Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 106 This prince will never mess around

early morning.

The sun shines in the room, which is quiet and small.

On the bed, Liu Su opened her eyes quietly.

When I opened my eyes, I felt something was wrong.

Is there anyone next to you? !

He was suddenly startled, and the next second he realized something. He paused slightly and raised his eyes.

"woke up?"

A warm and familiar voice came to my ears, very soft.

Liu Su raised her eyes and saw Lin Jiangnian's face with a playful smile, quietly sizing her up.

Liu Su's delicate body tensed up, and then she realized where she was.

On the bed, the two of them were sleeping in each other's arms, and she... was curled up in Lin Jiangnian's arms, with her head resting on his arm. The two people's movements were extremely intimate.

Liu Su was startled, and her fair and delicate face immediately turned red. She lowered her eyes slightly in panic and struggled to get up.

"do not move."

Lin Jiangnian's voice came to her ears again, and Liu Su felt ashamed and anxious. She immediately turned around, but Lin Jiangnian hugged her from behind.

"Let, let me go!"

"Don't move, let me hug you again!"

Lin Jiang's young and soft voice came, Liu Su's delicate body tensed, but her struggling movements gradually weakened.

No more resistance, no more words.

She lowered her head slightly and let Lin Jiangnian hold her without saying a word.

As if indulging in this short-lived warmth.

The light from the window shone into the room, and Liu Su's thoughts gradually came back to her senses, remembering what happened last night.

Last night, the two of them slept together?

Perhaps what was supposed to happen had already happened, and Liu Su didn't have much resistance.


As if thinking of something, Liu Su suddenly panicked and felt inexplicably disappointed.

She felt inexplicably uneasy.

There was silence in the room for a long time, neither of them moved, as if they were savoring the few tender moments left.

Lin Jiangnian hugged Liu Su in his arms and looked down at her delicate and pretty face, which was covered by black hair, revealing her fair skin, delicate chin, and slender and pink neck.

Very beautiful!

The delicate and flawless profile, the small and exquisite nose bridge, and the bright thin lips are hidden under the green silk hair.


Lin Jiangnian watched quietly for a moment, then suddenly spoke softly.

Liu Su's delicate body trembled when she heard this title, and a blush appeared on her fair face. She turned her head in embarrassment: "Don't call me that!"

"Then what should I call you?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her face, half smiling.

Liu Su's eyes were full of shyness and anxiety. Lin Jiangnian's unprecedented affectionate address made her extremely uncomfortable and felt an indescribable sense of shame.

"have no idea!"

She gritted her teeth and glared at him: "You're not allowed to shout like that anyway!"


Lin Jiangnian thought for a while, and the smile on his face became brighter: "I call you Su'er? Xiao Susu? Or call you Guaiba..."

"Shut up!"

Liu Sufen's face turned red, and she reached out angrily to block Lin Jiangnian's mouth. These disgusting names gave her goosebumps all over her body, making her feel extremely ashamed.

When did this guy become so shameless? !

Can he shout this? !

Liu Su breathed rapidly and gritted her teeth.

"Okay, then stop shouting!"

Seeing her looking so ashamed and angry, if she continued to tease her, she might fall out on the spot.

Staring at her delicate and blushing face, she became more and more beautiful.

Especially when she was so tossing just now, when she turned around, she pulled the collar of her shirt, and under her delicate white neck, her skin was white and delicate.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian's eyes immediately widened slightly.

At this moment, Liu Su, who was filled with shame and anger, took a deep breath and glared at him angrily. She quickly noticed that something was wrong with Lin Jiangnian's eyes.

"What do you think I'm doing?!"

Liu Su noticed Lin Jiangnian's gradually rising heat, and immediately realized something was wrong, and became wary: "You, let me go, I'm going to get up..."

She tried to get up and escape from here.

However, Lin Jiangnian still held her tightly, not giving her a chance to struggle.

"Don't worry, it's still early, just lie down for a while!"

"It's getting late...I have to leave!"

Liu Su was shy and anxious, and was held tightly in Lin Jiangnian's arms, unable to move. The clothes on her body were already thin, and now the two of them were close to each other, and she could clearly feel the scorching temperature of Lin Jiangnian's body.

This is a bad omen!

Keep lying down, who knows what will happen? ! We must not let him succeed!

Liu Su raised her eyes angrily, wanting to warn this excessive guy. However, as soon as he raised his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a pair of fiery eyes.

Then, he suddenly lowered his head.

Liu Su was on guard, and immediately turned her head shyly, avoiding Lin Jiangnian's 'attack'.

"You, what are you doing?!"

There was a hint of trembling in the voice, a hint of nervousness, and a hint of sullenness.

"Don't hide!"

"don't want!"

"Just one bite..."

"I don't……"

Liu Su struggled desperately and dodged his head, but Lin Jiangnian still seized the opportunity and succeeded!

After a while, Liu Su panted and pushed Lin Jiangnian away, took a deep breath, and was about to raise her eyes angrily when she saw Lin Jiangnian's fiery eyes still staring at her.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Let me hug you!"

"I don't believe it, don't come here...let me go!"

"You have to believe me, I will only give you a hug... and I will never mess around!"

Lin Jiangnian vowed to do so.

Of course Liu Su didn't believe it. How could she believe Lin Jiangnian's lies? Realizing something was wrong, she immediately wanted to get up and escape.

However, as soon as she sat up, Lin Jiangnian hugged her from behind again, and then...

In the end, it was chaos!

An hour later.

Three poles higher in the sun, the sun slowly falls on the yard.


The door opened and Liu Su slowly walked out of the room.

She put on the bright red dress again. Her long hair was tied up, revealing a delicate and pink face.

White and rosy, so beautiful!

She walked out of the room and glanced behind her, with a look of shame and anger in her beautiful eyes.

Thinking of what happened before, he gritted his teeth.

"What a bastard!"

She spoke bitterly, with a hint of embarrassment and anger on her face that had not completely faded away from her red rhyme.

He took a deep breath and gritted his teeth bitterly. Finally, he took a deep look at the room behind him, with a hint of reluctance in his beautiful eyes.

Just watching quietly, lost in thought.

Until a long time later, the emotion in his eyes gradually disappeared.

She turned around slowly and limped out of the courtyard.

Inside Ruyi Building.

Fifth floor.

In the empty and quiet building, only the sound of sweeping the floor could be heard.

In the corner of the building, a rickety figure was cleaning the dust on the ground.

The movements were very light, very careful, slow and self-satisfied. It blends in with all the surrounding environment and is silent.

Until not long after, a footsteps broke the silence.

A figure appeared on the fifth floor, approached slowly, and stopped.

At the same time, the old man slowly turned around and raised his eyes.

"Your Majesty?!"

The old man stopped what he was doing.

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