Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 601: Lord, you are still too young!

In the process of 'The Domineering Female President of the Sun Company' looking at the sky, the insect swarm in the City of Demons is becoming chaotic because of the appearance of the 'Angel of the Moon'.

The light emitted by the 'moon' quietly suspended above the battlefield is like the light of judgment, which makes the swarm feel fear.

This ripple is like an insecticide, and the closer it is to the 'Angel of the Moon' in the center of the battlefield, the stronger the effect.

The only good news is that this thing still has great flaws - at least in the eyes of mature bodies, this thing is not as indestructible as the 'Tangrama. Judgement Angel' in memory.

But the three hilarious 'plush toys' are standing by it like the 'little yordles' guarding the Lord of the Rings - the swarm doesn't know what these three unsolicited things do, but cunning However, the mature body can guess that they can definitely make up for the shortcomings of the moon angel.

At this time, the three 'plush toys' were no longer funny in the eyes of the insect swarm, and the strange magic weapons in their hands and bodies also made the swarm suspicious.

Originally, after the insect swarm lost the queen, the cunning matures were able to reach a unified opinion because of the weakness of the enemy, but now the insect swarm has begun to hesitate.

It didn't take long for these swarms that were wandering in the distance to move - they ordered the troops to withdraw to the "Remains of God" at the entrance of the abyss. It seems that he intends to launch a fierce attack after the large army over the abyss comes over and completely destroy the 'Angel of the Moon'.

So a spectacular scene appeared - originally, the swarms of insects that were constantly pouring out from the entrance of the abyss fell into the city of demons from the remains of the gods at the entrance like a waterfall, but now the insects began to follow their companions. The body climbed up, making the waterfall start to flow backwards.

In this scrambling to retreat, countless bugs kept falling from their companions' bodies while climbing, and the fallen bugs kept trying to climb back. There was chaos for a while. And the human troops on the ground, with the cooperation of the wizards, took the opportunity to encircle the bugs on the ground.

Because of the influence of the 'Angel of the Moon', the combat effectiveness of the insects has been greatly weakened, and coupled with the confusion in the command of the insect swarm, the insect swarm is like a defeated army, and there is almost no power to fight back. And the human troops also took the opportunity to take back many good defensive positions below the remains of the gods.

It wasn't until the slightly larger bugs emerged from the abyss that the swarm got better.

If 'God of the Underworld' was here, they would recognize these big bugs-they were shaped like 'Dream Weavers', with a body length of about 2-4 meters. Metheus named them 'Nether Demon Spiders' and believed that these alien spiders were the top predators in the Nether. They were once conquered by Metheus, and caused great trouble to the Magic Alliance in the Nether Wars.

But in fact, these magic spiders that can hunt 'Netherworld Dragons' are just 'juveniles' in the swarm. And the little bugs that devoured the Sun Angels in the City of Demons are just 'larvae' that have just hatched.

Different from the 'larvae' who just fought against the Demon City troops, these 'juveniles' who have undergone a metamorphosis already know how to cast spells, although they only know some innate spells and cannot play magic like the 'faceless body'. There are many, but they are close to humans in intelligence and know how to weave webs.

Under the command of 'Ahedron', countless spider silks gradually wrapped the remains of the god, and then a large net that fell from the sky began to take shape.

The commanders of the human forces knew that once the net was formed, the swarm would have a ladder that could advance and retreat. What's even more worrying is that the swarm seems to intend to turn the remains of the gods into a hive fortress-with the efficiency of the swarm, it can indeed create a temporary fortress in battle.

People don't know what role this fortress has in addition to being beneficial to the 'offensive and defensive' of the insect swarm, but the larvae that were really cleaned up by the human troops seem to plan to leave the battlefield as soon as possible and return to the remains of the gods to complete the first transformation.

Suddenly, the commanders understood a little - those 'magic spiders' who completed their first transformation had extraordinary fighting power, and they would not be too affected by pesticides. Coupled with their spider silks that can trap gods, once they form a scale, they are enough to pose a threat to the 'Angel of the Moon'.

And once the hive fort is formed, the number of 'magic spiders' will continue to flow. At that time, the swarm will not only become a super nail household rooted at the entrance of the abyss, but will also be able to destroy the demon city, including the 'Angel of the Moon' in All enemies within!

At this moment, everyone suddenly realized one thing - destroying the nest, which has become the most important thing at the moment.

The ‘Angel of the Moon’ suddenly moved.

Suddenly, the magic war horns rang out in the City of Conquering Demons.

The city wall on the ground made a 'huh' and moved slowly in the direction of the big crack - the dragons in the distance are coming, and they must delay the larvae on the ground as much as possible to prevent them from falling on the ground. Return to Hive Metamorphosis.

At the same time, the 'Angel of the Moon' exuding terrifying magic ripples in the sky suddenly moved, and it moved at an extremely slow speed towards the direction of the big crack - at this moment, looking at the trying The 'god' who blocked the exit of the big crack, the mature bodies were cracked in their hearts. They frantically ordered a swarm of insects, and they continued to issue orders.

At this moment, an unexpected thing happened - the swarm of insects that lost the queen, there were many commanders of "aface", with different orders, the complete swarm was divided into several strands.

Some swarm troops rushed to the human ground troops, trying to bring more larvae back so that they could complete their transformation and deal with the moon angels.

Some swarms of troops launched a reckless attack on the moon angel in the sky.

And some swarms simply gave up the worm nest that had not yet been built, tried to rush through the defense line of the human troops on the ground, and ran out of the city.

For a time, the insects that rushed towards the human army and the insects that escaped formed a hedge like water flowing in two directions. As a result, the troop was in chaos, and nothing was accomplished. Instead, the troop from the City of Demons took the opportunity to combine the insecticide effect of the Angel of the Moon and wiped out a lot of bugs.

And those troops that attacked the Angel of the Moon were not able to form an effective offensive because of insufficient numbers, but were dragged by the Angel of the Moon-in order to attract more attackers, the three little yordles drove the Angels of Judgment and even Paddled the water.

To make matters worse, due to the chaos at the entrance of the abyss, the support troops of the insect swarm on the other side of the abyss could not pour out like a flood, and the battle situation of the insect swarm has also become a fueling tactic.

This made the insect swarm with the overall strength completely able to crush the human army, and even fought back and forth with the weak and unbearably weak army of the city of Demon Conqueror-not long after, gusts of strong wind suddenly swept through the city of Demon Conqueror, forming shadows into pieces. Like a dark cloud, it shrouded the Demon City.

The humans and swarms fighting on the ground suddenly raised their heads and saw that there were many giant dragons on the sky. Each giant dragon had a wizard with powerful magic power, and on the distant horizon, The black dragon group is rushing towards this side like a dark cloud.

From the point of view of communication, this time, the dragons and monsters from Dragon Nest City and Beihai Kingdom almost came out of their nests. The Northern Alliance's Scarlet Sorcerer, Pale Sorcerer, and Irelinda's Black Cinder Sorcerer are among them.

In front of them was only the vanguard of this support force. When they reached the top of the Demon City, countless fire pillars and icicles mixed with small meteor fire showers descended into the sky and fell into the swarm.

Many larvae, magic spiders and even some unfortunate 'afacers' were wiped out under this terrifying magical offensive. Even Modo's rotten body of God was under this huge magical offensive. Ablation begins.

The strong support made up for the shortcomings of the Demon City troops in the sky, and the swarm became chaotic. The Angel of the Moon was also under the protection of the troops and began to move again towards the entrance of the abyss. And once the Angel of the Moon approaches the entrance, the troops of the City of Demons will completely block the entrance. At that time, no matter how many insect swarms there are in the abyss, the human troops of the City of Demon Conquerors will also be the gatekeepers at the entrance.

At this most critical moment, the eyebrows of 'Ao' suddenly picked up, and the pupils of Louis, who had been observing the behavior of the swarm, also shrank suddenly.

"Alia, stop!!"

Suddenly, the chaotic insect swarm suddenly stopped all actions-the millions of insects were frozen like statues...

[A great will from a distant unknown world took over the swarm...]

In an instant, the swarm moved in unison, and every worm who knew magic stretched out a hand toward the 'near-close' Angel of the Moon.

At the same time at the entrance of the abyss that was originally blocked, like a flood burst, a 'transparent flood' suddenly poured out - that is everything on the other side of the abyss' ahedron'. This flood followed the first wave of magic and rushed towards the moon angels, and their goal was only one - to destroy the last "magic soldier" of the sanctuary.

The terrifying synchronization of the swarm made 'Ao' widen his eyes.

But what made Ao's eyes widen even more was what Louis said.

"Sister Demon Sect's maid, you're still too young—I, the sun god, accepted these gifts that you brought with your own hands today." I saw Louis with a crooked smile, proudly looking at a 'larva' not far away said.



Charlie: "???"

[The 'doomsday' from deep space fell into the city of demons...]


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