Of course, Chen Qing outside the mirror could not know Qi Lu's thoughts at the moment.

But even if he knew, he would probably just laugh it off.

For Qi Lu, Chen Qing is probably the only life-saving straw he can grasp at this moment. But for Chen Qing, Qi Lu is not the only "experiment".

Whether it is Colin or Li Changsheng, they are the same as Qi Lu and have equal value to Chen Qing. Even Li Changsheng has the highest value, because he obviously holds a high position.

And Qi Lu...

It is still unknown how much benefit a tribe driven away by "vampires" can bring to Chen Qing.

"Anyway, let's take a look first, use the information found on the Internet, and then relay the information to this Qi Lu."

Holding the phone screen, Chen Qing thought thoughtfully: "If they use this information to get through the difficulties, it means that the so-called 'Nightcrawler' is indeed a vampire. Even if they are not exactly the same, they are at least similar."

As his finger slid across the screen, the reflected white light hit Chen Qing's face, making his face look pale.

If Nightcrawler is really similar to a vampire...

Then it means that the world inside the mirror may be similar to the world they live in.

"Oh, I found it."

After looking through the information on the Internet, Chen Qing finally found out how to deal with "vampires".

However, at this sight, he couldn't help but feel a little numb: "No, why are there so many ways?"

The information on the Internet is really too complicated. At this moment, Chen Qing saw no less than seven or eight ways to deal with creatures that are afraid of the sun.

Moreover, Chen Qing even noticed that there are many clans of "vampires" in myths and legends. Different clans have very different weaknesses of their members.

This has led to many methods...


Just looking at the many types and methods on it made Chen Qing's scalp numb.

It wasn't that his head hurt because these methods were so inhumane.

Mainly because there were so many of these things that he didn't know how to tell Qi Lu in the mirror...

It's impossible to read out those papers that add up to several thousand words bit by bit like reading a running account, right?

Then wouldn’t the “Lord of Truth” lose all his credentials? !

Just kidding, if he really reads the anecdote like this, then all his subsequent plans will collapse! After all, how could a being of extremely high status actually read out the message?

It’s okay if the content is small, word of mouth can ensure the mystery. But if it’s too much…

Just thinking about how serious and scripted he looked in front of the mirror, Chen Qing subconsciously covered his face.

It was an execution scene that he found extremely embarrassing given his state of mind.

"Got to find a way."

Chen Qing rubbed his chin and thought in his mind: "It is necessary to maintain a strong character and at the same time ensure that the information is detailed."

how should I do it……

Chen Qing looked around, thinking in his mind.

At this moment, he suddenly saw the oil lamp next to him.


Chen Qing suddenly remembered something: "Since the person in the mirror can send things to me..."

Can I go the other way and send things from my side to the other side through the mirror? !

Thinking of this, Chen Qing stood up subconsciously.

At this time, in the mirror, Qi Lu was still praying for the gift from the "Lord of Truth".

I have to say that this guy is extremely humble and pious. Just from Chen Qing's prayers, he heard at least three sets of different ones. The density of information was horribly low. All of them were praising a great being, hoping that He could lower his body for him. pity.

But this is convenient for Chen Qing.

Although through reverse thinking, I feel that the mirror may have the ability to send things from the outside world into it. But as for how to do this... Chen Qing was not very clear.

He could only recall the feeling he had when Li Changsheng and Colin gave him something.

"When I think about it, it seems like something is pressed on the mirror, and then it's like fishing for something..."

Glancing to the side, Chen Qing picked up a ballpoint pen.

He tapped the mirror lightly with the tip of his pen.

The round pen tip landed on the mirror, and the ball rolled in a small circle on the smooth screen, making a sound.

But that's about it.

The ballpoint pen did not escape into the mirror as Chen Qing expected, but remained in Chen Qing's hand.

So this means it won't work?

Holding the ballpoint pen, Chen Qing couldn't help but frown slightly.

Obviously the things in the mirror can be sent out, but the things outside the mirror cannot be sent in...

Could it be that this is actually a one-way door?

Or, if you want to pass through this "door", you must be unique?

For example..."forbidden objects".

The oil lamp and the gold coin were forbidden objects, and both of them passed through this door. Perhaps only forbidden objects can pass through it.

Thinking this way, Chen Qing was thoughtful.

He took out a coin from his pocket, thought about it, and gently pressed the coin on the ancient mirror.

And then the next second.

Just as he thought, the gold coins dived into the mirror little by little like pebbles submerged in the water.

After completing this move, Chen Qing saw the twisted shadows in front of him, and his figure was shaking more and more violently!

Obviously, they saw the gold coin submerged in the mirror.

Chen Qing also said at the right time: "This is your 'token'."

"The door of truth will be open to everyone, but it is only a gift to those who are new to it. Those who seek cannot easily obtain knowledge, which will only bring arrogance and paranoia. And if you want to open this door again, You need to hold the corresponding token."

Speaking of this, Chen Qingyu said with a smile: "I think your value is worthy of this token."

Obviously, these words made the person in the mirror ecstatic.

Even though Chen Qing couldn't see clearly their appearance and expressions, Chen Qing could probably feel their mood at the moment from their figures shaking like sieves.

Anyway, it is either extremely happy or extremely sad.

For Chen Qing, there is no difference between the two.

Giving gold coins was the result of his thinking.

Just like what he thought before, he urgently needs a "system" to allow all the people standing in front of him to trade with him in compliance with the rules.

Quantitative "transactions" allow Chen Qing to have a lot of room for maneuver. For example, if the other party asks a question that is too difficult and Chen Qing doesn't know, he can answer by saying that the value is not enough, and then propose a price that just exceeds the other party's psychological expectations. .

This reduces the other person’s inner resistance.

Of course, that gold coin cannot be used as currency.

Chen Qing is not stupid enough to let a customer hold something that can multiply indefinitely as a currency for transactions.

However, that gold coin can become a "membership certificate".

This was Chen Qing's first idea.

Only those who hold the token can conduct transactions!

Although he calls himself the "Lord of Truth", Chen Qing doesn't know much right now...

As for Qi Lu and the others, they discovered that tokens can multiply indefinitely?

This is not a big problem.

Chen Qing only needs to say something like "Everything will fade, whether it is mortal or taboo. But the deal between me and you can last until the end of time, and your descendants can visit my palace with the token." Such nonsense can be fooled. past.

And if Qi Lu distributes these multiplied tokens...

That would be great!

This is what Chen Qing wants!

“So, it’s dangerous for me to pinch gold coins now, but overall it’s a huge profit.”

Rubbing the gold coins, Chen Qing's lips curled up slightly.

Yes, but even if there is no one holding gold coins standing in front of the mirror, he will sort it out and then give the other person a token as appropriate.

After all, he is the only major shareholder, and he has the final say in the entire "Lord of Truth", and the final right of interpretation belongs to him!

Of course, high-quality customers must be treated well!

As for Qi Lu and the others, if they are destroyed by Night Walker...

Then just think that your experiment has failed temporarily. The loss is not big anyway, and there are still many gold coins.

"Next, give one to Colin too. Oh, by the way, Li Changsheng can't give it to him. After all, he took this thing from his hand, and it would be too embarrassing to give it back..."

While muttering to himself, Chen Qing gently tapped the mirror.

Next, it’s time to fulfill the deal.

"Sacrifice the recorded clay tablets to welcome forbidden knowledge. And information in exchange."

"Exchange of equal value, win trust with sincerity."

Chen Qing's voice was soothing.

He planned to use his hands empty-handed.

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