"Could it be..."

"Zhiyuan has something to do with her?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were solemn and he couldn't help but ask.

Lin Hengzhong nodded with some relief: "That's true."


Lin Jiangnian looked stunned.

"what happened?"

How come Zhiyuan and Liu Su are related?

Lin Jiangnian was shocked, but then he quickly remembered the strange words Zhiyuan said to Liu Su after they met before.

he mused.

"This matter is a bit complicated to talk about. It is all old events from that year."

Lin Hengzhong paused and said with emotion: "Strictly speaking, the two of them should be regarded as sisters!"


Lin Jiangnian looked dull.

After listening to Lin Hengzhong's explanation, Lin Jiangnian was in a daze and was surprised.


Zhiyuan and Liu Su are actually half-sisters? !

Is there such a coincidence in the world? !

"This matter is indeed interesting."

Lin Hengzhong spoke softly: "Back then, Zhiyuan's father and I had a good relationship and we often communicated with each other. Later, he met a woman in the Miao territory and fell in love at first sight..."

"But Brother Jiang already had a family at that time..."

Lin Hengzhong slowly told Lin Jiangnian about this past incident, and Lin Jiangnian also got an idea from it.

Jiang Cheng!

The former governor of Yanzhou County was also Zhiyuan's biological father.

At that time, Lin Hengzhong was still joining the army in the Miao territory. When Jiang Cheng passed through the Miao territory, he met a woman in the Miao territory. After falling in love with her at first sight, they gave birth to a child.

However, Jiang Cheng had a family back then and could not take the other mother and daughter back, so he entrusted Lin Hengzhong to take care of them secretly.

Unfortunately, a large-scale war broke out in the Miao territory. Lin Hengzhong was busy commanding and resisting the enemy forces, and he was separated from his mother and daughter.

Jiang Cheng learned about this and later sent people to search for them in many ways. He even made a special trip to the Miao border to look for their mother and daughter, but to no avail. It was also at that time that Jiang Cheng died trying to save Lin Hengzhong. Not long after that, Jiang Cheng was accused of treason, and the Jiang family was wiped out.

"Come to think of it, I'm not responsible for this."

Lin Hengzhong sighed softly.

He knew that Jiang Cheng and the woman fell in love at first sight. Jiang Cheng wanted to take the mother and daughter back several times, but due to the huge power of Zhiyuan's mother, she was worried that it would hurt them, so she finally stopped.

Lin Hengzhong, who was deeply involved in the war at that time, could not even protect himself in that chaotic era, and was powerless to do anything.

After Jiang Cheng's death, the Jiang family was wiped out, leaving Zhiyuan as the only bloodline. And the mother and daughter back then were missing even more.

Over the years, Lin Hengzhong has also sent people to look for their mother and daughter, but there has been no news.

It wasn't until that night a few days ago that the moves Liu Su used to assassinate him caught Lin Hengzhong's attention. The opponent's moves are somewhat familiar.

When he met Liu Su later, Lin Hengzhong finally confirmed this.

Liu Su does have some similarities to her mother back then!

Unexpectedly, after searching for so many years, I would finally meet my old friend’s daughter in such a way!

And this, this is the reason why Lin Hengzhong really let her go!

When Lin Jiangnian heard the news, his expression was indescribably exciting.

Is there such a relationship between Zhiyuan and Liu Su?

Half-sisters? !

Unexpectedly, the Brother Jiang mentioned by Lin Hengzhong was also a temperamental person back then?

He went out to flirt with women and was afraid of his real wife at home, so he had no choice but to entrust his mother and daughter to the care of a close friend. Unfortunately, they were separated.

Isn't this a heartless act?

Lin Jiangnian was filled with emotions, it was really unexpected!

But thinking about it carefully, everything seems reasonable.

No wonder Lin Hengzhong, after meeting Liu Su once, was completely relieved to hand her over to Lin Jiangnian, and no longer even cared about her assassination crime.

Liu Su is the daughter of his old friend, who died trying to save Lin Hengzhong. Therefore, even if Liu Su assassinated him, Lin Heng would not embarrass Liu Su because of his old friendship.

It seemed that Liu Su could understand the abnormal reaction after meeting Lin Hengzhong before, and Zhiyuan... Zhiyuan's identity?

The daughter of the former Yanzhou County Sheriff? !

This identity... does have a lot of background!

Previously, Lin Jiangnian had doubted whether Zhiyuan was Lin Hengzhong's illegitimate daughter, but now, the truth has become clear!

Not an illegitimate daughter, but... the daughter of an old friend?

That old friend once saved Lin Hengzhong's life. Lin Heng was very affectionate and righteous, so he naturally adopted Zhiyuan.

I see?

"So I'm the last one to know about this?"

After regaining consciousness for a while, Lin Jiangnian smiled bitterly.

"It's not too late to know now!"

Lin Hengzhong spoke softly and glanced at Lin Jiangnian: "Do you want to get her back?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and nodded gently: "Dad, do you know who the leader of the Tianshen Sect is?"

Mentioning this, Lin Hengzhong's eyes gradually became serious, and then he shook his head slightly: "I don't know either."

"This Tianshen Sect is not very impressive, but the origin of the leader behind it is somewhat mysterious and should not be underestimated."

Lin Jiangnian frowned. Even King Lin said he was mysterious?

Does this leader of the Celestial God Sect have a strong background?

"I did fight with him back then. This man's martial arts skills are extremely high and unfathomable, and his identity is also mysterious!"

Lin Hengzhong's expression was slightly solemn.

"Then, who won?" Lin Jiangnian asked tentatively.

"It's about the same."

Lin Hengzhong spoke softly and glanced at Lin Jiangnian again with a solemn expression: "If you see him in the future, you must not confront him head-on. It's important to protect yourself!"

"My child understands..."

Lin Jiangnian nodded. A master who was as good as Lin Hengzhong was naturally not something Lin Jiangnian could deal with.

If it happened, Lin Jiangnian would naturally not humiliate himself.

"However, if you want to find her, you can wait!"

Lin Hengzhong spoke slowly, his eyes gradually becoming serious: "She is the daughter of my old friend, and she is also the woman you like, Jiang Nian. Naturally, my father will not care about her. But the Celestial Sect behind her..."

A hint of coldness flashed across Lin Hengzhong's eyes.

Lin Jiangnian was shocked when he saw it.

That's right, Lin Hengzhong was King Lin, the King Lin who controlled the military power of the Daning Dynasty and was extremely powerful. When someone assassinated someone in his own house, how could he let it go?

The Celestial Sect, who planned all this behind the scenes, should be the next target of revenge from Prince Lin's Mansion. If nothing else, Prince Lin's Mansion will probably take action against the Tianshen Sect next.

"Dad, do you want to destroy the Tianshen Sect?" Lin Jiangnian asked tentatively.

"So be it."

Lin Hengzhong spoke slowly, the coldness in his eyes gradually dissipated, and then looked at Lin Jiangnian in front of him. After staring for a while, he suddenly said: "However, Jiang Nian, you still have one thing to do right now. "

"What's the matter?"

"Enter Beijing!"

Lin Hengzhong looked at him and spoke slowly: "Go and marry the eldest princess in the capital back to our palace."


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