Young Military Rarities

Chapter 329: Beijing Project (3)

Few people? Let me get the invitation. "

Xing Feng took the stubble very calmly. He always did not fall behind in favor of his wife. Zhou Zeyu and others couldn't help secretly defamating. It was indeed a summoning beast. Who would dare to spoil a woman more than him?

"Automatic registration to go, sister, do you wander around?"

Seeing her elder sister silently hugging her child, Yun Che yelled.


Obviously he wasn't expected to be named. Yunyao looked up strangely, and then said deeply, "Go, why not go? You must dress up beautifully."

If Yun Yao just didn't want to have a fight with Zhou Zhijun anymore, now she just hates the family completely. They have repeatedly attacked her two younger brothers, even in the morning. Not letting go, she has been completely cold-hearted towards them, taking them as a deadly enemy that must be eliminated immediately.

I heard that the two brothers exchanged their eyes calmly, Yun Che still smiled very indifferently. "Then it's settled, I will go to the capital when I am out of the confinement, all the peak people will go together, Xing Da You arrange it, and Brother Gu will follow us. "

"Well, I know what to do."

Even if Yun Che doesn't say this, Xing Feng knows the arrangements.

"Speaking of the boss, you are too awesome, you just gave birth, and you don't have to give birth anymore." Seeing that everyone should not want to continue that topic, Zhou Zeyu suddenly said sincerely, his hand stretched out and touched the boss On the face, the younger brother, Chubby Chen, hugging the boss, saw his brother frown, and slapped his hand with a slap. "Uncle Zhou, don't touch, my brother is uncomfortable."


"Haha ..."

This **** has another brother?

Zhou Zeyu's brain was dark, and everyone couldn't help laughing. After finding the younger brothers, Xiaochen Chen kept on guarding them and looked at him. It is estimated that he was really a younger brother's bodyguard. Did you name your child? "

Aside from those unhappy things, Yunyao suddenly asked, Xing Feng Yunche looked at each other, as if they had forgotten it?

"It's not a matter of naming, just take your time."

Now it ’s not the same as before the end of the world. I have to rush to report the account to the children. Now I ca n’t think of it, but Yunyao is anxious. What can we do? How can we call them without a name? "

How did they become dads? Shouldn't the names have been thought of in the morning? Even if you don't expect to have triplets, how many should you choose? Yun Yao suddenly felt that his younger brother and small punishment seemed to be increasingly unreliable. Do they really have the consciousness of being a father?

"Why don't you pick a nickname first? Big hair, two hairs and three hairs?"

"Hahaha ..."

"Brother Emma Che, aren't you afraid your son will rebel in the future?"

"My God, Brother Che, you are so bullish, so you are convinced? Haha ..."

"Haha ... I laughed so much, Da Mao Er Mao San Mao ... did you have a dog at the time?"


"Yun Che! Give me some serious points!"

Yun Che's proposal immediately made everyone on the scene laugh awkwardly. Among them, Yun Yao's roar sounded particularly infiltrating. Yun Che shrinks his neck in fear, and hurried to hide behind Xing Feng. He just said it casually Is it so fierce?

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