Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 140 The truth is about to be revealed

outside the window.

Lin Jiangnian stood under the eaves, quietly looking at the frightened young man in the room.

"Are you Wang Qin?"

Wang Qin's face was full of horror. Who is this strange man?

Why does it appear here? !

"Who are you?!"

Perhaps because of a guilty conscience, or perhaps for other reasons, Wang Qin's face turned pale and he stared at the man outside the window.

He had never seen this person before, and the clothes he wore definitely did not look like someone from the family.

Then he...

Wang Qin's heart trembled and he took a step back in fear: "Someone, come quickly?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door to the side opened and two guards rushed in.

"Master, what's wrong?!"

"Him, kill him quickly..."

Wang Qin, like a frightened bird, pointed at Lin Jiangnian outside the window and spoke angrily.

The two guards looked at the figure outside the window and were both stunned.

Kill, kill him?

This, they have to dare!

"Sir, is there any misunderstanding?"

The guard on the side whispered: "This is the master's distinguished guest, he cannot be killed..."

"Dignified guest?!"

Wang Qin was startled, and then stared at the man outside the window in surprise.

Distinguished guest?

His father's distinguished guest?

So young? !

However, after learning that the other party was not an enemy, Wang Qin was relieved and instantly relaxed, almost paralyzed.


The guards next to him hurriedly stepped forward to help him. Wang Qin was covered in cold sweat and his face became increasingly pale. It took him a long time to recover.

Lin Jiangnian watched this scene with interest?

What's going on with this guy?


Isn't it said that this guy is one of the most dandy second generation ancestors in Xunyang City?

Just this little bit of psychological quality?

"You, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Qin, who gradually recovered, raised his head and looked out the window, his voice slightly hoarse.

"Originally I wanted to see you, Prince Wang, but it seems that Prince Wang is not very welcoming?"

Lin Jiangnian looked him over and over, half-smiling but not smiling: "In that case, I won't bother Mr. Wang."

With that said, Lin Jiangnian turned and left.

Wang Qin sat there, his face pale and not fully recovered, staring out the window: "Who is he?!"

"Why are you my father's distinguished guest?!"

The guard on the side came to Wang Qin's ear and said something. The next second, Wang Qin's pupils shrank and he looked shocked.

"He is Lin Jiangnian?!"

"That Prince Lin?!!"

Perhaps because the news was too shocking, Wang Qin stood up from where he was.

"Why is he here?!"

"It's the master's order."

The guards didn't know the reason, but they knew that Prince Lin was the master's guest, and the guards in the prefecture had to treat him with caution.

Wang Qin's eyes were filled with uncertainty, and then he remembered that the young man's appearance and attire were indeed good-looking. Especially his appearance, his talent, his appearance can be considered dignified... Doesn't it mean that Prince Lin in that barbaric land is an uncivilized savage?

Didn't he say that he was ugly and made many children cry in Linjiang City?

But the handsome and handsome man he saw just now was completely inconsistent with the rumors.

This Prince Lin... why is he so good-looking? !

Jealousy surged in his heart, but Wang Qin suppressed it immediately. Right now, he was in no mood to settle accounts with Prince Lin. He had more important things to do!

"Where's my dad?"

Wang Qin spoke.

"The master has gone out to deal with important matters in the city!"

After hearing the news, Wang Qin immediately gritted his teeth and said, "Prepare your carriage and horses, I am going out!"

When the guard on the side saw this, he wondered: "Sir, I have an order for you to stay in the house and not go out!"

"Cut the nonsense!"

Wang Qin said with a gloomy face: "Go and prepare the carriage and horses, go quickly!"



Behind the governor's house.

Wang Qin walked out of the back door, got on the carriage and left.

However, this time there were many guards around him, and he was protected by experts both overtly and covertly. It must have been this kidnapping that left him with a psychological shadow.

Not long after Wang Qin left the Prefect's Mansion, two figures appeared at the corner of the alley.

"Your Highness, how do you know he will go out quietly?"

In the corner of the alley, Lin Qingqing was a little surprised when she saw this scene.


Lin Jiangnian looked at the direction the carriage was leaving, half-smiling.


Lin Jiangnian did not explain.

When he met Wang Qin before, the guy had a frightened look on his face and a dodgey look in his eyes.

Obviously, he is feeling guilty!

He should have been relieved to be rescued back to the palace, but why did he look guilty?

Combined with the fact that he was rescued safely and inexplicably, Lin Jiangnian quickly realized that he had guessed something... I am afraid that Wang Qin was hiding something.

Therefore, Lin Jiangnian kept an eye on it.

Sure enough, as soon as Wang Shiquan left the prefect's mansion, Wang Qin couldn't wait to go out.

"Come on, follow me and take a look!"

Lin Jiangnian immediately gave the order and led Lin Qingqing in pursuit.

Several carriages silently shuttled through the city, and soon they arrived outside a house on the outskirts of the city.

Wang Qin jumped off the carriage, entered the house, and came to a small courtyard.

"You all wait outside the door!"

Wang Qin opened his mouth to instruct the guards outside the door, but perhaps because he was feeling uneasy, he hesitated and said, "If there is any movement inside, you can break in immediately!"


Wang Qin was relieved and stepped into the small courtyard.

The small courtyard was quiet and empty.

"Second uncle?"

Wang Qin called out, but there was no response. He frowned slightly and quickly walked under the eaves of the corridor to the side and came to the door of his second uncle's room.

When he opened the door, he found that the room was still empty.

"Second uncle? Are you there?!"

Seeing the empty room, Wang Qin felt panicked for some reason.

no one? !

How could there be no one?

Wang Qin left the room and searched carefully in the courtyard, but still did not see his second uncle.

Wang Qin had a look of panic on his face. He left the small courtyard and grabbed the servants of the house: "Where is my second uncle?"

The servant lowered his head: "Master is out!"

"Where are you going?"

"This slave doesn't know."

Wang Qin's expression changed slightly: "When did the second uncle go out?"

"Just this morning!"

"Didn't he leave any words?"



An ominous premonition emerged. How could the second uncle leave for no reason?

Without his second uncle, Wang Qin seemed to have lost his backbone instantly and became panicked.

"No, no..."

Wang Qin took a deep breath and tried to calm down. The next second, he seemed to think of something, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Immediately, he turned around and walked outside.

"Master, where are you going?!"

"Out of town!"


Not far away, above the eaves.

Lin Jiangnian and Lin Qingqing watched this scene from a distance.

"Wang Qin's second uncle?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the courtyard, "Wang Changjin?"

Lin Qingqing on the side nodded, thinking about something: "This Wang Changjin is quite a character!"

"My subordinates have checked the history of the Wang family over the years. He has contributed a lot to the success of the Wang family today."

"This man is very thoughtful and unfathomable... The Wang family's secret activities are inseparable from him!"

"So, he is the culprit?" Lin Jiangnian laughed.

Lin Qingqing lowered her head: "It's possible, but not sure."

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly and watched Wang Qin, who was not far away, get on the carriage and walk towards the city gate not far away.

"Let's go."

"Where to go?"

"Out of town!"

Lin Jiang young laughed: "Go and meet his second uncle."


Xunyang City.

"Wang Changjin, I need an explanation!"

An angry voice came from the dim room.

Wang Changjin half-squinted his eyes, glanced at the angry-looking figures sitting in front of him, and said calmly: "What are you in a hurry for?"

"Why are you not in a hurry? Do you know what the people in the city are doing now?"

"It's all the fault of your good nephew!"

"It's been so long and you can't even solve this little thing. Is this how your Wang family does things?"

"If something happens to him and we are implicated, how will the debt be settled?"


The figures present are all family figures in Xunyang City who have had interests with the Wang family over the years.

Wang Changjin still looked at these people indifferently, but there was a bit of coldness and sneer in the corners of his eyes.

When everything is safe, they call each other brothers and sisters and greet each other with smiles. Now, some minor accidents have happened, and they all fall out faster than anyone else. These so-called aristocratic families are indeed smiling tigers who eat people without spitting out their bones.

Wang Changjin took in everyone's reactions with cold eyes and said calmly: "Things haven't reached the worst yet, so you don't need to worry."

Everyone was talking about it, and one of them said coldly: "Wang Changjin, you know that the things your nephew does in daily life are not important. The so-called human trafficking and land seizure are not big things..."

"Those merchants who sell illegal salt can at best be used as scapegoats. These things are naturally fine and won't affect anything, but..."

"If that matter is discovered, it will not be a simple matter. Once it is exposed, none of you here will be able to escape!"

At this point, the man said in a low voice: "You Wang family, don't forget how you came to power more than ten years ago!"

Wang Changjin looked at the person in front of him quietly and suddenly smiled, the smile on his face was extremely bright.

"why are you laughing?!"

"Speaking of what happened more than ten years ago, I almost forgot one thing..."

Wang Changjin suddenly glanced at him: "Back then, you swore to yourself that the Jiang family had been wiped out and no one survived... right?"

"That's right!"

"But how did I hear that there are still people in the Jiang family alive?"

Wang Changjin stared into his eyes: "Jiang Cheng's wife and daughter, if I remember correctly, they escaped from your hands back then, right?"

This person was a little panicked, and said with an inward look: "That mother and daughter are already dead!"

"How do you prove that they are dead?" Wang Changjin asked.


As soon as these words came out, there was an instant silence!

Wang Changjin looked at the faces of everyone present and smiled.

"They're back!"

"I'm here to take revenge on everyone here!"


Xunyang City, street.

After walking out of the house, Wang Changjin got into the carriage and closed his eyes to rest.

As if recalling something, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a sarcastic look.

This bunch of things will never become a thing. The Jiang family has been almost wiped out, with only a mother and daughter left, and the mere mention of it can make them panic.

It seems that these years of ease have made them lose their will.

Wang Changjin narrowed his eyes and recalled everything that had happened during this period.

"Is it you?"

Wang Changjin's eyes were indifferent, and the figure he had glimpsed more than ten years ago appeared in his mind.

In the blink of an eye, so many years have passed!

"After all, it's time for you to come back."

Wang Changjin murmured to himself, then quickly shook his head gently: "However, the water in Xunyang County is far deeper than before."

"Even if Prince Lin helps you, nothing will change."

After Wang Changjin muttered to himself for a long time, he suddenly spoke to the groom outside the carriage: "Change the route and leave the city!"


outside the city.

A private house in the eastern suburbs.

There are many masters hidden around the private house to protect the private house.

Not far away, Lin Jiangnian and Lin Qingqing appeared beside the haystacks on the trail. They looked at the private house in front of them and did not get closer.

The two of them had already sensed that there were so many experts around the private house, and there was a risk of being discovered if they continued to get closer.

"Where is this?"

Lin Jiangnian looked ahead and frowned slightly.

Lin Qingqing also looked suspicious: "I don't know."

She didn't know where this was.

The two followed Wang Qin all the way out of the city and came here, where they saw Wang Qin enter this private house with their own eyes.


Lin Jiangnian muttered to himself and glanced around.

This place is located in the eastern suburbs outside Xunyang City. The location is extremely remote. If you are not careful, it is even difficult to detect.

Hidden so secretly, I'm afraid it contains a secret.

Lin Jiangnian looked not far away and narrowed his eyes: "Can you find a way to sneak in?"

Lin Qingqing looked embarrassed and shook her head: "It's difficult!"

"There are many experts here and they are heavily guarded. It is almost impossible to sneak in."

Lin Jiangnian frowned slightly. Since he couldn't sneak in, there was only one other way... shaking people?

Just then, another carriage appeared not far away.

A man got out of the carriage.

"Wang Changjin?!"

Lin Qingqing recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

Lin Jiangnian looked up and watched Wang Changjin get off the carriage and strode into the private house. The guards outside the gate greeted him respectfully.

"It seems that he has a very high status here!"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes: "There is indeed something wrong with these uncle and nephew."

"Your Highness, what should we do next?"

Lin Qingqing asked.

"Shake people!"

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "Since you can't sneak in, then force your way in!"

As he said that, he sneered: "I would like to see what secrets are hidden here!"

"What kind of tricks does the Wang family want to play?"

This time, there were many masters following Lin Jiangnian from Linjiang City to the capital.

This is also why Lin Jiangnian is so confident.

All fear comes from insufficient firepower.

But when Lin Jiangnian went north this time, he was not only followed by the prince's personal army all the way, but also secretly protected by masters from the palace. It was enough for Lin Jiangnian to run amok on the road heading north.

Lin Qingqing was about to leave after hearing this.

But the next second.


Lin Jiangnian suddenly stopped her.

Not far in front of the two people, another figure appeared in the line of sight.

Tsing Yi long shirt, Yunluo long skirt.

A tall figure, holding a green sword in his hand, slowly appeared not far outside the private house.

Wearing a hat, he lowered his eyes slightly, and his thick black hair fell down the hat.

One step, two steps, closer to the private house.

Not far away, Lin Jiangnian, hiding in a haystack, looked playfully.

"The show is on!"


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