Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 206 I am your teacher

Outside the base.

The Holy Envoy of Dawn came out just at this time to "show off", so he stood at the door.

At this time, he suddenly heard a conversation coming from the room next to him.

"This one is called 'computer', this one is called 'mobile phone', and this one is called 'information'."


"Computer, cell phone, information."


Listen to this conversation.

The Holy Envoy subconsciously looked over and asked, "Is this how you take care of your children?"

From his perspective, it was obvious that Chen Qing was holding the little baby and reading each word on the drawing board.

Chen Qing raised his head when he heard this: "Yeah."

You are a hammer!

The Holy Envoy felt a little numb: "Let's not ask whether such a young child knows the meaning of these words. What are you teaching?"

Chen Qing's expression was calm: "I'm teaching him how to do it quickly."

He needed to get this baby to master something in a short amount of time.

It's not about making him understand, but making him remember the information in his mind and then it becomes something like instinct.

Once the two people in the future trigger a certain switch, the kid can trigger his conditioned reflex and speak out this information.

So strictly speaking, he is not actually teaching children.

How can anyone teach a child what it means to not tell him?

But it was obvious that the Holy Messenger had no idea what he was thinking.

He just felt that Chen Qing was so ridiculous that it was almost outrageous.


The holy envoy drove Chen Qing away: "If you lead him like this, let alone make him an apostle of truth, I'm afraid he will be led astray before that!"

There can't be anything wrong with this kid.

You know, the Holy Envoy's current wealth and life are all on this kid.

Once this little guy can become the Apostle of Truth, then the Holy Envoy will have two guaranteed rebates. The first comes from revelation, the second comes from truth itself.

He can follow Apocalypse's wishes while secretly using this kid to exchange knowledge with the truth.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that this guy is currently the hope for the future of the Holy Envoy.

And my future hopes are actually being thrown into the ditch by this guy who can't take care of children at a glance...

Can this be tolerated?

It's better for me to take care of it myself!

So with a sigh, the Holy Envoy reached out and picked up the kid.

The child in his arms didn't seem to be afraid of anything, he just looked up at him and giggled.

This innocent and innocent expression made the Holy Messenger's expression soften a little.

Few people can resist a human cub in its quiet state.

This is probably human nature.

He patted the little guy on the back and murmured in a low voice: "You must grow up quickly and be a good ox and horse for me. Everything you get from the truth guy must be mine, and then give it to me and When Apocalypse is a double agent, it would be best if he could learn to respect the taboo objects and give them to me..."

He kept chattering something, and then carried the little devil farther and farther away.

Chen Qing looked at his leaving figure and didn't say much.

If the Holy Envoy wants to take it, then let him take it.

Anyway, you only need to plant a seed and wait for it to bloom and bear fruit.

This is the advantage of standing upstream in the long river of time.

People upstream only need to drop an object, and the flow of time will carry it to the distant future.

"Then next, I should also do some other things."

After gently tugging on his collar, Chen Qing walked out of the room.

At this time, Qi Sixie was already waiting outside.

After experiencing previous containment breaches, they are now taking a break and temporarily living in Qijia.

The subsequent containment failure was not too troublesome, because after the great being in the other world sensed the auras of Apocalypse and Zhi, he immediately chose to hide.

Without the blessing of that great being, the containment team was very efficient in handling forbidden objects. It didn't take long for them to contain most of the forbidden objects again.

By the way, I took those hairy monsters and the atavistic researcher from before and studied them for a long time to see if I could reversely change them back.

Of course, this is destined to be only the majority.

Even if the great existence is currently dormant, it doesn't mean that he won't do anything. Because of His presence, subsequent containment work becomes a bit tricky.

The containment organization can only classify most of the forbidden objects, but if you are not careful, some forbidden objects will still escape.

Who can bear this?

So after searching in vain, they had to ask Chen Qing for help.

Of course, since it is asking for help, it must be paid.

And this reward is that Chen Qing can choose any forbidden object in this containment base!

This reward is not unreasonable.

At least when the Holy Envoy heard it, he almost broke his back molars.

In this case, of course Chen Qing accepted it happily.

So there is one more reason to deal with the great existence of that space type.

But right now, he really doesn't know where that guy is, so he still needs to rely on other means.

That brat is one.

And Qi Sixie's here is another one.

Standing at the door, Chen Qing put his hands in his pockets: "Are you ready?"

Qi Sixie nodded respectfully: "Yes."

"Then let's go."

The two people got in the car. In the car, Chen Qing looked at his mobile phone and browsed the domestic news.

The country is pretty much the same as when I left, not much has changed, there are still all kinds of gossip and gossip.

But this also proves that the shelter organization is operating very well in the country.

Because of their organizational skills, they were able to contain the forbidden objects as soon as possible without causing too much social harm.

This kind of efficiency makes Chen Qing a little envious.

That's why he found Qi Sixie.

Because he told Qi Sixie a long time ago that he planned to start an "organization". In this organization, people believe in the Lord of Truth and will pass on the creed of truth from generation to generation.

It was clear that now was a good time to create that organization.

Because the little boy in the mirror seems to have signs of this kind of organization.

His concept of transcendence was obviously different from that of the middle-aged man, and it was definitely not a system that appeared normally - you must know that in that era, there was no trace of a complete system of transcendence.

At the moment, the sequence system is something in the hands of Chen Qing alone.

So it's probably clear how the little boy acquired this system.

"Because I had a conversation with Qi Sixie before, has time corrected it into a small town?"

Chen Qing looked out the window: "I said a word in the upstream of time, and after experiencing countless changes, the downstream finally realized this sentence. That little boy may have been born because of my words."

This reason is quite absurd, but if you think about it carefully, it is not impossible.

Just like the butterfly effect, the power of time is so elusive.

So Chen Qing decided to continue to implement the previous idea.

This is also a way to see if I can protect my "truth" name.

In the time when the little boy lived, it was obvious that no one outside the world knew the name truth.

Although it is not clear whether it was lost or was artificially covered up.

But no matter what, this is very detrimental to Chen Qing.

What he wants most is to find the world shortly after the cataclysm, not the two-person time and space that is still some time away from that point in time.

Because the farther away from the catastrophe, the fewer clues he can get about pollution.

Therefore it is necessary to establish an organization.

This organization needs to have the mobility and efficiency of the host organization, and the loyalty of Dawn. Only in this way can we not shrink back in the face of a catastrophe and leave a trace of fire for the truth.

"This is also a big project."

Sighing, Chen Qing looked at the scenery gradually coming to a stop outside the car window.

They have arrived.

After getting off the car, he looked up and looked directly in front of him.

This is a large manor, and many well-equipped bodyguards can be seen next to the manor. Wearing black suits and meticulously patrolling around, each of them gave people an "elite" feeling.

And if you can afford such a bodyguard, this manor will certainly not be too bad.

The entire manor looks very low-key, but from all the small details, it can be seen that this place is definitely worth a lot of money. Whether it is a rockery, waterside pavilion, or calligraphy and painting, they all demonstrate the owner's good taste and natural elegance.

"By the way, I am the owner of the house."

Qi Sixie, who was standing next to Chen Qing, finally stopped introducing his manor.

Chen Qing ignored these complicated and lengthy explanations.

He simply took a look at the layout of the entire manor from the perspective of a transcendent, and then shook his head: "No."

"If it were me, from that place," Chen Qing pointed to the dense garden next to him, "climbing the wall and jumping in, I would be able to evade all security forces, and then within ten minutes..."

"Kill everyone in the entire manor."

Listen to his words.

The security guards nearby looked over subconsciously.

There was no resentment or contempt in their eyes. Excellent security guards would not show their emotions so obviously on their faces. After all, they are also in the service industry. If they treat their employer and his friends like this, will they be beaten? It's hard to talk about your face, and you definitely don't want your job.

But they didn't agree with it either.

They just turned their heads in silence, and then looked at Chen Qing uniformly.

It is very oppressive to be stared at by such tough men in suits.

But Chen Qing didn't care.

He didn't even say anything, just glanced at them casually.

Under his eyes, the pollution in his body was gradually released.


The next second, all the security guards present felt something was wrong.

They suddenly discovered that Chen Qing, who was standing not far away, seemed to have changed a little.

It's like changing from a person to... a monster in human skin. The monster's body was still dripping with liquid, and sludge continued to flow from his facial features, exuding a dirty and putrid smell.

After just one look, they swayed and turned pale.

Some people even lost control and started to lie on the ground retching while supporting their companions.

It was like seeing something terrible.

Qi Sixie next to him had his eyes twinkling.

Although he knew that Chen Qing was very powerful, he never expected that Chen Qing could directly overwhelm the highly qualified security guards in front of him without even making a move.

... It may not be appropriate to say shock.

To be more precise, it should be... "disgusting"?

It sounds a bit weird, but the latter is actually more terrifying.

Because compared to shock, the emotional impact of nausea is much stronger.

And during battle, this subtle fluctuation may be enough to affect the situation of the battle!

So Qi Sixie looked at Chen Qing's back with even more respect.

Well, if it's disgusting, just be disgusting.

If the boss is disgusting, can it still be called disgusting? That's called tactics!

Feeling the eyes behind him, Chen Qing felt that he could probably guess what Qi Sixie was thinking.

But he didn't really care.

He just gently rubbed the triangular cone in his pocket and thought: "Compared to my own Qi, Tianqi's power is better for people."

"Originally, extraordinary beings have an innate deterrent to ordinary people, but once this triangular pyramid is used, anyone who has contact with me will be judged by the Knights of the Apocalypse. And no one can help but be afraid of death and famine."

Therefore, now he is truly invincible to ordinary people.

As long as the distance is not too far and he cannot be affected, then he can rely on his excellent perception to predict the opponent's position in advance, and use the senses brought by this triangular cone to act on the opponent.

I have to say that this relieved some of the pressure on Chen Qing.

In this way, his plan to be invincible in the world has taken another small step forward.

But it's no use just being invincible.

It is also necessary to cultivate excellent and loyal subordinates.

With this thought in mind, he walked into the manor.

At this time, there were several people waiting for him in the manor.

These guys are all children without exception, the oldest is no more than ten years old, and their appearance and quality are all different. Some look like they are well-off, while others are in rags.

They gathered together and looked nervously in the direction of the door.

Before that, they had heard the news that Chen Qing would come, and also heard the news that someone had entered the manor.

So they are waiting.

Waiting for someone to open this door.

And Chen Qing did not hesitate.

He directly pressed his hands on the door and pushed it open with gentle force.

The sun was behind him, hiding his face in shadow. Like a long sword that fell from the sky and split the world into two, the light was blocked behind him and the shadow spread in front of him.

Long shadows stretched in front of these children, blocking their sight.

Everyone swallowed subconsciously.

Soon, Chen Qing slowly walked into the room.

He stood in front of these brats with his hands behind his back, and then slowly said: "I am Chen Qing, some of you probably know me."

"In the next period of time, I will be your teacher. Teach you how to fight, live, and believe."

"Now, then, come with me."

As he spoke, Chen Qing passed over these children without hesitation.

When passing someone, his eyes paused slightly.

It was a little girl with blond hair.

If Chen Qing remembers correctly.

So her name...

Probably called "Alice".

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