Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 145 The stubborn master and servant


Zhiyuan lowered her eyes and stared at the wound on her left arm. She pursed her lips slightly and carefully covered the surface of the wound with the cloth. She gently wrapped the other hand around it a few times to cover the wound.

Although it was a bit crude, fortunately, the wound was successfully bandaged.

After finishing all this, she breathed a sigh of relief, raised her eyes, and saw Lin Jiangnian watching the show with his hands folded on his chest, the smile on his face gradually solidifying.

This woman... is really strong!

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and glanced at Lin Jiangnian, then lowered her head slightly.

I'm afraid no one thought that the master and servant would meet again under such circumstances.

After the wound was bandaged, Zhiyuan grabbed the green sword on the ground and began to look at the secret room.

This is an extremely simple secret room, with cold and slightly damp stone walls. Apart from the dim lights, there are only passages extending in all directions.

Seeing this scene, Zhiyuan frowned slightly.

She followed them all the way, but she didn't expect to be delayed by a hidden weapon in the passage, allowing the uncle and nephew to escape. Now that I have lost track of the person, there are many passages around, and I don’t know where to pursue him.

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian's voice came from behind: "They ran towards the road in front of you."

Zhiyuan was about to take a step, but suddenly stopped, realized something, and turned around: "How do you know?"

"seen it myself."

Lin Jiangnian half-smiled, "If you go after them now, you might still have a chance to catch up with them."

"However, I advise you not to pursue him!"

Zhiyuan stared at Lin Jiangnian, with a somewhat puzzled look on his cold face.

"There are many traps in this secret room. No matter how good your martial arts skills are, it's hard to prevent hidden arrows."

Young Lin Jiang shook his head and glanced at her left hand, "The uncle and nephew are obviously well prepared. If you go after him alone, you will most likely fall into the trap and even lose your life."

With Zhiyuan's martial arts, he was also injured in the passage just now. Who can guarantee that Wang Changjin has no backup plan?

If you continue to chase, you might run into some danger.

Zhiyuan was silent.

She also realized the reminder in Lin Jiangnian's words. He looked down at his left hand with a somewhat unwilling expression.

After a while, she said in a deep voice: "We cannot let the two of them leave this place alive."

"Why?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

Zhiyuan didn't speak.

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "What? Are you planning to hide it from me?"

Zhiyuan whispered: "You shouldn't have come."


Zhiyuan did not explain. Lin Jiangnian appeared in Xunyang City, and there was an uproar in Xunyang City. Naturally, she had known about it for a long time. Even when she learned the news, she had some suspicions in her mind... He was here for her.

Although we will pass through Yanzhou on the way from Linjiang City to the capital, it is not on the same road as Xunyang County. If we deliberately take a detour, it will take several more days.

Therefore, the reason why the Lin Jiang Annual Meeting appeared in Xunyang County is self-evident.

When she saw Lin Jiangnian now, Zhiyuan confirmed her suspicion.

Zhiyuan's eyes were a little complicated. After a while, she said expressionlessly: "It's very dangerous."


Lin Jiang young smiled: "Are you concerned about my prince?"

The kite was silent.

Lin Jiangnian smiled again: "If it's dangerous, why are you here again?"

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

Zhiyuan's eyes were slightly cold: "I won't die."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her injured left arm, but did not expose this stubborn woman.

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment, put away the green sword in his hand, and walked towards the passage ahead.

Obviously, she wants to continue chasing the uncle and nephew!

However, when she just reached the door of the passage, she stopped again, looked back at Lin Jiangnian behind her, and was silent for a moment: "Why are you here?"

"Can't my prince come?"

"It's dangerous here..."

As if realizing that he had said nonsense, Zhiyuan glanced around: "Are you alone?"

"if not?"

"Where's Lin Qingqing?"

Zhiyuan's eyes were slightly solemn and her tone was slightly cold.

Before she left Prince Lin's Mansion, she specifically ordered Lin Qingqing to stay at all times to protect His Highness's safety. Now that he appears in such a dangerous place, why is there no trace of Lin Qingqing?

Lin Qingqing didn't carry out her order?

Or, what happened?

"she is not here."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand: "Don't look, I am the only one here."

Zhiyuan frowned deeply, "How did you get in alone?"

She even wanted to ask how Lin Jiangnian found this place.

Was it unintentional, or... following her?

"Thanks to you."

Lin Jiangnian said in a relaxed tone: "If you hadn't attracted their attention from the front, I wouldn't have been able to break in so easily."

Zhiyuan continued to be silent, looking at Lin Jiangnian in front of him, hesitant.

The appearance of Lin Jiangnian disrupted her plan and deployment. There are many dangers here. Apart from the passage mechanisms, there are many masters in this secret room.

It's okay for her to protect herself, but with Lin Jiangnian's martial arts strength, she will definitely die if she stays here.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhiyuan said in a deep voice, "The two of them cannot stay."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "So?"

Zhiyuan thought for a while and looked at him: "Are you staying here? Or are you coming with me?"


Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised and chuckled: "Aren't you afraid that this prince will hold you back?"

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment.


Then, she turned around and walked towards the secret room passage without looking back.

Aloof and doesn't talk much!

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian's eyes were filled with amusement.

We haven’t seen her for so long, but she still hasn’t changed!

No matter the tone or attitude of his words, there was no hint of flattery to his master.

She is still her, the little maid with personality.

After Lin Jiangnian looked at it for a few times, he quickly followed.

The life and death of Wang Changjin's uncle and nephew were not important to Lin Jiangnian, but after discovering such a big secret of the Wang family, he naturally knew that the uncle and nephew would not let it go.

For Lin Jiangnian, what he needs to do now is wait. Wait for Lin Qingqing and others to arrive. When Lin Qingqing and her people arrive, everything will be settled.

But before that, staying with Zhiyuan is the safest choice.

The two of them walked one behind the other in the dim passage. Zhiyuan walked in front, staring at the surroundings with a vigilant expression to prevent the sudden attack of the agency's cold arrows.

She didn't walk very fast, and Lin Jiangnian followed closely behind. He looked at the familiar figure in front of him through the dim light, with a heroic appearance and cold eyes.

Under the green gown, the woman's graceful body is outlined. When she gets closer, she can smell a faint, familiar and pleasant scent coming from Zhiyuan.

It's like incense, with a bit of a woman's unique scent.

She thought that she would meet Zhiyuan again in front of flowers or under the moonlight, or when she was in danger, Lin Jiangnian stepped forward and played a cliched and vulgar hero to save the beauty, which moved her to the point of tears. I pledge myself to you...

The routine is old, but it definitely works!

Unfortunately, I didn't expect that the two of them would meet without warning in this dilapidated secret room.

And, no surprises!

Apart from the shock she felt when she saw Lin Jiangnian, Zhiyuan didn't look at all surprised.

In addition, perhaps because they haven't seen each other for a long time, there is some kind of chemistry between the two?

Can't tell!

But on second thought, it seems that the relationship between the two is not that good?

Even when they were in Prince Lin's Mansion, the relationship between the two could only be regarded as relaxed, not familiar.

Thinking about it this way, it seems reasonable.

At the same time, the two wandered in the secret room passage for a long time, and finally realized that something was wrong.

"This is the path we just walked."

Zhiyuan stopped and looked at the position in front of him, his eyes gradually becoming serious.

"Are we lost?"

Lin Jiangnian looked around. He remembered that he had passed by here just now, but he didn't expect to be back where he was.

Zhiyuan frowned slightly, raised his eyes and glanced around, vaguely feeling that something was wrong, and walked towards another road.

Half an hour later.

When the two returned to the starting point again, they finally realized something was wrong.

"Not lost!"

Lin Jiangnian said: "I'm afraid their uncle and nephew have moved the mechanism in the secret passage and blocked the way out, so we can only go around in circles!"

He remembered that he had seen Wang Changjin activate the secret room passage switch before, and realized that there were many mechanisms in the secret passage, and there was also a stone door.

"It seems that we are trapped here."

Zhiyuan frowned, glanced around, and began to search for a way out.

"No need to look for it, you can't find it."

Lin Jiang young shook his head softly: "This secret room is more complicated than imagined. If you are really trapped in it, it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky to get out..."

Although he said this, Lin Jiangnian's tone was relaxed and his expression was relaxed, without much panic about being trapped.

Zhiyuan didn't speak. The bright and cold eyes under the bamboo hat scanned the surroundings, then slowly approached the wall next to him, reached out and gently touched the wall, tapped it, frowned slightly, and slowly moved down the wall.

Lin Jiangnian looked at this scene with some surprise, wanting to see what she would do next, but saw Zhiyuan suddenly stop in front of a stone wall and take two steps back.

"There's a way out here!"

Zhiyuan suddenly spoke.

"A way out?"

Lin Jiangnian was surprised: "How do you know?"

"call out!"

A cold light flashed in the passage, the green sword was unsheathed, the paper kite held the green sword in its hand and swung it down!

The green sword fell on the stone wall, making a roaring and harsh sound. With this loud noise, the stone wall was scratched by the green sword and collapsed.

The light fell behind the stone wall, and a passage appeared in front of the two of them.

The expression on Lin Jiangnian's face was stunned. Is this okay?

Zhiyuan didn't say anything, but turned around and glanced at Lin Jiangnian expressionlessly, then bent down and got out from behind the stone wall passage.

Lin Jiangnian stood there. For some reason, he always felt that the look in this woman's eyes just now seemed to be a bit showy?

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't care about her. Drilling out along the stone wall passage, when he saw the scene in front of him, he was slightly stunned.


Isn't this secret room the place where he and Lin Qingqing came before?

Is there a secret room in the Wang family where armor and weapons are hidden?

Transferred back?

Outside the secret room, the guards on the ground were nowhere to be seen, and the body of the man in gray robe was also missing. There were traces of blood on the ground, as well as traces of the fight with numerous swords all around.

Zhiyuan stepped here, looked around, and frowned slightly.

She remembered never being here, but why were there signs of a fight?

Following the traces left on the surrounding stone walls, she quickly deduced that a fight had occurred here not long ago, and it was extremely fierce.

"Are there any other masters?"

Zhiyuan lowered her head and murmured, looking around, her eyes quickly falling on the secret room not far away.

"What's hidden in here?"

Zhiyuan stared at it for a while, her eyes lighting up slightly.

She approached the secret room, pulled out the green sword in her hand, and aimed several swords at the door of the secret room.

The speed is extremely fast and the sword edge is fierce!

However, this secret room door is obviously not an ordinary stone wall. It is made of unknown material and is extremely hard.

Several swords fell, and there were only a few marks on the door.

Seeing this scene, Zhiyuan frowned even deeper.

There was a fight here, proving that someone had been here. There were blood stains and traces of footsteps entering and exiting the door of the secret room, indicating that the things hidden in the secret room were not simple.

I'm afraid, it's exactly what she's looking for.

But...can't get in?

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian's voice came from behind: "Do you want to go in and take a look?"

Zhiyuan looked back slightly, glanced at him, nodded slightly, and said nothing.

"You can't get in like this."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly.

Zhiyuan was silent: "Do you have any other ideas?"

"Of course."

Lin Jiangnian's answer made Zhiyuan startled, a little unbelievable.

Does he have a solution?

Zhiyuan's eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian. When he saw Lin Jiangnian walking to the stone door, he fumbled around and quickly found the switch, revealing the location of the key to the stone door.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jiangnian took out a key from his arms and inserted it into the secret room.


The door to the secret room slowly rose.

Zhiyuan: "..."

Looking at the secret room door that was opened, Zhiyuan fell into silence.

"You have the key?"


"Why didn't you take it out earlier?"

"You didn't say that!"


Zhiyuan's bare hands hidden under her sleeves clenched into fists, then unclenched, took a deep breath, and looked away.

"Where did you get the key?"

"Picked it up."

Zhiyuan's face was expressionless, and Jiang Zhiyuan stepped into the secret room coldly.

Lin Jiangnian stood there, looking at the key in his hand, then at the cold back of the little maid, and shook his head slightly.

This little maid really can't take any jokes.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows and glanced at the key in his hand. He took it when he left not long ago, but he didn't expect it to be used.

He walked into the secret room and saw Zhiyuan standing aside, silently looking at the armor and weapons in the wooden box in the secret room.

There was no look of surprise in her eyes like when Lin Jiangnian and Lin Qingqing came for the first time.

It seems that it has been known for a long time?

Seeing that Zhiyuan was silent for a long time, Lin Jiangnian stepped forward from behind.

"Is this why you forced your way here today?"

Zhiyuan stared at the contents of the wooden box without opening a word.

"Or are you saying that you have long known the secret of the royal family's collaboration with foreign enemies?"

Lin Jiangnian spoke.

He vaguely guessed the purpose of the kite.

Zhiyuan recovered slightly, took a deep breath, and her tone seemed a bit cold.

"The Wang family not only has fornication with foreign countries, but also intends to rebel."


Lin Jiangnian frowned and asked, "How do you say this?"

Zhiyuan was about to speak, but suddenly noticed something and turned to look out the door.


With this loud noise, the door to the secret room suddenly fell.

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