After hearing Wen Yu's words, Yue Yao and Yi Wenjun immediately looked shocked and looked at him.

"Brother Yu, what's wrong with you? Don’t you like the food I pick for you?"

"Master, you were not this fierce before."


Who did I offend?

Seeing the two girls looking at him innocently, Wen Yu held his forehead helplessly.

Damn, if the two girls are separated, they will be in trouble. If they are together

, they will be invincible. When you two are left alone, I will teach you a lesson tonight!

But now Wen Yu really didn't know where to start, and finally he could only sigh:"Just tell me, how did I offend you?"

"It was like this all the way out of Tianqi City."

He couldn't beat her now, so he could only ask the reason. After all, it couldn't be like this for no reason.

Fortunately, the two girls didn't want to play like this anymore. Yue Yao said unhappily,"Master, you are so cool. You haven't been seen for a few days since you went out."

"If Lei Meng hadn't killed them to pick us up, would they have forgotten our existence?"

"Yes, yes, brother Yu, you haven't been back to the villa for several days. Do you know how worried we are?"


Hearing this, Wen Yu was stunned. He looked at the two of them in disbelief and immediately retorted:"No, it was you two who drove me out of the villa and told me not to go back these days. Am I not being obedient? Am I wrong too?"


I told you to be obedient, but I didn’t ask you to listen to everything. When

I told you not to do something before, you never listened.

It seems that you don’t listen to what you should listen to, but you listen to everything you shouldn’t listen to?!

In fact, the two girls were angry because Wen Yu had been missing for several days in Tianqi City before, and they were the last to know when he went to the Imperial City to ask for the sword.

So when they saw Wen Yu again, the two girls were more or less resentful, which led to this scene.

533 But seeing his serious look, Yueyao and Yi Wenjun knew that he must have taken their angry words seriously.

The two looked at each other and sighed.

What can you do with the man you like? Forgive him.

Seeing this, Yueyao no longer had a stern face.

She looked at Wen Yu and said,"Wen Yu, let’s not talk about the past.

Tell me what you are going to do next?


"What's next?"

"Brother Yu, are you going to travel around the world?"

At this time, Yi Wenjun looked at Wen Yu with great anticipation. Having grown up in the Shadow Sect, Yi Wenjun was very curious about what the outside world was like.

Seeing her so expectant, Wen Yu smiled softly:"Not now, but later."

If possible, Wen Yu also wanted to travel around the world, and then challenge all the masters in the world, and complete Li Chungang's ultimate challenge.

However, after leaving Tianqi City, Wen Yu learned that in order to support him, his grandfather not only openly announced that the Wen family was independent and no longer under the jurisdiction of the Beili Dynasty, but now he was bringing people to kill him.

That's why he took this road, intending to intercept them halfway.

"Well, then."

Yi Wenjun was not discouraged. She knew that Wen Yu had other things to do now, so she nodded.

At this moment, a series of footsteps sounded from the restaurant leading to the second floor, and even the leader could be heard shouting

"Quick! Quick! Wen Yu is in the restaurant!"

"Let’s take him down together and split the five million equally!"

"Divide five million equally!"

"Come on!"


Before he spoke, Wen Yu saw a series of people coming up with swords and knives. When they saw him, they immediately came forward with swords and surrounded Wen Yu and his group.

This group of people were not very skilled, but they were all fierce and vicious. Their every move showed the aura of a local thug.

""Boss, this is Wen Yu, also known as the Jade Sword Fairy."

At this time, a man with shifty eyes next to the leader pointed at Wen Yu and said.

When he heard that Wen Yu was right in front of him, the fierce man in the lead looked at Wen Yu with greed, as if he saw some rare treasure.

"I'm sorry, no matter whether you are the Jade Sword Immortal or the Demon Sword Immortal, in my eyes, you are a walking Five Million. Guys, tie him up!"


As they were about to take action, their movements suddenly stopped, and they fell to the ground one by one, dead.

"It's a bit weird."

Wen Yu frowned and said, his eyes revealing doubt.

Along the way, many people recognized him, but those people at most looked at him a few more times, and then were too scared to get close. It was the first time he encountered a situation like today.

Besides, the people who attacked him were not very strong.

Thinking of this, Wen Yu immediately saw a person lying outside the window. He flashed forward, grabbed the man's throat coldly, and said:"Tell me, what is your purpose, otherwise you would rather die than live."

Wen Yu didn't have the leisure time. He instinctively found that there must be something fishy going on, and it was better to find out as soon as possible.

"I....I'll tell you, I'll tell you!"

After feeling Wen Yu's cold eyes, the man hurriedly said,"We are the heroes of the Jianghu. Now more than a hundred mountain strongholds have united to deal with you."

"To deal with me?"

Wen Yu frowned, and then said behind his back:"The reason for dealing with me"

"Money! Not long ago, the imperial court issued a wanted order, saying that whoever captures you will receive a reward of 5 million taels. When the big bosses heard about the high amount of money, they united together."

"We are just here to hold you back, the others are still behind"

"All right."

Wen Yu released poisonous gas, enveloping the man, and then the man melted away.

After doing all this, Wen Yu clapped his hands and said,"Let's go quickly."


Yueyao and Yi Wenjun nodded in agreement at this time. They were having a quarrel, but the two women still knew the priorities and knew that now was not the time to throw a tantrum.

The court offered a reward of five million. It is estimated that many people in the world are jealous of Wen Yu and want to take him down.

Of course, this is not the key point.

The more important thing is that the court is making Wen Yu and the people of the world the enemy.

Let's put it this way, five million taels of silver is enough to be a fortune that even those in the half-step divine wandering realm and the divine wandering realm are excited about.

But these masters know that to get this money, they must first have a life to spend it. Facing Wen Yu, they... I can't guarantee that I can survive.

So these masters won't show up!

But the bounty can drive people crazy, so crazy that the lower-class people will do anything to get it. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the eyes of these people, many people don't know what the sword immortals and the wandering gods represent, but they know that five million taels of silver represent wealth that several generations cannot spend.

At this time, Wen Yu and the two women just walked down the restaurant, and he saw that everyone on the street was looking at them.

These people include the dying old man, the impoverished middle-aged man

"It's the person on the wanted list!"

"He is worth 5 million taels!"

"Go together!"

"His bounty is mine!"


At this time, everyone on the street rushed to Wen Yu. In their eyes, Wen Yu was not a human being, but a gold mountain worth five million taels of silver.

"Brother Yu, what should we do now? These people want money but not their lives!"

Yi Wenjun saw the people rushing forward and frowned slightly. Looking at these people in tattered clothes, she felt angry and hateful.

"Don't want to die? Then send them to death."

"I guess the Beili royal family also wants to see this situation."

Wen Yu said calmly.

After learning the amount of his bounty, Wen Yu guessed that it would become like this.[]

He, Wen Yu, will become the enemy of the world.

But he doesn't care about these old and young women and children. Since they have evil intentions towards him, they must pay the price!

He immediately wrapped the two women with his true energy.

Then, the true energy came out, and the people nearby were shattered.

Then he jumped high into the sky, looking down at the entire city, with endless indifference in his eyes.

It was like a real immortal descending from the sky, looking at the disloyal believers below.

"You are just ants, yet you dare to touch the exiled immortals. Today, I will use your blood to announce to the world that exiled immortals cannot be insulted!"

After saying this, Wen Yu fully activated his evil poison body. In an instant, the poisonous gas in the sky appeared in the sky, forming a sky-covering curtain that enveloped the entire city. The entire city turned purple in an instant.

Wen Yu looked down and saw that some people in the crowd who were blinded by money even picked up stones on the ground and threw them into the sky.

A trace of contempt flashed in Wen Yu's eyes, and then he snapped his fingers.

The next moment, the whole city was quiet. The poisonous gas entered the body, but in an instant, these people died of the poison.


After a while, the sound of corpses falling to the ground could be heard.

Wen Yu deliberately killed everyone in the city.

He wanted to use the city to warn those people in the world who were tempted by money.

Some money can be taken, and some money cannot be taken!

He immediately landed on the ground, came in front of Yue Yao and Yi Wenjun, took one person with one hand, and took them away.

That afternoon, the bandits outside the city gathered more than 10,000 people and planned to look for Wen Yu.

But when they arrived outside the city, they immediately found something wrong.

"Boss, something is wrong. Something is very wrong."

"The city is so quiet today."

Hearing his men's words, the bandit leader immediately laughed and said,"Why, are you still afraid of an ambush? Call your brothers and go in together!"

As he said that, the bandit leader rode his horse in front and walked into the city with a group of his brothers.

However, when he entered the city, a scene that frightened him appeared before his eyes.

He saw that the streets ahead were full of corpses. These people died in a very tragic way, and he could even see some vultures lying on the corpses and biting their flesh.


Seeing this scene, a chill rushed straight to their heads, frightening them so much that their bodies softened, and they saw the bandit leader and his men all vomiting.

Then, without saying a word, he rolled and crawled away.

When the news spread, the whole world was stunned.

One poison destroyed a city!

Needless to say, everyone knew who it was!

But when the incident really happened, everyone felt a chill.

After all, Wen Yu had a record of destroying a city with poison, which meant that he had the ability to destroy a second city.

This was a show-off and a warning.

Sure enough, when the news spread, it instantly diluted the enthusiasm brought by the huge bounty.

Now some people who tried to get their hands on the bounty immediately woke up and became honest.

Dark River, headquarters

""Cough, cough, cough."

Mu Mingce spit out blood, his face was very pale at the moment. Since the last battle with Wen Yu, he had escaped by luck, but he was actually seriously injured.

But thinking of the loss of Anhe, Mu Mingce was naturally unwilling to lose so much in vain.

He looked at the information in his hand and could not help cursing:"It was so difficult to incite people to take Wen Yu's bounty, but he directly destroyed a city, and these people became obedient!"

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