Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 404: Bear kid buster

Louis raised his large beach pants in a nonchalant manner, and flew into the air.

He looked around for a week and found that at the end of the field of vision in all directions, southeast, northwest, there was a gradually rising ‘white sea horizon’—the ancient god’s butterfly wings gradually rose.

The butterfly wing gradually blocked the stars in the sky, and the false eyes on the butterfly wing were like a huge bright moon gradually rising from the sea horizon.

["Almelico" appears...]

Looking at the acquaintance who was gradually rising from the sea level, Louis grew his mouth.

Knock on Rima!

That is the real body of A Ke!

When he was in the Rainbow Country, Louis had seen how Akko’s projection embraced the entire island—it was big enough.

As a result, the real body is so much bigger than the projection!

No wonder the mysterious sea of ​​the South is so messy!

This group of guys fights casually, it is a disaster that destroys the world!

At this time, A Ke has risen.

[The huge **** slowly raised his head and slowly opened his eyes...]

【All members magic +3】

[God looked around for a week, and finally looked at you and gave you a look...]

[In the eyes of the gods, the reporter Helen in the venue excitedly took out the video recorder, and Irilinda shouted in excitement for the believers on the ship. They began to worship and listened to the gods. sound. 】

[God said:

[LittlePunk, ISaidDon'! 】

[Believers:? ? ? 】


At this moment, under the gaze of the ‘true ancient god’, Louis, who was secretly chanting the ‘run away’ mantra, became more serious than ever.

He understands a bit now—this is a long-planned sneak attack!

This guy is too bad, right? !

Hidden here secretly, and hid the breath of his body, so that he didn't even notice it!

Look at all directions around here! The entire sea has been secretly wrapped in her butterfly wings!

At this time, the prey has entered her ambush circle, it is difficult to fly with wings!

He did succeed, he was unprepared this time! Without preparing any time and space anchors, nor preparing any magic circles, everything had to come out.

"My lord! ~ Get the boat to this position! There is a Stygian tide there!" Edward yelled from the boat while drawing a few runes in mid-air and passing them to Louis a piece of information and a piece of coordinates.

It seemed that after a glance at those runes, Louis suddenly understood what Edward meant.

No matter how you run, with Akke's body, he can chase him over a distance of thousands of kilometers. The only way is to hide the Princess in the inner world of the Stygian Tide.

With Akko's huge body, it is very difficult to cross the world. As long as the Princess enters the Stygian tide, it begins to shuttle in the netherworld. Then he can run away completely.

The thoughts in Louis's heart flickered for a moment, and then his fingers moved secretly, and the huge magic book ‘Iron’ was scraped behind the big colorful beach pants. Immediately afterwards, Louis secretly recited a lengthy mantra. And the iron slowly turned over behind him.

[Under the gaze of "Tiger", Mr. Louis, the ranger, did not dare to make too much moves, and moved quietly...]

[The ‘paper’ between the Princess and an area three hundred kilometers away is being secretly smoothed by you—you are building a huge high-dimensional warping point for the Princess to travel through. 】

[Guiding: 300s...299s...298s...]

At the same time, after Akko finished speaking, she also took action.

[God looked at the Princess with a little excitement—it seems that He also likes this ship very much...]


Huge whirlpools appeared in the sea, and under that sea surface, there seemed to be some huge tendrils rising from the deep sea like tentacles, rolling towards the Princess.

It seems that in order to prevent hurting those cute little figures (believers) who like to worship themselves, Akko did not create too much movement or disaster. So she summoned the tentacles in the deep sea, and targeted the Princess.

And it seems that He also liked this ship, so the tentacles are not very big, there is a kind of pinching fingers and cautiously grasping the handle.

Seeing those tentacles wrapped the Princess in a blink of an eye, Louis became more serious.

He mentioned his big camouflage beach pants, reached out and grabbed it, took out the book of twists, and began to chant loudly.

Unlike the secretly reactionary iron, this twisted book was quickly turned over after Louis took it out.

In an instant, the book was flipped from beginning to end, and countless golden runes were also in Louis's lv35 level magic, and they quickly flew from the book to the Princess.

In a blink of an eye, the space around the Princess was distorted, hiding it in another plane, and the tendrils wrapped around the Princess were also empty.

The tendrils passed through the Princess, as if the Princess suddenly ceased to exist.

Afterwards, Louis had to be taller, so that Akko could see himself clearly, lest the bear kid would be angry and injure the Princess with an indiscriminate multi-faceted blow.

It seems that Ake didn't mean to hurt that beautiful figure, he focused on looking for his own toy.

Only a few seconds later, those tendrils seemed to have found the Princess again.

But the twisted cage around the Princess seemed to have been hidden by Louis, constantly changing its dimensions.

[God has grasped the figure again and again, but every time when He was about to catch it, you took away the figure a little...]

[Your behavior completely angered God. 】

[Ake got a little angry, and a burst of mysterious whispers resounded in this sea...]

[The Princess is cursed...]

Under the action of some kind of power, the Princess has grown many tentacles.

[Obviously, when the bear child can't get the toy of the child next door, the most common method is to destroy it. 】

[God slowly opened his eyes again and looked at you provocatively...]

[A mysterious voice appeared in this sea, and the believers were listening to the oracle in a frantic pilgrimage.

[God said:

"How much money can a broken hand do?"]

[Believers: "???"]

[Louis: "..."]

At this moment, a force of power was enveloping the Princess, and the tentacles that grew from the princess quickly became pale, and many molds grew. UU Reading

It didn't take long for those tentacles to rot rapidly in this power, and soon the Princess was completely clean.

[The power of the curse disappeared...]

Louis took back the Pale Book, and the iron behind him was almost over. And in the void in front of the Princess, the scene on the distant sea slowly appeared—just like a mirage.

The gradual tortuous void completely exposed Louis's behavior and made Akko even more angry.

[Ake's anger value +100]

[Ake hates you more and more...]

[A vast force appeared around the warping point, as if it wanted to prevent the Princess from sliding from one end of the'paper' to the other end, but the'law' has been formed under the influence of the forbidden book, so He is too late...]

[Ake's anger value +100]

[God stretched out his arm, and the butterfly wing above the sea horizon in the distance suddenly moved...]

Amidst the rumbling noises, Akko's butterfly wings moved with her movements.

At this moment, the sky cloud changed color! The entire sea began to tremble with the movement of Akko's butterfly wing, and a terrifying tsunami was tumbling at the end of the sea horizon. In the blink of an eye, a billowing thundercloud appeared in the originally clear sky!

The thick dark clouds covered the sky in a blink of an eye, and the huge waves on the sea did not know how high it was!

At this moment, it's like the end is coming!


I'm sorry to everyone here, the update time has to be changed again, otherwise there will always be bugs, and the battle list does not count the numbers I update every day.

The first one will be at 8:00 in the morning, and the second one will be at 12:00.

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