Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 142 The Wang family wants to rebel?

The secret room in the back mountain.

The surroundings were quiet and eerie.

Lin Jiangnian and Lin Qingqing shuttled through the quiet secret room, one behind the other. Lin Qingqing followed Lin Jiangnian closely, with one hand on the hilt of the sword and a serious look on her face as she scanned the surroundings.

This place was weird, and she had to be careful to avoid any sudden danger.

As the two continued to walk inside, the secret room became darker and darker, leaving only a faint light. Lin Jiangnian soon discovered that the passages in this secret room were complex and extended in all directions, like a maze.

At first, the two followed the traces left in front of them, but as they went deeper, the traces gradually disappeared, and the two quickly lost themselves in it.

be lost?

Lin Jiangnian looked around and realized that he didn't know where he was.

"Why is there such a secret room?"

Lin Jiangnian's frown deepened.

What on earth is this place?

"Your Highness, what should we do now?"

Lin Qingqing spoke, and as the two of them went deeper, the road behind them became increasingly unfamiliar.

"Now that you're here, let's continue looking."

Lin Jiangnian did not stop and continued to go deeper into the secret room. Fortunately, although the front of the secret room became increasingly depressing, there was always a faint light on, proving that the front was not a dead end.

The two of them groped for a long time in the almost dark passage, and finally the light in front of them became more and more abundant. When they turned a corner, an exit appeared in front of them, with lights on.

The light is extremely dazzling.

But at the same time, there was a noisy conversation.

"Someone broke in?"

"I heard that a woman broke in?"

"Woman? Alone?!"

"Yes, it is said that the person who comes here is evil and has extremely high martial arts skills. We must be careful!"

"What are you afraid of? Our secret room is connected in all directions and has many agencies. Anyone who comes has to stay here!"


The conversation was very clear and noisy. Through the light, Lin Jiangnian quickly saw several figures not far from the entrance of the passage.

He turned around and gave Lin Qingqing a look behind him, and Lin Qingqing understood immediately.

Strike first to gain the upper hand!

She nodded slightly, and as Lin Jiangnian's eyes swept, the two of them took action at the same time.

In the secret room, a gust of wind suddenly blew up.

"Where does the wind come from?"

A guard in the secret room turned around subconsciously, and suddenly felt a black shadow flash behind him. Before he could recover, he fell limply.

At the same time, the other guards in the secret room reacted instantly, but just as they were about to react, another figure appeared behind them and struck like thunder. These soldiers were easily dispatched before they even had time to resist.

After quietly disposing of the last guard, Lin Jiangnian clapped his hands and said crisply.

"Congratulations, Your Highness, your martial arts has improved a lot."

Lin Qingqing's eyes were a little surprised. His Highness's progress in martial arts was beyond her expectation. I still remember that a few months ago, His Highness was unable to fight back, but now His Highness already has a bit of the prince's demeanor back then.

Although His Highness is still a beginner in martial arts, the results achieved in just a few months are already incredible.

Lin Qingqing naturally saw the reason for all this.

For all the hard work His Highness has put in these past few months, whether in Prince Lin's Mansion or traveling north, His Highness has never neglected his martial arts. If this continues, given time...

Lin Qingqing felt a little hopeful.

In the future, may His Highness truly be able to stand at the top of martial arts one day? !

"so so."

Lin Jiangnian pouted, not feeling much sense of accomplishment.

Although the guards guarding here are very skilled, their martial arts skills are not top-notch after all. To achieve such results in a sneak attack does not give Lin Jiangnian any sense of accomplishment.

After clapping his hands, Lin Jiangnian began to look around.

"Since there is someone guarding this place, there should be some clues."

Wherever he looked, he saw a dimly lit small secret room with several rooms inside. Lin Jiangnian glanced around and came to a secret room. When he was about to push away, Lin Qingqing behind him stopped him.

"Your Highness, wait a moment."

Lin Jiangnian made a movement with his hands, and Lin Qingqing stepped forward cautiously: "Your Highness, be careful of traps."

Only then did Lin Jiangnian realize something, and immediately became cautious, almost ignoring the mechanism in the secret room.

Lin Qingqing carefully approached the door of the secret room, looked around, and tried to open the door.

To no avail!

Can't push it away?

"There should be a mechanism or a key."

Lin Jiangnian spoke, searched the body of the unconscious guard on the side, and quickly took out a bunch of keys. He came to the door of the secret room, found the switch on the wall, and inserted the key into the secret room.


With a harsh sound, the door to the secret room slowly opened.

The next second.


Lin Qingqing's pupils suddenly shrank.

"call out!"

In the secret room, a cold crossbow arrow suddenly stabbed out.

Directly towards Lin Jiangnian’s forehead!

Fortunately, Lin Jiangnian was well prepared. The moment he sensed the murderous intent, he tensed up and dodged aside.


Two crossbow arrows pierced the stone pillar behind him, almost penetrating the stone pillar.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian felt scared.

If he hadn't been prepared earlier, he might have been hit in the head by this crossbow just now.

There are indeed many dangers in this secret room.

But the more this happened, the more Lin Jiangnian believed that there was an ulterior secret in this secret room.

Just when he was about to speak, he saw murderous intent coming from the secret room again. A spear came from the secret room and went straight to Lin Jiangnian's throat again.

"Your Highness, be careful!"

Lin Qingqing's anxious voice came, accompanied by a crisp collision sound.


Lin Qingqing unsheathed her sword and stood in front of Lin Jiangnian, blocking the spear in the secret room.

In the secret room, a man in gray robe appeared, holding a spear and running towards him.

The blow missed, and the spear struck again.

The momentum is fierce!

Lin Qingqing did not dare to be careless and immediately raised her sword to fight with the man in gray robe.

The figures of the two people intertwined quickly, and the swords and swords were flashing in the secret room, and their momentum was like a rainbow. When the two figures entangled and collided, dense traces were left on the surrounding walls.

Lin Jiangnian stepped aside and stared at the fight between the two without taking his eyes away.

Lin Jiangnian has been practicing martial arts for several months. Although Lin Jiangnian has made great progress, he still has very little actual combat experience. Although Lin Qingqing and the masters from the Crown Prince's army fought against Lin Jiangnian, there was still a bit of authenticity missing.

On this journey north, Lin Jiangnian originally had the intention of traveling all the way and gaining experience along the way. But along the way, some were too easy and simple. The enemies and opponents he encountered were either too weak or simply worthless, and they were of no use to Lin Jiangnian for learning and experience.

Now that Lin Qingqing is fighting against this person, it is a very good opportunity for Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Qingqing's martial arts is not weak. She is in the fifth-grade phaseless realm and ranks among the masters in the world. This kind of strength is rare in the world.

And the person who is currently fighting against Lin Qingqing...

Lin Jiangnian stared at this person intently. This person was extremely ruthless. He was pressing forward step by step with a spear in his hand. He frequently made killing moves. He even waved the spear in his hand like a flower. Taking advantage of the advantage of the spear, he was able to force him in a short time. Lin Qingqing retreated.

This person's martial arts is not weak either.

The person who can guard here is indeed not a weak person.

However, Lin Qingqing is also not a vegetarian. Although the opponent's pressing attack was extremely powerful, the violent storm of the attack caught her off guard at the first moment, and she was suppressed in a somewhat embarrassed state.

But soon, after withstanding the opponent's fierce offensive, Lin Qingqing gradually adjusted. Once she became familiar with the opponent's martial arts routines, she caught the opponent's flaw when taking action, and began to counterattack.

Holding a long sword, he approached quickly with light steps.

The advantage of the spear is the length of the hand. Once the opponent is approaching, the spear in the hand becomes a burden. Especially in this secret room, it is not easy to perform. When Lin Qingqing approached, the opponent panicked instantly, and his moves often had flaws.

Lin Qingqing seized the opportunity and pursued the victory. She stabbed the gray-robed man in the heart with the long sword in her hand. The gray-robed man's pupils shrank and he immediately blocked him with his spear.

However, Lin Qingqing made a feint, and when the long sword thrust into her body, she suddenly changed into a horizontal slash. At such a close distance, it was too late for the man in gray robe to react or block.

He almost subconsciously reached out to block his neck.


A sharp scream sounded, and the man in gray robe had his fingers cut off.

The sharp sword came along and cut the opponent's throat!

Simple and neat!

In duels between masters, the outcome is often decided in just one moment.

It also determines life and death!

The man in gray robe froze on the spot, and after a while, he fell down with a look of unwillingness in his eyes!


All around, silence returned.

Lin Qingqing stood there, breathing a little quickly. After taking a few deep breaths, he slowly sheathed the long sword, turned around, and his expression returned to normal.

"Your Highness, he is dead!"

His tone was calm, as if he was talking about something insignificant.

Lin Jiangnian watched this scene calmly, looked at the gray-robed man on the ground who had a stunned look on his face and had lost his breath, and then looked at Lin Qingqing, who looked as usual.

Everything seems so easy and simple?

In a daze, Lin Jiangnian saw a bit of Zhiyuan's decisiveness in Lin Qingqing's body.

She seems to have always been so cold and indifferent?

Lin Qingqing seems to have been consciously imitating Zhiyuan?

"Well done."

Lin Jiangnian came to his senses and recalled the scene of the two fighting just now in his mind.

Indeed, Lin Qingqing's martial arts display was stronger from the beginning. Although the gray-robed man's offensive was very strong, he also exposed many flaws when he was eager to attack.

Lin Qingqing took the opportunity to seize the opponent's flaw and hit it fatally!

Lin Jiangnian thought about it and came to some realization.

As expected, fighting against one's own people and against the enemy are completely different things. When we are really facing life and death, we often only have thoughts at that moment.

This duel was a big gain for Lin Jiangnian.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Jiangnian looked away and looked around: "There should be no one there, right?"

Lin Qingqing glanced around and lowered her eyes: "It should be gone!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly, shook his head and looked towards the secret room not far away.

The secret room door is open!

This secret room is so tightly guarded, and there are such experts guarding it, so it's probably not easy.

"Go in and take a look!"

When Lin Jiangnian was about to take a step, he was stopped by Lin Qingqing.

"Your Highness, let your subordinates go first."

Lin Qingqing stood in front of Lin Jiangnian and walked into the secret room first. After carefully scanning the secret room to make sure there is no danger.

"No danger!"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian just stepped into the secret room.

As soon as I entered the secret room, in a dim environment, the small secret room was filled with items, which were covered with cloth.

There was a faint smell of rust and tung oil in the entire secret room.

"What's this?"

Lin Jiangnian frowned slightly, reached out and pulled off the cloth next to him, and rows of wooden boxes appeared in his sight.

"This is……"

Through the cracks in the wooden box, Lin Jiangnian saw something familiar.

Lin Qingqing, who was behind her, stepped forward. When she saw the contents of the wooden box, her pupils shrank suddenly: "This is..."

The wooden box in front of the two men was filled with armor, armor, and various weapons and weapons.

When they saw the contents in the wooden box, both of them were stunned.

As if thinking of something, Lin Jiangnian quickly opened the other pieces of cloth aside. Without exception, they were all wooden boxes. The wooden boxes were all filled with weapons, and the armor worn by the officers and soldiers was densely packed.


Lin Jiangnian's expression condensed. Why were there so many military supplies placed here?

What does the Wang family want to do by hoarding these things? !

"these are……"

Lin Qingqing was also stunned, and her expression immediately became extremely solemn.

She naturally knew what it meant to have so many armors and weapons in front of her. Within the dynasty, ordinary people were not allowed to hide armor in their homes. How dare the Wang family do these things secretly?

What do they want to do?

Also, where did these armors come from?

Lin Qingqing suddenly frowned and stared at the armor in the wooden box. Then, as if she realized something, her expression changed: "Your Highness, that's not right!"


"Not all of these armors are from Yanzhou."

"what for?"

Lin Qingqing pointed to one of the boxes of armor and said: "The styles and colors of the armors of soldiers in different states of the dynasty are different. In Yanzhou, cyan is the main color, but you can see that this box of armor is not cyan, and even the styles are different from others. .”

After being reminded by Lin Qingqing, Lin Jiangnian also realized something was wrong: "Indeed, where did these come from?"

Lin Qingqing stared at it for a moment and frowned slightly: "My subordinates don't know either."

Lin Jiangnian looked around with a solemn expression: "What does the Wang family want to do secretly by hoarding these? Is it possible that they want to rebel?"

There was only one purpose he could think of.

Otherwise, why would the Wang family dare to commit such decapitation?

"It is indeed possible..."

Lin Qingqing nodded slightly, but frowned again: "But it's not appropriate!"

"how do I say this?"

"The Wang family doesn't have this ability!"

Lin Qingqing shook her head slightly and said in a deep voice: "Although the Wang family has a huge power in Xunyang County, it cannot really cover the sky with one hand. Although Wang Shiquan is the prefect of Xunyang County and controls the soldiers and horses of Xunyang County, this is all he has. Far from enough!"

"Behind him is the governor of Yanzhou, and the geographical location of Yanzhou is that it borders the capital of Zhongzhou to the north, and our Linzhou to the south. If the Wang family wants to rebel, it is tantamount to seeking death!"

"More importantly, now that the dynasty is stable, the Wang family has no reason to rebel, let alone the qualifications to rebel."



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