Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 64 Monster!

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and night enveloped Jianghan City.

There were only a few pedestrians passing by in a hurry on the street, the traffic flow was sparse, and even the street lights overhead were dim and bright.

I don’t know if it’s because there’s no moon, but the atmosphere tonight is particularly depressing.

And in a dark corner of the city, next to a van.

Several people in black clothes were gathering together and whispering.

"Are you ready?"

"Already prepared, including the contraindications to bring, as well as a large-dose anesthetic gun for anesthesia."

"Well, that's good. Note that we are mainly capturing alive today. However, if the target resists fiercely, it can be rougher."

After thinking about it, one of the men in black added: "Just don't kill him. The target is the sacrifice requested by the Holy Envoy, and it must be dedicated to the Holy Son alive."

"Also, don't be careless. Even if the target is an ordinary person, you must never let down your guard. If you encounter danger, turn on the signal light as soon as possible. Red, green, red, green, each alternate for one second, do you understand?"

Upon hearing this, several other men in black looked at each other.

Then he nodded heavily.

Seeing that his colleagues were so vigilant, the leader nodded.

However, he didn't know why, but he still felt a little uneasy.

...Is it because I didn’t go to the toilet before coming?

After checking all problems including physical condition, the leader was still unable to find anything abnormal.

Could it be that I am too worried?

Forcibly suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, the leader finally reached into his pants pocket.

After confirming that he touched something solid, his originally restless heart gradually calmed down.

"Yes, even if there is any problem, with such a powerful forbidden object, it can definitely be solved."

After adjusting his mood, the leader took advantage of the night and called several other people to get on the bus.

With the sound of tires gripping the road, the van quickly carried several people towards the target location.

Everyone was quiet along the way.

They are well trained and experienced.

What's more, for them, similar things have been experienced countless times.

Today's time is just a reenactment of dozens of times in the past!

When the bus stopped outside a certain old-looking house, the leader took one last look at his fellow travelers.

He gestured towards these people.

Then, like ants moving, several men dressed in black carefully got out of the car and blended into the night step by step.

They move like sophisticated machines. The moonlight shines through the window on their weapons, reflecting the luster of the metal, and the muzzles of the guns flash with a cold light.

The leader took the lead. Under his black mask, his eyes were cold and sharp. He held a pistol in one hand and signaled with the other hand, directing the team to move forward.

When sneaking into the house, they moved skillfully and silently. Each step was light and precise, and the floor beneath their feet made no sound. Faint moonlight filled the room, outlining furniture and objects, while their dark attire blended into the shadows.

【Start search】

The leader gestured to the others.

Everyone entered the room one by one and started searching cautiously.

One of them was leaning against the wall, searching the living room bit by bit.

However, soon, something strange appeared in his eyes.


He didn't know when he started, but he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a pool of dark red water stains on the ceiling above his head.

At this moment, these water stains were dripping down bit by bit, landing on his body, weapons, and equipment.

He subconsciously reached out his hand to wipe away the dark red water stains on his body.

But the moment he raised his hand.

The sound of "hissing" echoed in the dark house.

Like hot sulfuric acid splashed on his body, this dark red water stain burned the equipment on his body wantonly, and penetrated into the skin under his clothes at an extremely fast speed.

Immediately afterwards.

The moment the skin comes into contact with the water stain.

A pain that felt like peeling off blood vessels and picking off flesh and bones spread from his arms to his limbs!


The few remaining weapon remains fell to the ground with a clang.

Subconsciously pinching his arm, the expression on the man in black's face was twisted and painful!

If he hadn't been well trained, he might not be able to hold back and scream now.

But what he didn't expect was.

This is just the beginning...that's all!

The red liquid flowed on his body, spreading far faster than he imagined. Before the man in black could even scream, his vocal cords were wrapped in red liquid.

Like a spider spinning its silk around its prey, everything about the man in black was quickly swallowed up by the red liquid.

It only takes less than ten seconds.

A red "cocoon" appeared in place.

Then, gurgling steam emerged from the cocoon. And the size of the entire "cocoon" continues to decrease as the steam dissipates...

Until the cocoon disappeared, leaving only two fist-sized crystals on the ground.

The crystals, one black and one white, lay quietly in place, too beautiful to be a product of this world.

The red liquid continued to spread to other places.

It instinctively searches for things that it can "separate".

And now, in this house.

There are several similar objects...


The leader realized something was wrong about three minutes later.

Because two teams were searching separately, he didn't know what happened to his colleagues at first.

But when the first short and sharp scream came from inside the house.

He realized something was wrong.

A thought flashed through the leader's mind: "Someone is ambushing?!"

Not caring about remaining silent, he kicked the door open. At the same time, he raised the barrel of the gun in his hand and a stern look flashed in his eyes: "Who is it?!"

When he said this, the leader's hand reached for his pants.

It doesn't matter if this is an ambush.

It was because he expected this situation that he brought "that" with him.

Rather, the more people there are, the better the “that” effect will be!

And a team that could eliminate so many of them without even realizing it...

It will definitely bring out the best in “that”!

While thinking this, the leader tensed his nerves and looked around with unprecedented caution.

However, what made him a little confused was.

There were almost no traces left on the entire site.

How it was when they came, what the house is still like now.

The only difference is...

At this moment, various black and white crystal blocks are scattered on the floor.

And next to those crystal blocks.

The leader vaguely saw a small "cocoon" standing on the spot.

And in that cocoon...

The signal lights they had agreed on before were slowly flashing and beating.

Red, green, red, green.

Alternate for one second each.

After three seconds.

The red and green light completely disappeared.

And what disappeared together with it was the "cocoon".

As if he understood something.

The leader picked up the flashlight and looked tremblingly in the direction of the cocoon.

over there……

He only saw two crystal blocks, one black and one white, rolling "GuluGulu".

It rolled little by little, next to the crystal blocks, and finally blended in...


In the sight of the leader, a white hand stretched out from the darkness and scooped up a handful of black and white crystal blocks on the ground.

Another voice sounded at the same time: "It takes longer to dissolve living things than I thought. Is it because of the size?"

"And the size of this crystal is also larger than before, the black ones are brighter, and the white ones are almost dull to the point of being colorless."

Holding a few black crystals, the man chuckled: "Is it because you are scum, so your 'soul' seems dirtier?"

The leader who heard this sentence looked in the direction of the speaker.

He saw it, at the end of his vision.

A man wearing a pure white mask and holding a sharp carving knife was looking at him calmly.

And when being watched by that mask.

The leader only felt his hair standing on end.

That is when facing existences whose life levels are far superior to your own.

A fear that humans have almost forgotten!

Those deep eyes looked at him, making the leader feel like he was standing in front of a lion, tiger, or even a dragon.


There was only one thought left in the leader's mind at this moment: "That's not a human, that's a monster!!"

A devil in human skin!

And driven by this strong fear.

He was so well-trained that he couldn't control his fingers and pulled the trigger tremblingly.

A "whoosh" sound.

The bullets roared out!

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