Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 237: How could I greedy the body of the Red Queen? !

The female fairy licked Louis's neck intoxicated for a while, and after slowly licking it wet, she barked her fangs and was about to pierce in.

   Coincidentally, the sleeping Louis suddenly turned over at this moment.

   In his dream, he clicked his mouth a few times, scratched his neck, and then he put his hand on his neck again.

   Miss Fairy blinked her eyes, a little cute. This... honey, your sleeping habits are too bad, right? Why are you turning over?

   I'm not busy now?

   If you move like this, it's hard for me to get in.

   She seemed to be a little impatient, and this time she rolled up her sleeves with a grim face. Then he broke Louis's wrist inch by inch. In order to open the can as quickly as possible, she later even rode on Louis.

Miss Fairy’s slender body seemed to contain terrifying power. In her tremendous power, the muscles and blood vessels on Louis's arm were bulging, and a layer of blood appeared on her forehead. Fine sweat.

  ‘This **** is like touching porcelain! Damn mother-in-law, what kind of mission did she give me, but she can’t move her... and here are all her family members, really want to fight, I don’t know if I can win...’

  【If you lose, you will definitely marry a female fairy. 】

Seeing that the hand was broken, the female demon lowered her head, and Louis suddenly had a flash of inspiration and murmured a dream language: "Miss Isabella...we...not married yet... ."

   Louie clicked his mouth a few times while talking in his sleep, rolled over, scratched his neck and covered it with his hands.

   This time, Louis didn't feel the female goblin breaking his hand for a long time.

   He squinted quietly with a cold sweat on his head, and found that the female fairy was indeed gone. He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

   [D. Pretend to sleep+‘Your Majesty, we are not married yet! ’——Magic +1, Strength +1]

   [It seems she is a good girl...]

  ‘I’m good, your sister! ’

  ‘This female fairy! She wants to eat me! Louis was secretly afraid. After having been in trouble for so long, he didn't feel a trace of malice in her heart from beginning to end-her heart was always full of happiness and sweetness.

'what the hell! The so-called happiness and sweetness is to **** me up? ! ’

   At this moment, Louis suddenly felt that Miss Banshee was coming again. Louis quickly closed his eyes.

   After a while, the shy-faced female demon lady came out of Louis's bed sheet silently and happily again.

   This time, she did not harass Louis for a long time.

Louis was a little strange. He quietly opened his eyes and found that Miss Isabella had run over to the chair without knowing when she was holding Louis’s clothes and smelling hard there—there was Blood stains.

   It's like a little girl who hasn't eaten for a thousand years has seen pig head meat. Holding the clothes in his arms, he smelled and rubbed his face for a long time. Until the clothes were wet with her saliva, she was able to put it down. The person also disappeared in place. Only a lot of water stains were left on the carpet.

  Louis looked at his wet bed, then at the wet carpet, his eyes twitched fiercely.

   is simply a mobile drinking fountain!

Before he could talk more, Miss Isabella, who was wearing a scarlet dress, suddenly emerged from under the chair. She reached out and put her clothes in her arms, biting her fingers and looking sideways shyly. After a while, Louis on the bed disappeared. Just like the ghost bride who came and went without a trace.

   [It’s no wonder that Prince Dracula and the others are always worried that Isabella will scare her son-in-law away...]

  ‘I can’t live anymore! Can't live in this **** ghost place! ’

  Louis lifted the quilt, ran to the mirror, looked at Helen there, only to find that she was dozing off with her chin, as if she was waiting for someone.

   After a while, a red dress of Miss Isabella's skirt walked over. After sitting in her seat very gracefully, Helen suddenly regained her energy and picked up the little book she used to record the interview.

   "Why it takes so long to go to the toilet, Isabella." Helen pouted and complained.

   Miss Isabella bit her finger, as if she was thinking of something, she picked up her **** handkerchief, and wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth secretly, with a shy look on her face...

   [It turns out that Helen’s exclusive interview is not over yet. And Miss Isabella, she should have gone out halfway, and when she passed by your room, she couldn't help but want to take a sneaky glance. Take a look at what your "real look" is...]

   Seeing Isabella slobbering in the mirror, the corners of Louis's mouth were pulled out a few times.

   [Look, Helen seems to have a good time with Isabella, and you seem to be unable to pull Helen home in front of Isabella. 】

   [After all, if Miss Isabella finds that everyone treats herself as a monster, Miss Isabella will be very sad...the curse will never be lifted. 】

  ‘I’m sad now too! ’

  Louis sat on the bed and rubbed his face severely.

   He can't wait to leave now, so it can be said, but if he does leave, this trip will be in vain.

   The opportunity for the red queen family to truly form an alliance with Solundo is right in front of them. They can become the first great wizard family to fall to Solundo.

   And the matter of the country of the rainbow and the country of the four flowers also needs to be discussed with Prince Dracula later.

   Besides, I came here this time to treat others.

   Helen's voice resounded in the mirror. She asked with a serious face: "Miss Isabella, did you ever think that you might die when you went to the Devil's Hinterland?"

   "Yes. We think we will all die. But we must succeed..." Isabella couldn't help biting her finger, but was beaten by Helen and put her hand down again. It seems that Isabella is asking Helen to help her get better. After all, cousin Edward said before that such behavior will make people think that she is a ‘monster’.

   "Mr. Wright said before that at the moment you were under the curse, you almost died. Did you have any regrets that you didn't finish?" the female reporter Helen asked.

   "Regret? There is no regret...everyone survived...the whole kingdom was saved."

   "Then you didn't think about anything at the time?"

   Isabella shook her head in confusion.

   [Maybe I thought about it at that moment...]

  ["I...I'm not married can kiss your’s a pity...’]

   [Now that Miss Isabella looks like, no one can kiss her anymore-who is the prince a man-eating monster? Moreover, the son-in-law has not had time to kiss her, I am afraid he will become a human being. 】

  【Help Miss Isabella realize her wish! Just like in the fairy tale, perhaps, the only way to truly lift the curse is the love of a ‘strange prince’. 】

   [Prerequisite: Both of them must drool, and the prince can't treat her as a monster in his heart, he must greet her body. Undoubtedly, the way to lift the curse is really difficult. 】

  Louis rubbed his face severely.

  ‘Miss Isabella, you have a son-in-law, what do you always think of me for? ! I don't greedy your body! ’

  ‘Which prince of the wizarding kingdom is that son-in-law? When will you come to dedicate yourself! Can I help her? ’

  Louis grabbed his hair hard. So far he refuses to accept the reality.

  ‘But why does she keep staring at me? I'm not a prince... Is it because I bleed? ’

Louis looked in the mirror and found that blood was dripping on his chin. There was no new wound on his neck, but the wounds that seemed to have been touched by Isabella would not be able to heal. Even with his strong resilience, it would take a few minutes. The genius can heal normally.

   Louis performed a healing technique, and the wound gradually healed.

   "Is it because I bleed?"

   "That's not right, Mrs. Nanni bleeds every month, and Helen seems to bleed too in the past two days..." Louis pinpointed and counted the days. Confirmed this matter.

  ‘Wait, Isabella is bloodthirsty, she wouldn’t do anything weird to Helen, would she?’

   When I think of Helen lying there with a naive face, watching Isabella sitting on weird things, she asks, ‘Sister, are you doing mature wood? In the scene of ’, Louis felt bad all over.

   He couldn't help but looked at the magic mirror. At this time, Helen's interview seemed to be Helen stretched out—it was almost dawn, and Helen was going to die of sleepiness. She hugged Miss Isabella and chatted intimately for a while, and then Helen and Isabella bid farewell to each other.

   As for Isabella, she also returned to a dark room with a coffin in the middle of the room. Before and after coming to the coffin, Miss Isabella, who was still very elegant just now, trembled all over, she reached out and carefully took out some clothes from the coffin, and the **** handkerchief, and smelled there again.

  Louis covered his eyes severely, it was his clothes.

   At this moment, the female fairy lady in the mirror slowly turned her side, bit her finger, and looked at the ‘camera’. Then, she waved her hand and the camera went out.

  Louis grabbed his hair hard.

  【It seems that Miss Isabella is about to rest, and has never thought of harassing other people. 】

[Obviously, the main reason lies with you-after all, Miss Nanni has been with Isabella in the Red Palace for 20 years and has not been harassed. Helen and others have also played well with Miss Isabella. You alone are not in a group...]

   [Why do people stare at our protagonist? Maybe our protagonist should reflect. 】

   [Don't lie to yourself anymore... You came here to dedicate yourself! 】

  ‘I’m dedicated to your sister! ’

  Louis felt that he had to talk to Wright about this matter.


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