Young Military Rarities

Chapter 329: Capital plan


Once back in the room, Leng Yehan hugged Yunyao and buried his head deeply in his shoulder socket. Whether he accepted it or not, it was true that Liu Xizhao was his biological father, and now he not only makes people After hurting Yun Yun, he also planned to destroy the house of Yun. He had thought he had escaped the love entanglement of the previous generation, and once again felt the need to breathe. If he could, he would rather be just an ordinary person, a true fatherless mother. The ordinary man of Yun Yan.

He raised his hand and hugged him, Yun Yun did not immediately comfort him. He knew that he needed time to settle. Rather than giving him a pile of comforts, it was better to give him a warm embrace. Leng Yehan was a mature man and would not immerse himself in It should not be in his blame.

"Little sister ..."

"Let me say it first."

I do n’t know how long it has been, Leng Yehan let go of him a little bit, and just when he was about to say something, Yun Yun ’s fingers rushed to his lips first, making sure that he would n’t grab white again, Yun Yun lost to With a smile, he pulled him to sit on the bed, and he crossed his legs to sit on his lap and wrapped his neck intimately: "If you really take him as his father, he is really a qualified father, then I was I wo n’t have the chance to pick you up. Brother, blood does n’t mean anything. He is him. You are you. Do n’t carry other people ’s things on your shoulders, so do n’t help him apologize, then I will I think you're asking him for help, don't you want me to be embarrassed? "

Leaning on his shoulder, even though he was ignorant and childish before today, but he recovered his memory better than anyone else. How cold Lenghan hurts him and loved him. What he really did not want was to see him. Embarrassed!

"Well, you have the final say. In the future, there will be only Leng Yehan and no Liu Yan."

Leng Yehan was shocked, and then held his face earnestly and resolutely, Liu Yan died as early as his mother died. Now he is Leng Yehan, and there is only Lian Yehan who has no father and no mother.

"Liu Yan, your previous name?"

Yun Yan raised his eyebrows, and still felt that the cold night was better. Liu Yan sounded like a woman's name, totally inconsistent with his elder brother's temperament.

"Well, before my mother died, my name was Liu Ye. It is said that he gave me the name. I wanted to change my name many times. My mother always disagreed. She just wanted to see Liu Xi take a picture before she died. He did n’t come. For this reason, after my mother died, I didn't want to share his surname for a day, and immediately changed my name to Leng Yehan myself. "

Holding his head against his forehead, Leng Yehan said slowly, there was no more fluctuation in his expression, as if he was talking about other people's affairs. Nodded his head, no wonder no one bothered you, he should not know Leng Ye Han is you? From here it is not difficult to see how much he doesn't care about your mother and son, brother, promise me, don't be sad because of him in the future. "

"it is good."

As long as it was requested by Yun Yan, Leng Yehan was willing to meet no matter what, let alone this matter? Strictly speaking, Liu Xizhao's death was caused indirectly by his mother. He did not use him as his mother's enemy.

"Hehe ... do you want to know why I called you before I woke up, not my brother or sister or Chenchen?"

Raising his hand to touch his face, Yun Yan suddenly changed the topic, and still turned to something that Leng Yehan was absolutely interested in. "Why?"

He was almost curious and died, a burning heart looking forward to his answer.

"Heart beats so fast!"

Sliding his hand down on his chest, Yun Yan smiled brightly, because I love you too, didn't I say it already? Do you think I am false? "

"what do you mean……"

Is that what he thought? Did he like him before the last days?

Leng Yehan's heartbeat accelerated, his breathing was heavy, and he couldn't believe what he heard in his ears, but Yun Zheng nodded his head toward his nervous and hot eyes. "That's what you think, but I will call you not because I love you, After all, no matter how much love, we were not together before the end of the world. In my mind, it is always the sister who is most important to me. I think I will call you. The memory before becoming a zombie is too vivid. "

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