eyebrow, Yun Yan smiled. Seeing here, Wei Kan and Major Sun, and even the remaining soldiers sank, but everyone with a brain knew that Yun Yan was injured. I am afraid it was not accidental injury! "Well……"

The soldiers struggled to sit up, where no one could see, and a quick glance of vicious murder swept under his eyes. "I, I said, I said you're paralyzed. How could it be, my power."

When he was less than one meter away from Yundi, he suddenly wanted to gather powers to pounce on him, ready to die with him, but when he held up his body, he suddenly found that his powers couldn't be concentrated, no, Correctly speaking, his power is as if it disappeared. The soldier stunned there stupidly, constantly muttering impossible, good power, how can it be said that it disappears and disappears?

"You, what did you do?"

It seemed to be aware of something, and the soldier shouted in horror at Yun Yan's face.

Push away the cold Yehan who guarded him for the first time, Yun Yun threw him a soothing smile before turning to the soldier i "How do you think I got you out of more than twenty people? Didn't you hear Ever, besides the explosion ability, I have another ability? "


The voice fell, and I saw only a slight wave of Yun's hand, and the screaming sounded again. This time, the soldier's half of his right leg flew out stiffly, and blood spewed out like a spring, let alone Weikan them. Even Ye Xingchen and others could n’t help raising their eyebrows. Of course, they did n’t think Yun Zhi was cruel. After all, what the other person wanted was his life. They were just accidents. Yun Ye ’s wrists were nothing compared to his brother Yun Che. Be gentle.

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