Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 103 Prince Lin’s fiancée

Liu Su did not forgive Lin Jiangnian.

However, he didn't just walk away.

Under the blessing and healing of Lin Jiangnian's Xuanyang Mind Technique, her internal injuries were indeed healed a lot. However, the injury did not fully recover, and his martial arts skills also failed to recover. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Lin Jiangnian to succeed...

However, perhaps because of the injury, or perhaps because of Lin Jiangnian's words, Liu Su did not leave immediately.

Of course, it's possible that there's also a hint of trance and reluctance.

So, she stayed temporarily.

The serious injury had not healed, and it was the first time that she had been tossing almost all night. After scoring twice, her body was indeed a little unable to withstand it. Then he kicked Lin Jiangnian out of the room. She needed a good rest.

You need to calm down even more!

After being driven out of the room, Lin Jiangnian did not continue to disturb her. After making sure that Liu Su would not leave quietly, he felt relieved.

It was still early now, and Lin Jiangnian had just walked out of the yard when he met a small figure.


Lin Jiangnian called out to her.

Xiaozhu stopped, blinked, and subconsciously looked behind His Highness: "Your Highness..."

"What are you looking at?" Lin Jiangnian asked again.

Xiaozhu said carefully: "Is Sister Zhiyuan gone?"

"Paper Kite?"

Lin Jiangnian was startled, and then realized something: "Has the paper kite been here?"


Xiaozhu nodded. She had seen Sister Zhiyuan coming to see His Highness before.

What, haven’t you seen His Highness?

Lin Jiangnian frowned. Has Zhiyuan been here before?

Since I've been here, why didn't she show up?

Could it be...

Lin Jiangnian instantly understood what he realized.

"Okay, I get it!"

He waved his hand and walked away. Not long after, he appeared in Zhiyuan's courtyard.

The quiet courtyard is cold and elegant. The flowers and plants placed in the corners of the courtyard have withered a lot, making it look a bit lonely.

Lin Jiangnian rarely came here. The first time he came, he was turned away by the angry Zhiyuan and was rejected.

Now that he came back, the courtyard was still quiet, and Lin Jiangnian stepped to the door.

Knock on the door.

"Paper Kite?"

Silence, no response.

"Where are the people?"

Lin Jiangnian knocked on the door again, but there was still no response. Wasn't he in the room?

He pushed the door tentatively, and the door was gently pushed open.

Lin Jiangnian glanced around the room, which was quiet and slightly dark.

Sure enough, he's not here!

"Where are you going?"

Lin Jiangnian murmured to himself, and when he was about to turn around, he paused again. His eyes scanned the room. After hesitating for a moment, he stepped straight in.

As soon as he stepped into the room, Lin Jiangnian felt a chill. The temperature in the room seemed to be very low, making him feel unspeakably cold.

Quiet and dim, the smell in the room is fresh, accompanied by a faint aroma. The aroma is very light, exactly the same as the smell of Zhiyuan, and two completely different smells from Liu Su.

Very elegant and fresh.

The personality of the owner can also be seen from the furnishings placed in the room.

To Lin Jiangnian's surprise, the room was really shabby.

The room is not big. Except for a bed, a few tables, a few cabinets, and some necessary daily necessities placed behind the screen, the room is empty without any luxurious decorations or items.

This somewhat surprised Lin Jiangnian.

Although Zhiyuan was nominally a maid in the palace, her status was not much lower than that of Prince Lin's son.

However, her room was simple and simple, with no sign of luxury at all, and it was not even comparable to the decorations of some other maids and maids in the palace.

Not to mention gold and silver jewelry, there were not even a few precious things in sight.

It is extremely inconsistent with her status as the maid of Prince Lin!

Looking around slowly, Lin Jiangnian was amazed. It was expected, but he was somewhat disappointed.

I originally wanted to take advantage of Zhiyuan's absence to come in and see if she had any secrets. As a result, there is no secret at all in this obvious display.

I somewhat underestimated her!

Lin Jiang young sighed, shook his head, turned around and was about to leave.

Looking up, he saw a lonely figure standing outside the door.

Paper kite.

The light cyan underskirt, skirt and heels fully reveal the girl's figure.

The thick black hair is tied up and stranded, looking particularly pure and stunning.

The calm and delicate face, the exquisite facial features, and the bright eyes looked at Lin Jiangnian in the room expressionlessly.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.


Young Lin Jiang coughed, "Are you back?"

Zhiyuan didn't speak, but her beautiful eyes fell from Lin Jiangnian's body to the room. After a quick glance, she withdrew and lowered her eyes.

"Your Highness."

The tone was neither cold nor indifferent.

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised and looked at her up and down: "Aren't you angry?"

Zhiyuan said calmly: "Why are you angry?"

"My prince broke into your room at will without your permission...Aren't you angry?"

Zhiyuan's eyes seemed to move: "Since Your Highness knows this, why do you still do this?"

"Don't you think you won't find out?"

Lin Jiangnian spread his hands, feeling very calm.

Zhiyuan still had no expression.

The only person in Prince Lin's Mansion who dared to break into her room so brazenly was Lin Jiangnian in front of her.

Seeing that she seemed unwilling to say more, Lin Jiangnian changed the subject: "I heard from Xiaozhu that you have gone to see me before?"

Zhiyuan nodded.

"Then why didn't I see you?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and said calmly: "Your Highness is busy, so I didn't bother you."

Lin Jiangnian stared at her and sighed: "Did you hear that?"

Zhiyuan was silent.

"How much have you heard?"

Judging from Zhiyuan's reaction, Lin Jiangnian knew that she must have discovered something.

She went to the small courtyard before, but did not look for Lin Jiangnian. She must have discovered Lin Jiangnian and Liu Su in the room.

Only this time, neither Lin Jiangnian nor Liu Su noticed her appearance... Could it be that she was hiding outside the door and eavesdropping?

How much content did you overhear?

Zhiyuan seemed to react this time and raised her eyes to look at him, "Your Highness is worried that this slave will tell the truth?"

"Not afraid."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly, naturally he was not worried about this.

"Then why do you ask, Your Highness?"

Lin Jiangnian was startled, but he didn't expect Zhiyuan to answer like this. After being stunned for a moment, he nodded.

"That makes sense."

"In that case, I won't ask any more questions!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand: "What about you?"


There was a hint of confusion on Zhiyuan's delicate face.

"You went to see me today, is there anything wrong?"

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment, then raised her eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian again, as if thinking about something. After a while, she gently shook her head: "It's okay."


Lin Jiangnian frowned slightly, looking at the paper kite in front of him, something seemed a little off.

An indescribable weird feeling!

The paper kite I saw today seemed different from the one she had in the past.

"Are you really okay?"

Lin Jiangnian took two steps, walked to Zhiyuan, stared at her fair and delicate facial features, and spoke slowly.

Zhiyuan subconsciously wanted to take a step back, but quickly stopped and raised her eyes to look at Lin Jiangnian. After a moment, she said softly: "Slave, can I ask your highness a question?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Ask."

"Your Highness..."

Zhiyuan hesitated for a moment, then suddenly said: "Do you like that Willow Leaf?"

Lin Jiangnian was startled and looked at her in surprise.

"Why are you asking this suddenly?"

"Just ask."

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes and said calmly: "Your Highness doesn't have to answer."

"There's nothing I can't answer."

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment and shook his head: "I don't know either."

Like Liu Su?

Zhiyuan asked this question indeed.

Like it?

Of course I like it. She is beautiful, has a slim and graceful figure, has fine and tender skin, and has long, soft legs that are also tangled...

Who does not like?

But do you really want to say you like her?

Lin Jiangnian really couldn't answer this question for a while.

"I guess so."

In the end, Lin Jiangnian gave a more pertinent answer.


Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and looked at the paper kite in front of him. His face was quiet and cold, but it was fair and delicate even without makeup.

Based on his understanding of Zhiyuan, it doesn't seem like Zhiyuan is such a gossip?

How could he ask him if he liked Liu Su for no reason?


Lin Jiangnian suddenly remembered what Zhiyuan said before leaving yesterday, which was also strange.

Ask him to be nicer to Liu Su?

What happened between her... and Liu Su?

Lin Jiangnian thought about them being alone together.

Just when he was about to speak, he saw Zhiyuan speaking softly: "I just thought of someone."


Zhiyuan was silent for a moment, then slowly spoke: "Eldest Princess, your Highness's fiancée..."

Lin Jiangnian was stunned, "What happened to her?"

"Letter from Beijing!"

Zhiyuan's eyes were calm, and she raised her eyes to look at Lin Jiangnian: "His Highness's engagement with her was settled a long time ago..."

"Previously, the prince had been delaying the matter because of his young age, but the capital has been putting pressure on it. Now that his highness is not young, so is the eldest princess in the capital... This matter will be put on the agenda sooner or later."

Lin Jiangnian was stunned, a little surprised when he listened to Zhiyuan slowly talking about this matter.

Indeed, he knew that Prince Lin and Princess Daning were engaged to be engaged, but he did not expect that this engagement was so imminent?

After thinking about it, it seems that it is the case. Prince Lin is eighteen years old, and the eldest princess in the capital is also about the same age. At this age, he has already started a family and started a business, and his children can even walk.

However, Lin Jiangnian frowned, and he smelled a hint of conspiracy.

Everything is going well in Beijing, so why are you so eager to force a marriage?

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and looked at Lin Jiangnian: "Your Highness, have you thought about it?"


Zhiyuan said calmly: "Now His Highness has only two choices, either to refuse the marriage and resist the decree. As long as His Highness stays in Linjiang City and the prince is here, even the imperial edict from the capital cannot do anything to His Highness."

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes: "The consequences of resisting the decree will be serious, right?"

Lin Hengzhong can indeed withstand the pressure from the capital, but if he really resists the decree, he will definitely be criticized by others, which will be extremely detrimental to King Lin!

Now that King Lin's power is growing day by day, it has become a worry for the Daning Dynasty. If this matter is revealed to the court, and Prince Lin is accused of openly resisting the decree and intending to rebel, the gain outweighs the loss!

Zhiyuan did not comment, glanced at Lin Jiangnian, and said calmly: "Or, Your Highness has to prepare to go to Beijing to marry Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess?"

One update is due today, and one chapter is due. Counting yesterday’s update, two updates are due.

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