Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 652: Even a magic pet dares to call himself an outer god? !

"Even though my children have traveled across all known star realms, you still have the right to 'inviolable', 'non-cross-species' and 'research in all theology and some magic' in the area where we operate. As long as you are willing to become our vassals, we will also become your eternal 'protector'."

The people present are not fools, they can understand the Lord's meaning from the words of the Lord - He has regarded the world as a possession, and in the attitude of the ultimate victor, he has given the 'defeated country' a favor surrender treatment.

Although these words of the master are a bit ugly, but ask yourself, if you or the sun **** wins, they will definitely kill all the bugs. rather than becoming a vassal.

Osicris and others did not think that the Lord would have the last laugh, but at this moment the situation in the big void was already extremely critical, and the mirror sky would be broken at any time. And the consequence of this is that the greedy things in this world ran out of the abyss—those neutral evil gods and demons would definitely be willing to become the mercenaries of the old gods!

And the Demon Emperor, Demon King and Outer Gods will definitely sign a 'non-aggression pact' with the old gods, and then go to war after dividing up the Eastern World.

At that time, the situation was not a 'Three Kingdoms', but a 'divide XX'!

Therefore, many people, led by Miss Dai, have begun to give Louis's eyes hints - at least stabilize the outer gods first, right?

Let's cooperate first and then PK at the end, right?

Even if he loses in the end, and the 'divine agreement' restricts the Outer Gods - becoming their vassal, it's still a way out.

I don't know if Louis also thought of this, but it seems that after hearing the words 'sanctuary', 'divine agreement' and so on, his face became more complicated.

Seeing that Louis' face became more and more ugly, the master quickly said: "Louis, just like the agreement our ancestors once made - in the future... No, I can promise that within three thousand years, I will open the shelter. The 'Angel of Peace' in the sky gives you the opportunity to 'step into the starry sky'."

Hearing this, even the Moon God couldn't help but look at the Lord with a face full of surprise. As the former head of the gods, Aria has always wanted to kill heretics. And although God's promise may not be reliable, it is absolutely credible in the face of a forbidden scholar who even God must sincerely hire.

This shows the sincerity of the ruler.

'Perhaps it was because of this 'Angel of Peace' that Louis had concerns before? Three thousand years, and soon...'

What Luna was thinking at the moment was not what would happen after a loss in the future, nor did he feel that it would be an honor to have such a treatment after a loss. But if these Outer Gods are really as great as the 'Creator', then temporarily subjugating them in name and choosing to cooperate with them is not a disgrace to the name of the 'Sanctuary', right?

After all, you have to solve the big void first before you can have the chance to have the last laugh.

At this time, the last sentence the Lord said moved almost everyone:

"I am not trying to persuade you to surrender today as a victor. What I said, I just wanted you to understand that no matter what the future holds, I will abide by that sacred agreement - Louis, in my eyes, you are on an equal footing with me. The existence of the position, and today, I just make a sincere invitation to you as a future partner."

The Sovereign's words are very clear - his current posture is very upright. If it is negotiated, Louis can also promise to give the Outer Gods a "defeated country" treatment, right?

It can even be said that the Lord's current posture has been placed very low - because the big void is now in his hands.

Therefore, when everyone heard his statement, they could see that he really wanted to cooperate with Louis on an equal footing.

At this moment, seeing that Louis didn't speak, just stood there watching Helen play games, Luna almost cried out in his heart - let's have a good talk! Stop putting on that stinky face of a magician.

You don't want to talk to the sun god. Everyone can understand. After all, you, a magician, treat people like monkeys! Look down on that indigenous **** who is full of divine power!

But this is an 'Outer God comparable to the Creator'! It's a cultural person from your home! What's more, being a magic consultant means being a consultant, not a subordinate, and you won't yield to your talent!

Gu Qin </span> Louis didn't speak for a long time, but the Master waited for his answer with an appreciative face.

Everyone looked at Louis one after another.

Louis also turned his head to look at the master and the crowd with a look that everyone couldn't understand for a while.

"Who is equal to you?"

Domination: "???"

Everyone: "???"

At this moment, Louis seems to have been extremely angry and humiliated because he dominated the previous words - as if being invited by this "outer **** comparable to the creator" is an extremely humiliating thing.

And his gaze was like looking at a bug.

Master: "..."

Everyone: "..."

"The years have changed, and the world has turned upside down - but it's really pathetic, pitiful and ridiculous."

Louie's angry laughter echoed in the hall. He looked at the sealed 'Garlock' under the big hole outside, and his laughter was full of indifference.

"Mr. Anthony, the fire of civilization you left in this world, but this fire has been wasted in place for three thousand years. So far, the group of self-willed book burners have not made any progress. Moreover, they also put an indigenous **** (Sun) God) is enshrined in the hall. But the pets we once kept have made great progress - they not only ran out of the cage, but also boldly ran in front of me, and boldly invited me to be their magic consultant! "

Louie's words were like monstrous waves in the sea, echoing in the minds of Luna and the others for a long time - they finally understood why Louis showed that expression just now.

Shit's 'comparable to the outer **** of the creator'!

The creator is still the creator, UU reading www. And these so-called outer gods are just a group of pets created in those long years!

Luna suddenly understands why Louie always jokingly calls 'Judgment Angels' 'insecticides' - this is not a nickname that Louie takes because of bad taste, but because they are indeed 'destroying pests' in the sanctuary , and those bugs are really just bugs in the eyes of the Sanctuary wizards!

Perhaps these bugs have been running out for many years, and have caused some threats to the sanctuary during the degenerate period of the sanctuary. But even in the Sanctuary's weakest last generation, these bugs have never been on an equal footing with the Sanctuary.

Even in the years before the sanctuary died in depravity, the fleet in the sanctuary was still catching bugs everywhere. And put them into cans (Book of the World) as 'guinea pigs' to raise!

But just as the master said, there is only one person left in the great holy place of the past, and the ethnic groups created by the creators have become terrifying and powerful in the eyes of the people behind the sanctuary. Understand the Outer Gods.

Facing this group of terrifying outer gods, the 'fallen bookburners' who took over the fire of the Sanctuary civilization were still enshrining an indigenous **** in the hall and playing at home - in this case, Louis Is it appropriate to say this now?


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