"Li Qianlin?"

In the quiet room, on the bed, Lin Jiangnian squinted his eyes as he stared at the pear-shaped female assassin under him, but with a look of reluctance.

As expected.

It's him!

A few months ago, Lin Jiangnian sensed that there was something wrong with Li Qianlin since he appeared in Linjiang City.

From the conflicts caused by the teahouse, to Song Jue's tip-off and his murder, to the subsequent series of actions of Li Qianlin behind his back, it was obvious that they were all directed at Lin Jiangnian.

Before leaving Linjiang City, Lin Jiangnian specifically asked Lin Kong to secretly release Li Qianlin out of the city, just to catch a big fish in the long run and find out who was behind Li Qianlin.

as expected!

Li Qianlin was targeting Lin Jiangnian and had been planning for a long time.

In the room, Lin Jiangnian squinted and thought for a long time.

On the bed, the female assassin who was still pressed under her was already naked. She grabbed the quilt next to her to cover her snow-white skin. Her eyes were red, she bit her lower lip, and stared at Lin with resentment. Jiang Nian.

"I, I have told you, but can you let me go?"

The voice was ashamed and angry.

Hearing this voice, Lin Jiangnian gradually came back to his senses, lowered his head and looked at her, and then stood up slowly.

After regaining control of his body, Shen Lingjun quickly wrapped himself in the quilt beside him to cover up the spring light that had originally leaked out.

"If you had been so obedient and cooperative, wouldn't it have been easier?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her movements and reactions, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Despicable, shameless, obscene..."

Shen Lingjun stared at him fiercely, gritting his teeth, and a few fierce glances appeared on his pear-shaped face.

If this son of a bitch hadn't been extremely shameless and used such vicious and despicable methods to deal with her, how could she...

"You can scold me all you want, as long as you are happy."

Lin Jiangnian looked away, ignored her, turned around and came to the door of the room.

Open the door.

Outside the door, Lin Qingqing has been waiting for a long time.

"Let Lin Kong come to see me."

Lin Jiangnian spoke calmly.

During this trip, apart from Lin Qingqing, Lin Kong was also among the guards entering Beijing.

After all, Lin Kong was the former prince's personal military commander. Although he did not have deep loyalty to Lin Jiangnian, Lin Jiangnian controlled his weak point and kept him by his side for better control.

And Lin Kong, regardless of his skill or ability, could help him with many things on the way to Beijing.

Lin Qingqing was startled for a moment: "Your Highness, are you trying to..."

"Catch the assassin!"

Lin Jiangnian sneered and said, "This time, I will catch them all!"


Late at night, in a village outside the town.

A figure hurriedly broke into the room.

"The woman named Shen sneaked into the town inn alone and wanted to assassinate the son of a bitch. It was too late to stop her!"

"Lin Jiangnian and his party checked into the inn. If nothing else, she may have taken action!"

"I wonder if it was successful!"


In the room, Li Qianlin had a gloomy expression and was walking back and forth in the room, looking extremely ugly.

"It would be fine if she could kill Lin Jiangnian, but if she fails..."

The ominous premonition in Li Qianlin's heart became stronger and stronger.

Who is Prince Lin Wang?

After the previous failed assassinations, Prince Lin's Mansion had already been extremely vigilant. As long as Lin Jiangnian was not a fool, he would know that he would probably encounter a crisis on the way from Linjiang City to Beijing.

Does the woman named Shen want to eradicate Lin Jiangnian alone?

If she really had this ability, why would they have needed to prepare so meticulously for so long?

"Something's wrong!"

Li Qianlin suddenly stopped and took a deep breath, his expression extremely ugly.

"What's wrong?"

"We may have fallen into a trap!"

The ominous premonition in his heart became stronger, and Li Qianlin categorically did not believe that Lin Jiangnian was unprepared. The two previous defeats at the hands of Lin Jiangnian had given him a new understanding of Lin Jiangnian.

That prince, it’s not that simple!


As if he had thought of something, Li Qianlin immediately ordered: "Everyone should evacuate this place and consider the long term!"


Someone next to him wanted to refute, but was interrupted by Li Qianlin: "If you don't want to die, just leave quickly!"

"Otherwise, you should be prepared to die when that bitch of a prince comes to find you."

Li Qianlin immediately turned around and left in a hurry without saying a word.

And not long after, under the night, countless black figures wearing armor appeared outside the village and sneaked in silently.


A pitiful and sharp scream pierced the night sky, instantly waking up Li Qianlin who was about to escape. When he saw the originally dark village behind him, a blazing fire suddenly ignited.

Under countless torches, several figures wearing sharp black armor came into view.

Li Qianlin's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"


Small town, inn.

It's late at night, and the residents of the town have already fallen asleep.

Inside the inn.

Perhaps the movement at night disturbed the sleeping maid next to him. Xiaozhu opened the door and walked out, rubbing his sleepy eyes, "What's wrong, Your Highness? What happened?"


Outside the corridor, Lin Jiangnian gently touched the little maid's head: "You can continue to sleep and have a good rest."


The little maid didn't know why, but she nodded obediently and went back to her room.

When the door closed, Lin Jiangnian turned around and walked into the next room.

The room was still quiet.

On the bed not far away, the female assassin was still wrapped in the quilt, staring at Lin Jiangnian with fierce and alert eyes.

"I've told you everything."

Shen Lingjun gritted his teeth: "Can you let me go?"

Tonight, she suffered such a humiliation in her life. She secretly swore in her heart that if she could leave here alive, the humiliation she suffered today would be repaid tenfold in the future.


Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and nodded lightly: "Let's go."

The expression on Shen Lingjun's face was stunned, as if she didn't know what to say. Is this prince really willing to let her go?

She stared at his face, trying to see if he was trying to play some trick, but she couldn't see anything.

Finally bite the bullet!

Just go!

Since he dares to let go, he dares to leave!

After making up his mind, Shen Lingjun stood up and left immediately. But the next second, she quickly realized something.

Looking down, he saw that the clothes on his body had been torn by Lin Jiangnian just now, leaving only a few strips of cloth. Under the clothes, the light-colored bellyband was exposed to the air.

Obviously, it can no longer be worn.

A blush instantly appeared on Shen Lingjun's fair face. Could it be that she wanted to leave like this?

She sat on the bed and hesitated for a long time. Now she wanted to leave here quickly. But I am disheveled at the moment. If I go out like this, even at night, then...

Outside the screen, Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and saw that the female assassin was still sitting on the bed motionless, as if hesitating about something, and immediately said: "What? Still reluctant to leave?"

Hearing this, Shen Lingjun gritted his teeth in shame and anger and wanted to say something, but finally held back. After a while, she took a deep breath and finally said: "Clothes!"


Lin Jiangnian didn't seem to hear clearly.

"I want clothes!"

Shen Lingjun's eyes turned red and he gritted his teeth.

Seeing that she was still wrapped in the quilt, Lin Jiangnian understood something and waved his hand: "Where do I have any clothes?"


Shen Lingjun was shy and anxious. How could he not know that this bastard did it on purpose?

He clearly wanted to humiliate her!

Thinking of this, Shen Lingjun felt even more ashamed and angry, biting his lower lip tightly, his eyes fell on the quilt on his body, and he immediately gritted his teeth.


A large piece of the quilt was torn off in an instant, and Shen Lingjun quickly wrapped the quilt around his body and made a simple 'clothes'.

Although it looks strange, at least he keeps his body well covered.

Shen Lingjun breathed a sigh of relief, then turned over and got out of bed, his legs trembling slightly when he stepped on the ground.

My whole body was still weak and I couldn't exert any strength. But at this time, she couldn't care less, it was more important to leave here.

It's important to get out of the clutches of this bitch prince.

She glared at Lin Jiangnian fiercely, walked quickly to the door, opened the door, and prepared to leave.


Just opened the door.

Outside the door, a figure stood quietly, blocking her way.

Lin Qingqing stood expressionlessly at the door, staring at her.

Shen Lingjun seemed to realize something, and suddenly turned his head to look at Lin Jiangnian, gritting his teeth: "Didn't you say let me go?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Yes!"

"Then why is she blocking the door?"

"How does this prince know?"

"Tell her to go away!"

"She doesn't listen to my prince."

Shen Lingjun: "..."

She immediately became extremely angry: "Shameless!"

This son of a bitch didn't even want to let her go? !

How could she leave with Lin Qingqing blocking the door?

Lin Jiangnian sat down at the table next to him and shook his head gently: "I am indeed prepared to let you go, but... whether she is willing to let you go or not is not up to me."

Shen Lingjun's eyes were filled with anger. What's the difference between what he said and what he didn't say?

At this time, Lin Qingqing outside the door was also looking at Shen Lingjun at the door.

This "female assassin" who attacked His Royal Highness at night?

After seeing the quilt wrapped around the other person's body and the strips of cloth randomly falling under the bed not far away, I vaguely realized something.

Your Highness, you really didn’t let this female assassin go?

Your Highness is so... brave!

Thoughts flashed through her mind. She glanced at His Highness in the room and understood. His Highness may have fallen in love with this female assassin. In this case, as a subordinate, she naturally has the obligation to stop this female assassin for His Highness.

Thinking of this, Lin Qingqing's eyes gradually turned cold: "You can't leave!"

She said expressionlessly: "You deserve death for assassinating His Highness the Crown Prince... Even if His Highness the Crown Prince is kind enough to let you go, you can escape the death penalty, but you will inevitably be punished with life!"

Shen Lingjun looked at the master and servant in front of him and sneered in his heart. She could tell that the master and servant were singing and teasing her.

From the beginning to the end, this son of a bitch had no intention of letting her go.

Sure enough, she still underestimated the insidiousness and cunningness of this prince, and that was right. This prince was already a vicious dog, so how could he be so kind as to let her go?

After thinking about this, Shen Lingjun gave up.

He turned around and walked to the table, sat down directly opposite Lin Jiangnian, and stared at him fiercely.

Lin Jiangnian looked at her interestingly: "What? You're not leaving?"

Shen Lingjun sneered: "Does it make sense for me to play like this?"

Lin Jiangnian was startled and said in surprise: "I haven't played yet, have I?"

"You haven't played yet?!"

Shen Lingjun opened his eyes wide: "You, none of your masters and servants are good!"

"Kill me if you can!"

"Since I promised not to kill you, I naturally won't kill you." Lin Jiangnian spread his hands: "Otherwise, wouldn't it mean that I don't keep my word?"

"You still don't keep your word?!"

Shen Lingjun sneered again and again.

A hypocrite, right?

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Why did you want to assassinate my prince?"

Shen Lingjun sneered: "Don't you have any idea?"

"Not really."

Young Lin Jiang sighed: "I am very curious, why do you seem to hate me so much?"

"You are a bitch, you should be punished by everyone!"

Shen Lingjun sneered: "You prey on the common people, harm women from good families, and kill innocent people indiscriminately... Do you think you deserve to die for all these bastard beastly things you have done over the years?!"

After hearing this, Lin Jiangnian sighed softly: "Listening to what you said, does this prince really deserve death?"

"As long as you know!"

"Then, how do you know that this prince has done these things?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Did you see it with your own eyes?"

"Who doesn't know about Linjiang City?"

"Where did they know that?"

Shen Lingjun's face was stunned. This question... she really hadn't thought about it.

Lin Jiangnian added: "You haven't seen it with your own eyes, how can you be sure that they are not slandering my son?"

Shen Lingjun stared at him coldly: "Do they need to slander you?"

"That's not necessarily the case!"

Young Lin Jiang knocked on the table, half smiling: "Perhaps those scholars in Linjiang City are jealous of my prince, and they usually slander my reputation with rumors?!"

Not to mention, the scholars in Linjiang City really hated Lin Jiangnian. As for the reason, it is self-evident.

Shen Lingjun didn't believe his lies at all: "Why are they jealous of you?"

"Of course, this prince will have the glory and wealth that they will never get in this life as soon as he is born!"

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "My son will be the prince of Linwang when he is born. The future king of Linzhou, wealth, power, and women will be easily accessible to me... What do you think, shouldn't they be jealous?"

Shen Lingjun was silent.

She wanted to refute, but the prince's words made her not know where to start.

After a while, she seemed to remember something and spoke with a fierce look: "Then Chen Yingying was killed by you... Isn't that correct?"

Lin Jiangnian still shook his head: "I didn't kill her."

"Are you still making excuses?!"

"She committed suicide!" Lin Jiangnian said calmly.

Shen Lingjun chuckled: "Then you were kidnapped by your people from Prince Lin's Mansion and beaten to death?! That girl Yingying is so fragile, how can she withstand the torture from your Prince Lin's Mansion?"

"Then why don't you ask why the people in Prince Lin's Mansion wanted to arrest her?"

Shen Lingjun was startled again. She only knew that Chen Yingying was arrested by Prince Lin's Mansion and killed by this son of a bitch, but she really didn't know why Yingying was arrested.

"It's not like you, the son of a bitch, had evil intentions towards her, and Yingying didn't want to, so you became angry and killed her?!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her with a slightly retarded look: "Do you think the woman I want needs to be strong?"

Shen Lingjun was stunned again and fell silent.

Indeed, even she couldn't convince herself of this reason.

"Then why do you want to catch Yingying?"

After a long silence, Shen Lingjun gritted his teeth and spoke, his eyes slightly red.

She had some friendship with Chen Yingying, and they had a good relationship. When she learned that she had been killed by Lin Jiangnian, she naturally hated the son of a bitch.

I wish I could kill her to avenge Yingying!

"It wasn't me who caught her, but the people from Prince Lin's Mansion."

Lin Jiangqing shook his head softly: "The reason why Prince Lin's Mansion arrested her is because she colluded with assassins and had evil intentions towards my son..."

"Two months ago, my prince was attacked outside Linjiang City and narrowly escaped death...and Chen Yingying was the one who snitched!"

Shen Lingjun's pupils suddenly widened and he subconsciously said: "This is impossible!!"


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