Young Military Rarities

Chapter 330: Before leaving (2)

The fire, due to his timely arrest, all of Liu Xizhao's troops in the army were arrested. One was not bad, but the number of people cleared up made him and Lao Wei and Lao Wang both dumbfounded, reaching 3,000. Many people, nearly three regiments of troops, the dog day is too worthy of them too.

"Will you go with us?"

Seeing him being so indignant, Yun Che raised an eyebrow and suggested that his family brother was going to meet them in Beijing. Maybe he could have more mules again.

"I think so, why don't you help me persuade my parents?"

Mo Wenyang shrugged. He was a fun-loving character, but he was pushed to the position of base chief, not because his mother always said that she should retire and enjoy the blessing. Who does n’t know that she wanted to spend time with the old man? world of two people? Dou Fu's wife and wife are still so tired and crooked, seeing him as a son blush for them.

"Simple, you just need to tell them that you are looking for an old attacker, maybe you will give them a grandson back in the future, I think my aunt will definitely agree, maybe I will help you pack it."

"Go to you. Even if you are looking for a wife, right?"

I heard that Mo Wenyang kicked him in the past, but unfortunately, Xun Feng guarded his wife, and struck his knee first to block his attack. "About this, I personally think you ca n’t talk about Weiye. Although the boys have grown from small to large, Xing Feng still trusts Tan Weiye in this regard.

"Fuck him? Labor and management can't find anyone else? I said you have a daughter-in-law who is inhuman, do you dare to be gentle with your dear cousin?"

His knees were numb to him, and it didn't hurt to bully him orphaned?

"Tan Weiye is willing to be gentle with you, I am only gentle with Xiao Che."

Looking at him lazily, Xing Feng had no sense of guilt. Mo Wenyang said nothing. "Labour and capital do not want to talk to you. When do you decide to leave?"

Talk to him again, he was afraid that he could not help but throw a water whip over it. Damn, the most annoying thing was this bastard.

"After a few days and a few months, there are still some things that haven't been arranged. Right, you will have to feed the mutant beasts yourself. By the way, even ours will be fed together. I will take away the gold sculptures."

After talking about this last time, they went back to the mountains to get dozens of mutant eagles, and they were always stocked by Yun Che in the space. This time he left, there must be no guards in the ground. Can be left behind.


Mo Wenyang's brain was dark, not because he didn't want to feed himself. The mutant eagles had too much food and only ate meat. Where did he go to get them so much meat? Although the army also has its own breeding farm, after cleaning up the two towns next door, it expanded a lot, but no matter how fast the poultry grows, the mutant hawk will not eat much.

"Come on, don't look like you're going to die. Before I leave, I'll give you a batch of poultry. You can also train them to hunt outside the mountain. Don't forget that we are behind big mountains and there are many mutant beasts." No He gave him a good look, and Yun Che shook his head. In fact, those beasts hunted in the space themselves. He didn't have that much American time to feed them every day.

"Okay, I said you guys should come back early, and ij let my family be emptied by mutant eagles."

Why didn't he know Yun Che had no choice? But as soon as he thought of the difficulty of feeding large poultry, he would quickly decrease. He was distressed, and the pain was sore.

"Try your best, I don't plan to play for too long."

The bottom of his eyes glanced quickly over Senhan, and Yun Che's lips brought out an arc of blood and bloodthirsty. Although it was impossible for them to rush to the Zhou or Liu family to kill people as soon as they arrived in the capital, he did not intend to stay with them forever From the beginning to the end, he did not feel that he was a patient man. If counting from the moment of rebirth, he has endured more than a year, and almost should be enough.

"Alas. The fierce beasts of the town house show their claws, and some people will suffer!"

Upon seeing this, Mo Wenyang gave two sloppy glances, and Xing Feng and him looked at him, and looked at Yun Che with pampering eyes. No matter what he wanted to do, he would support him unconditionally.

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