Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 654: Who the **** is licking the dog? ~

[On the other side, the fugitive Louis and others. 】

The crowd hurriedly followed Louis from the bottom of the fortress to the sky, but the big hole was so big that it was impossible to fly out in a short time.

In the middle of the journey, Helen, who was caught in Louis's arms, looked back and found that the Wanzhang Waterfall on the edge of the big hole was closing in on the center at an alarming speed. Judging from this speed, it would take a few minutes for the water to wash away to the gods. The location of the Demon Fortress - and many people haven't even escaped from the Demon Fortress at this time.

At this moment, Helen suddenly found that her ascent was getting faster - not only that, but the distance between everyone around her and her was also rapidly widening.

Suddenly, Helen found that the speed of her ascent did not change, and Louis did not use any special magic, but the area under her feet was rapidly pulling away from her.

The whole scene is like an inflating balloon - the people standing on the balloon did not move, but the distance between them continued to grow as the balloon inflated.

【The missing space-time is filling the big void...】

[The 'things' that don't belong here are gradually being squeezed out...]

Suddenly, Helen found that there seemed to be a force of time and space pulling her, and although the waterfall was moving very fast in the distance, the distance between the waterfall and her was almost unchanged. And as the altitude of their flight continued to rise, the speed of their movement became faster and faster.

Gradually, the surrounding scenes quickly passed in front of Helen's eyes, and the reference objects, like shooting stars, could no longer be seen clearly.

It seems that it was because the Helen he was holding was dishonest. Louis turned his eyes and glanced in the direction of the demon fortress. His line of sight could pass through each plane, but at this time, he couldn't see the entire fortress of the gods and demons clearly—or rather, he Only the upper area of ​​the fortress of the gods and demons can be seen, because the upper area has not changed, but is rapidly widening the distance.

But the thing at the bottom of the 'chaotic time and space' area in the fortress could not be seen clearly as if the dye had been knocked over - when Louis mobilized the magic power of his whole body, he saw that it was like a kneading Like the colorful plasticine, it was kneaded into a ball.

This ball of colorful plasticine kept getting smaller and smaller, and finally it shrank into a small black spot, which disappeared completely.

'The upper layer of the fort is clean, and the bugs are all at the bottom. I don't know if the bugs have escaped to the upper area, otherwise they will have to be cleaned up in a while. It's a pity that I'm not a professional 'reporter' (observer) like my old cousin, otherwise I'd definitely have to see that all the bugs and eggs are gone before I can feel at ease. ’

Shaking his head secretly, Louis sighed in his heart: 'The teachers said that I didn't have any special talent, and I could only make up for it with hard work, so I learned a little of everything, but I was not good at everything. Can only be reluctant to be the boss. ’

[Every player wants to practice all professions, but as a 'boss profession' that manages everyone and things, Louis's words are still a bit too pretentious. 】

Louis, who was in Versailles, blinked when he saw the narration—the font of the narration today is a bit incomprehensible, not like the handwriting of his old cousin. If you pay close attention, you will find a lot of scratches and typos.

Helen under the armpit was still moving, interrupting Louis's thoughts. Louis looked down and found that she was still looking over there, and said speechlessly:

"You can't see it, because the plane over there has begun to collapse, everything has been twisted together, and even light can't escape."

Louis' words made Helen blink, because the "things that disappeared in time and space" in the fortress of gods and demons were clearly visible in her eyes.

As a witch who even the old cousin was surprised, Helen obviously has a special talent, so it makes sense for the old cousin to regard her as a little assistant.

At this time, in Helen's eyes, the water had already submerged to the bottom of the fortress of the gods and demons, and at the edge of the platform, there were not a few 'outer gods' - none of them escaped, just like stone statues standing there waiting die.

It seems that the 'time stamps' of the two sides are different. Helen is the future here, and the bottom of the fortress is still in the past - Helen even saw Louis fly out of the bottom, and the outer gods saw Louis leave. Spontaneous combustion began--appears to be suicidal.

It seems that they felt this gaze, and the outer gods who stood at the bottom edge of the fortress of the past raised their heads and 'looked' at Helen.

Those eyes were so frightening that Helen covered her eyes with her hands, and her little heart beat a few beats, but she couldn't help but continue to secretly look there through the gaps between her fingers.

Afterwards, the spontaneously burning Outer Gods gradually turned to ashes.

["Funny girl..."]

The words that came into Helen's heart alone made Helen cover her eyes and dare not read any more.

When Helen opened her fingers again, the big hole that had just been in front of her eyes had disappeared out of thin air. Instead, there is a vast ocean - the sea is very calm, how can there be any big waterfalls, big holes? Not even a whirlpool was left.

It was as if that big void never existed.

The hazy clouds covered Helen's sight. The wind and clouds that whizzed past ruffled Helen's long hair. She raised her head and found that she and Louis had entered the clouds.

Gu 姵</span> In the blink of an eye, the cloud layer was passed through, and Helen and Louis came to the top of the cloud layer.

Under Helen's feet, the beautiful cloud layer was like the ground, and it was illuminated with a faint golden color by the sunset in the distance. The people who were flying with them around were already several kilometers away from them at this time.

And in that far away, under the setting sun, there are still many magical battleships and dragons.

Helen has a feeling that her sister and the others have already boarded the boat.

Perhaps the reason why Louis had to pass through the clouds was to fight with everyone.

After the round, everyone assembled the team and found that many people did not fly to the clouds. So the wizards checked and contacted with the crystal ball, and confirmed that everyone had escaped—as long as they left the last floor of the fortress of gods and demons, they could escape.

"Normally, the entire fortress of gods and demons will 'close' with the big hole, but this 'close' is not a normal situation, it was specially deployed by me."

After hearing this, everyone showed a sudden look. Then some wizards suddenly thought of something, and he trembled with excitement - if the fortress of gods and demons hadn't collapsed, wouldn't all the precious magic metals and precious materials in the fortress be left behind!

"Louis, you mean..." Oren said with burning eyes.

"That's right, if it's not what I expected, the upper floors of the fortress of the gods, all the laboratories, and countless wealth have all stayed."

Hearing Louis's words, many wizards shouted excitedly - before, because of the limited time, they just looked at the materials in a hurry when searching for sacrifices, but just after a quick look, many wizards who knew the goods were about to burst their blood vessels.

And you must know that it is very difficult to see the materials in the abyss in the Eastern Continent. Occasionally, a wizard successfully summoned items in the abyss, which would make other people jealous.

Many great witches risk their lives to form teams to venture into the abyss, often for some potions that can enhance their magic power, or materials for forging strange objects and golems.

But the old **** poured out a lot of new blood for this important 'god and demon-level super fortress + bombing base' leading to the Eastern Continent - after all, according to his expectations, this fortress is not a temporary fortress , but a permanent important strategic fortress.

Therefore, there are many materials carefully collected by the old gods from the abyss.

And for the evil plan, there are countless potions and potions here!

Oren doesn't know how many treasures there are here, but he thinks that if UU reading takes care of it properly, then it will not be a problem to arm ten **** hunting groups—the **** hunting group in the Eastern Continent originally added Only twelve together!

Booty - Louis is equally interested in booty.

After all, after defeating the Great Demon King, the brave must have some rewards.

But for this brave man, there are very few rewards that can make him excited. After all, he has no shortage of money to spend - what he is interested in must be at least the treasure in the eyes of the sun god.

Therefore, the literature on the "Fortress of Gods and Demons" in Louis's hands is very interesting.

So he couldn't help but picked up the documents in his hand and went to find Miss Dai.

[However, can this reason really deceive Miss Dai? After all, the "secret of the fortress of gods and demons" is attractive, and it is not as interesting to Miss Dai as Garlock's head. 】

Ignoring the narration, Louis gritted his teeth viciously, looking for His Majesty's figure—it seems that he has to figure out who is licking the dog today.

[However, what Louis could not have imagined was that there was more than one licking dog on this boat...]

'Of course I know! ’

[There are more than two...]

Louis: "???"


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