early morning.

A ray of morning sun slowly fell into the room through the thin window paper, gradually illuminating the originally dark and silent room.

The room was in a mess.

Not far away behind the screen, on the bed scattered with bed tents, two figures seemed to be vaguely visible.

After an unknown amount of time, a young woman slowly sat up on the bed, and the thin quilt slipped off her body, revealing her snow-white skin, which was rosy in the white.

It seemed that she moved too much when she sat up, and the young woman frowned slightly. The thoughts in my mind were a little confused, and it wasn't until a long time later that I gradually came back to my senses.

She lowered her eyes and looked at her current appearance, then turned to look to her side. When she saw the familiar and sleeping figure next to her, she seemed startled, and the memories of last night gradually emerged.

In an instant, a delicate blush appeared on the fair face. She bit her lower lip lightly, and her beautiful eyes seemed to be a bit shy and angry.


His eyes that gradually came back to his senses stared blankly to the side, with a complicated expression, and various emotions flashed through his full eyes.

It wasn't until a long time later that he gradually came back to his senses. He raised his eyes and saw that the room was in a mess, and the air was still filled with the scent of alcohol.

It makes people feel indescribably confused.

She bit her lower lip lightly, her face turned red, and she slowly got up from the bed, stepping on the cold ground with her bare feet. She moved very lightly, as carefully as if she was committing a crime. When she got out of bed, she glanced back and saw that Lin Jiangnian was still sleeping soundly with his eyes closed on the bed, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, she bent down to pick up the clothes left on the ground and slowly put them on one by one. Until she was wrapped in a long red dress and tied with a belt, she regained her unparalleled glamour.

It's just that her hair is slightly messy, and her fair face is still flushed, and her beautiful eyes are less cold and earthy, and more delicate.

More and more beautiful!

After putting on her clothes, she breathed a deep sigh of relief. Turning back, his eyes fell on the bed.

The guy on the bed was still motionless, he seemed exhausted! Also... I worked hard for most of the night last night, how could I not be tired?

Thinking of this, Liu Su's blush that had just subsided reappeared again. Take a few deep breaths to suppress the emotions in your heart.

There was also a hint of darkness and a sigh in his eyes, and he was in a trance for a long time. This time her plan to sneak into Prince Lin's Mansion was a complete failure.

Not only did she fail to obtain the Xuanyang Map, she failed to assassinate Lin Hengzhong, she even...even told her about it.

It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his troops!

Thinking of this, her expression became more and more ashamed and angry, and her beautiful eyes stared fiercely at the guy on the bed.

It's all this guy's fault...

An idea came to mind, but then I was stunned for a moment.

"This time, let me repay you for saving your life."

Liu Su murmured to himself, looking a little dazed and confused. The assassination of King Lin failed and she should have died, but he saved her.

So this time... just think of it as repaying him for saving his life, right?

She gradually became calmer in her heart. After making up her mind before, she had nothing to keep in mind. Just think of all this as a dream, right?

"From now on, you and I don't owe each other anything."

Finally, taking a deep look at the still sleeping figure on the bed, Liu Sumei's eyes flashed with nostalgia, then she turned around and prepared to leave.

However, at this moment, a lazy voice suddenly came from behind.

"Are you planning to run away like this?"

Liu Su, who had just turned around, heard this voice, her delicate body trembled suddenly, and she subconsciously turned around.

But she saw Lin Jiangnian, who was supposed to be lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, had sat up at some point and was looking at her calmly.

Liu Su looked startled, and then a blush came to her heart. She turned her eyes away, but then suddenly thought of something: "When did you wake up?!"

"When you wake up, I wake up."

Liu Su was startled again, and then her fair and pretty face instantly turned crimson: "Have you seen it?!"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while: "If I say I didn't see it... would you believe it?"

Liu Su: "..."

When Liu Sugang woke up, Lin Jiangnian was already awake. But he didn't open his eyes. He originally wanted to see how she would react, but when he saw the girl putting on her clothes and preparing to run away, Lin Jiangnian had to 'wake up'.

Lin Jiangnian looked up and looked at the blushing woman in the room who was looking at him with a bit of shame and anger. Lin Jiangnian was slightly in a trance.

What happened last night?

Until now, the scene that happened last night appeared in his mind, and he still seemed to feel that it was a little unrealistic.

It’s like being in a dream!

But that scene was so clear.

"last night……"

Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment and then suddenly spoke.

But he was quickly interrupted by Liu Su: "Shut up!"

A slightly shy and angry tone came, and she took a deep breath to gradually calm down: "You are not allowed to mention what happened last night again!"

Not allowed to mention it?

Lin Jiangnian was startled and seemed to realize something.

"Just think of me as repaying your life-saving grace. Just think of what happened last night as a dream!"

Liu Su took a deep breath, her eyes gradually calmed down, and she glanced at Lin Jiangnian: "The love spell on you has been removed. From now on, you and I don't owe each other anything!"

Love Gu, solved?

Lin Jiangnian was startled and felt the changes in his body. Indeed, he could no longer feel the presence of foreign objects in his body. His whole body seemed to be reborn, especially the turbulent internal force in his body that was constantly surging.

As if realizing something, Lin Jiangnian's eyes froze.

Xuanyang first level? !

He has already entered the first level of Xuanyang? !

He clearly remembered that he lost control of his internal energy when he attacked the first level of Xuanyang last night, but he didn't expect that when he woke up today... he had a breakthrough?

What's going on?

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were stunned. He raised his eyes to look at Liu Su not far away, and gradually realized something.


Did she really not lie before?

Is there really no antidote to love poison?

And the only way to get rid of the love poison is...

In a daze, Lin Jiangnian realized why she had insisted in the beginning that the love poison had no solution. Even though he relented later, he was still unwilling to reveal the solution to the love poison.

It turns out that the real way to get rid of the love poison is... her? !

That's why she has been reluctant to say it?

To solve the love poison, does it need to be at the cost of her body? !

In a daze, Lin Jiangnian didn't know what to say. He looked up at her and suddenly realized something: "So, you want to leave?"

"if not?"

Liu Su said expressionlessly.

"Can't you stay?"

For some reason, Lin Jiangnian felt a bit reluctant when he heard that she was leaving.

Maybe it was because of the ridiculous night of entanglement between the two last night?

Or maybe there are other reasons.

Liu Su glanced at him calmly: "Why do you want to stay?"


Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and asked tentatively: "Are you responsible for me?"

Liu Su: "..."

"What you did last night...shouldn't you be responsible for this prince?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

"Shut up!!"

Liu Sumei glared at him fiercely, then took a deep breath again: "Don't mention what happened last night again!"

She didn't want to recall last night's experience, which made her originally firm Taoist heart shake and break.

"From now on, you and I don't owe each other anything!"

Liu Su calmed down her emotions and said expressionlessly: "No one can threaten your life in the future. You can be your heir apparent with peace of mind."

"how about you?"

"I have to go now!"

"Where to go?"

"Go back to where I belong!"

Her face was expressionless.


Seeing that she was about to turn around and leave, Lin Jiangnian quickly put on his clothes and got up from the bed. But just as he was about to walk out from behind the screen, he heard Liu Sulu's nervous voice: "Stop!"

Lin Jiangnian paused: "What?"

"You, don't come out!"

Her voice seemed panicked.

Maybe it was because of the screen that she could still remain calm. If she saw Lin Jiangnian again, she wasn't sure whether she would be able to remain calm.

"I don't want to see you now."

Liu Su took a deep breath and spoke coldly.

Right now, she didn't know how to face him.

So, she didn't want to see him.

Lin Jiangnian realized this and was silent for a moment: "Are you really going to leave?"

Liu Su said firmly: "That's right."

Lin Jiangnian paused: "You have not yet recovered from your internal injuries and your martial arts skills are almost non-existent. Can you leave?"

Liu Su was silent for a moment: "I have recovered a lot from my injuries."

Lin Jiangnian was startled: "How did you recover?"

It was clear that her internal injuries were extremely serious yesterday, so why did she recover so much today?

Liu Su seemed to have thought of something, a hint of shyness flashed through her beautiful eyes, and she bit her lower lip with a hateful expression.

She had known for a long time that the Xuanyang Mental Technique was the strongest and most yang mental technique in the world, and it was extremely helpful to her injury. But I didn’t expect that... this can also heal injuries?

After last night, she could feel that the internal injuries in her body had healed a lot. It's just that she couldn't say this unspeakable thing.

"You don't need to worry about it."

Liu Su's tone was cold.

"Anyway, I'm leaving!"

Her tone was a little strong, as if she was a little irritated and had some indescribable emotions.

When something like this happened, she naturally couldn't feel better.

Lin Jiangnian was silent for a while, "You really can't stay?"

Liu Su said coldly: "No!"

"You haven't gotten your Xuanyang Diagram yet?"

Liu Su gritted her teeth, "I don't need it anymore."

"You worked so hard to get the Xuanyang Diagram and just gave up?"

"So what?!"

There seemed to be a bit of anger in Liu Su's tone.

"Then you fell short of success?"

"what do you want to say in the end?!"

Liu Su gritted his teeth, why did this guy talk so much nonsense today?

Lin Jiangnian was silent again, and after a while he sighed softly: "I don't know."

"I just suddenly heard that you were leaving, and I was a little reluctant to leave."

Hearing this, Liu Su's delicate body trembled.

The face that was originally gritted and angry, seemed to be startled for a moment, and the emotions on his face gradually condensed, and he raised his eyes to look at the figure behind the screen.

He was in a trance, with an indescribable strange emotion.

It was as if some emotion suddenly surged into her heart, leaving her dazed and staring at the figure behind the screen.

"That's your business, I..."

A moment later, just as Liu Su had recovered, she subconsciously opened her mouth and wanted to refuse coldly.

Behind the screen, Lin Jiangnian slowly walked out.

Liu Su's eyes were a little panicked for a moment. The moment she saw Lin Jiangnian appearing, she subconsciously turned around and avoided it.

It was almost as if he wanted to escape instinctively.

But before she could get close to the door, Lin Jiangnian had already appeared in front of her, staring at her face quietly.

That fair and delicate red face was beautiful and moving, but her slightly panicked eyes seemed to dare not look at each other, and her breathing was rapid.

"what are you doing?!"

Feeling Lin Jiangnian approaching, Liu Su took a step back, her delicate body tensed, and she was instantly alert.

"You seem to be afraid of me?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her, feeling a little funny for some reason.

This woman was as frightened today, as nervous as if she had been frightened.

Liu Su glared at him shyly and turned away: "I'm leaving!"

She turned around to leave, but Lin Jiangnian grabbed her hand. She tried to shake her off, but Lin Jiangnian held her tighter.

"Your scratching hurts me!"

She turned and glared at him.

Lin Jiangnian suddenly exerted force on his hand and pulled her into his arms.

With her delicate body in his arms, Lin Jiangnian wrapped his arms around her slender waist and held her tightly in his arms.

Liu Su's delicate body tensed up and her face turned red with embarrassment. She struggled hard: "You, let me go?!"

She struggled hard, but Lin Jiangnian hugged her tightly, giving her no chance to escape. After struggling for a while, and seeing that she couldn't get away, Liu Su stared at him with wide eyes.

"let me go!"

"Don't let go!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly, but hugged her tighter, her delicate body pressed tightly against her, and her soft jade ring fragrant.

As if she felt something strange, Liu Su's pretty face turned redder and redder. She didn't expect that this guy would dare to be so rude.

"you put……"

Liu Su continued to struggle, trying to get away, but just as she spoke, Lin Jiangnian suddenly lowered his head.


Liu Su's eyes widened, caught off guard and attacked.

After a while, Liu Su collapsed in Lin Jiangnian's arms, Su's face turned red and she gritted her teeth.

"Fuck, bastard!"

It was clearly an angry tone, but it seemed to be a bit coquettish, more like flirting.

There seemed to be some indescribable resentment on that crimson face. At this moment, the little woman's posture is clearly visible.

Some solid thoughts in my heart seemed to be shaken.

A look of confusion and fear flashed across his face.

"Let, let me go!"

After a brief moment of daze, Liu Su still wanted to struggle, but Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "Don't let go!"

"You are my prince's woman now, I can't let you run away!"

The tone is very soft, but very firm!

After realizing what happened last night, Lin Jiangnian had no intention of letting her run away quietly. Lin Jiangnian wouldn't give her the chance to disappear once it happened.

Liu Su's delicate body trembled, her face was hot, and her beautiful eyes flashed with nervousness, panic, and shame.

"Shut up, shut up...I, I'm not..."

She spoke angrily.

"Why not?"

"Just, it's not..."

Looking at the woman in front of him who was blushing but still speaking harshly, something seemed to twinkle in Lin Jiangnian's eyes.

"Then, do it again?"

"What again?"

Liu Su's face turned red, and when she was about to say something, she suddenly realized something was wrong.

"You, let me go..."


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