Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 153 Sharing the same bed

The cold wind howled outside the door, covering up the soft sounds in the room.


Lin Jiangnian paused, wondering if he heard wrongly?

He turned to look at Zhiyuan sitting at the table, his expression slightly condensed.

What did she just say?

No, did you hear that correctly? !

In the dim room, the oil lamp on the table was about to burn out, and the surroundings were getting darker and darker. A fair and delicate face was reflected in the weak light.

It is cold and gives people a vague feeling of pity and love.

Those soft and delicate facial features are a little less aloof and a little more indescribable than usual.

Zhiyuan lowered her head slightly, avoiding Lin Jiangnian's gaze.

There was a strange emotion spreading in the room.

Lin Jiangnian stared at her face, making sure he heard correctly.

What she said is...

"Don't go?"

What does this mean?

"What did you say?"

Lin Jiangnian asked again tentatively.

However, Zhiyuan did not speak again. He looked down at the dying lights in front of the table.


It wasn't until a moment later that the oil lamp on the table burned out completely, the last trace of flame went out, and the room was completely plunged into darkness.

The cold wind raging outside the window whizzed against the doors and windows, making a whistling sound.

"It's very late. Let's go to bed early."

In the dead of night, the sound of kites came again from the dark room.

The tone was neither cold nor indifferent, and no emotion could be heard. It seemed like he was talking to himself, but also like he was talking to Lin Jiangnian.

After saying that, she slowly stood up and walked towards the bed on the other side.

Lin Jiangnian watched this scene quietly, his eyes gradually adapted to the dark environment, and saw the hazy figure walking to the bed, sitting down, taking off his shoes and socks, and then turned and got into bed.

The movements were very light and natural, without any pause or abnormality.

It seemed that Lin Jiangnian's existence was completely ignored.

Lin Jiangnian, who paused on the spot, suddenly fell into deep thought.

She, what does this mean?

What does this imply?


Is he thinking too much?

Lin Jiangnian's face became a little more confused.

Something is wrong with the paper kite tonight.

Whether it's her tone, behavior, or her reaction, it's all strange.

Zhiyuan is still her, the cold and inarticulate maid. But for some reason, I always felt like something had changed in her.

Can't tell.

Lin Jiangnian thought about it carefully again and found out that he heard correctly just now. Zhiyuan did ask him... not to go?

what for?

Lin Jiangnian originally planned to borrow a quilt from his aunt to make a bed on the floor, but she seemed to stop him?

Doesn't this mean...

In the darkness, Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful, his eyes gradually brightening.

It seems that I am wrong?

She still remembered that Lin Jiangnian just kissed her secretly a few months ago. This little maid dared to become angry with him, her master.

At that time, Lin Jiangnian could tell that the little maid seemed to be very conservative and extremely vigilant in this regard.

But tonight, have you changed your gender?

Originally, Lin Jiangnian was just joking, but he didn't expect that she would agree?

Lin Jiangnian's expression was a bit stunned, unexpected, pleasant, and even a bit flattered...

It wasn't until the cool breeze blowing from the crack of the door behind him that he came back to his senses in a trance.

Looking up again, Zhiyuan had already gone to bed and lay down. There was no other movement in the room.

Lin Jiang young walked closer to the bed, looked closer, and just saw the scene on the bed.

The people in this small mountain village live a simple and poor life, and the environment at home is naturally not good. The bed in the room is not big, just enough for two people.

Zhiyuan was already lying down with her clothes on, but due to the serious injury on her back, she could only choose to sleep on her side or on her stomach.

Perhaps it was unsightly to sleep on his stomach, or maybe he was a little bored. Zhiyuan got into the quilt and faced the wall, leaving Lin Jiangnian with a lonely back.

Whether intentionally or accidentally, the other half of the bed was left vacant.

Just enough for one more person to lie down on.

It’s already obvious…

This little maid is serious!

Lin Jiangnian looked at this scene and was a little dumbfounded.

Is this really a paper kite?

He vaguely remembered that when he first arrived at the Prince's Mansion a few months ago, the paper kite in front of him had a cold and aloof attitude, not allowing strangers to enter, and he was extremely wary of him, the Prince of Prince Lin.

Where is the consciousness of a maid servant?

In daily interactions, he seemed to be respectful and polite to Lin Jiangnian, but in reality his attitude was very cold. Lin Jiangnian could clearly feel that Zhiyuan was even a little disgusted with him at that time.

But who would have thought that in just a few months, the master and servant, who were deeply conflicted, would sleep in the same bed?

Or was it even Zhiyuan who took the initiative?

To say that I feel dissatisfied would indeed be a lie. In the darkness, Lin Jiangnian's eyes were obviously happy.

Although it was unclear why Zhiyuan's attitude changed so quickly, Lin Jiangnian vaguely guessed some of the reasons. Then he looked at Zhiyuan, who was still curled up in the corner on the bed with his back to him, his eyes playful.

Since she took the initiative, Lin Jiangnian was naturally not afraid.

Besides, Zhiyuan is his personal maid. It is only natural for a personal maid to warm the master's bed and sleep with him.

Now, it’s just a little late!

After taking off his coat, shoes and socks, Lin Jiangnian got into bed and got into bed skillfully.

As soon as I got into bed, a sense of warmth suddenly hit me, dispelling the cold air in the room. At the same time, a faint fragrance entered my nose.

very familiar!

It's the same scent as the paper kite.

At the same time, the moment Lin Jiangnian got into bed, he could clearly feel a figure beside him that was slightly stiff.

This bed is not big, just big enough for two people to lie down, and there is not much room for movement. However, since Zhiyuan's back was facing him, there was still a slight distance between them.

But this distance can hardly open the distance between the two.

Very close!

So close that Lin Jiangnian could clearly feel Zhiyuan's tense and stiff body, and could even hear the slightly rapid breathing beside him, as if he was extremely nervous.

Lin Jiangnian was happy when he saw this.

In the darkness, he turned his head and saw a round and beautiful back of the head. Zhiyuan's back was facing him. A head of black hair was scattered on the pillow, and some strands fell next to Lin Jiangnian's breath.

Apart from anything else, this little maid exudes a seductive and delicate aura all over her body.

After staring for a moment, Lin Jiangnian suddenly sighed: "Are you going to sleep against the wall like this tonight?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhiyuan's body trembled slightly.

Still silent.

But his breathing was still rapid, and his bare hands holding the quilt were unconsciously tightening.

Lin Jiangnian felt helpless and sighed: "Don't worry, I am a gentleman and I won't eat you. Why are you nervous?"


The kite remained motionless.

This is very unconvincing.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her again: "You are still injured now, and I don't like this. Even if you want to have some ideas, don't we have to wait until you are healed before we act?"


As soon as he finished speaking, he could clearly feel that the delicate body next to him seemed to be a bit intense.

But after a while, it gradually calmed down. The originally stiff and tight body seemed to relax slightly.

However, it still didn't move.

It looks a bit angry.

When Lin Jiangnian saw this, he stopped talking nonsense.

He said he wanted to share a bed with her just as a joke, but he didn't expect Zhiyuan to actually agree.

This agreement actually surprised Lin Jiangnian.

But one thing that is certain is that at least this proud little maid's attitude towards him should have softened a lot.

In fact, he should be accepted as one of his own!

…Can’t we sleep on the same bed as our own person?

This was an unexpected surprise.

However, Lin Jiangnian glanced at Zhiyuan, who was still tense all over. Although he was lying on the same bed, he felt an indescribable sense of tension.

Unexpectedly, this little maid would be afraid?

However, if Lin Jiangnian really wanted to do something evil to her, did she think it would be useful to turn her back to him?

Even from the seems more sentimental?

Feeling the warm body of the girl next to him and the faint girl's body fragrance filling the air, Lin Jiangnian was somewhat distracted. It would be a lie to say that you have no ideas when sleeping with a beautiful woman.

What's more, the other party is the arrogant, cold and stubborn little maid that Lin Jiangnian has always wanted to conquer?

But after all, Lin Jiangnian is no longer a newcomer to the world. During the month from Linjiang City to Xunyang City, Lin Jiangnian and Xiaozhu discussed and studied along the way, and they have already gained rich experience.

Lin Jiangnian is studious and eager to learn. Whether in the hotel room, the lobby, on the country road, or even in the carriage along the way, if he has free time, he always exchanges experiences with Xiaozhu.

Therefore, in just one month, Lin Jiangnian has gone from being a newbie in the world to a seasoned veteran who is able to remain unchanged and immune to temptation in the face of dangers and turbulence in the world.

At this moment, it’s dead of night.

In the dark room, Lin Jiangnian had some insomnia.

The slightly stiff bed, the constant cold wind whistling outside the door, the creaking of the doors and windows, and the soft and warm body next to him all made it difficult for Lin Jiangnian to fall asleep.

He stared at the dark rafters and narrowed his eyes.


After leaving the secret room in the back mountain, Lin Jiangnian focused on treating Zhi Yuan's illness and injuries, forgetting what happened before. Now that I have some free time, I finally have time to sort out what happened these days.

Then why did the secret room in the back mountain suddenly explode?

This is not unusual!


Obviously not.

The sudden earthquake and tremors came without any warning and were obviously very strange. And except for the secret room in the back mountain, there is no movement or movement in other places.

Obviously, there was only movement in the secret room in the back mountain.

In this case, the explosion in the secret room in the back mountain was probably caused intentionally by someone.

As for who it is, it’s self-evident!

But why did Wang Changjin come here suddenly?

What good would it do him to blow up the secret room in the back mountain?

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment and quickly came up with the answer.

There is only one reason why Wang Changjin would do this... to prevent the secrets in the secret room from being exposed?

It seems that Lin Qingqing came with people and forced him to panic?

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and a sneer appeared on his face.

It has to be said that Wang Changjin's move can be said to be a strong man's wrist-breaking move, it is really a good method!

The secret room in the back mountain was destroyed, and the Wang family suffered heavy losses. It can be said that their vitality was severely damaged. But at the same time, all evidence against the Wang family was completely destroyed.

In this way, the Wang family can be saved!

Good idea!

This Wang Changjin is so thoughtful that he can make such a decision. This person should not be underestimated.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian turned his head slightly and glanced at the paper kite beside him.

She remained motionless, as if asleep.

"Are you asleep?"

Lin Jiang young shouted.

Zhiyuan did not move or respond.

However, Lin Jiangnian knew that she was not asleep.

Still staring at the dark beams, Lin Jiangnian suddenly said: "This time, our relationship with the Wang family is finally settled."

"How do you want to settle this account with them?"

Zhiyuan beside him still didn't respond.

"I never expected that the Wang family would be so ruthless. In order to destroy evidence, they would be willing to lose a thousand dollars and pay a heavy price..."

At this point, Lin Jiangnian paused and glanced at her again: "If nothing else, the secret room in the back mountain should have completely collapsed, and all the evidence of the Wang family's crimes in the secret room have been buried..."

"Without these evidence, can you still bring down the Wang family?"



I don't know how long it took, but just when Lin Jiangnian thought Zhiyuan had fallen asleep, a slightly cold and hoarse voice came from beside him.

"Without evidence, they will still die."

The tone was cold, and there was a hint of murderous intent.

"That's true."

Lin Jiangnian nodded.

They deserved to die.

If we say that the previous grievances with the Wang family were Zhiyuan's affair alone. Then it is no longer the case!

Wang Changjin blew up the secret room in the back mountain, destroying all the evidence and killing Lin Jiangnian.

If Zhiyuan hadn't sacrificed his life to save him, Lin Jiangnian might have died there.

This revenge must be avenged of course!

As for how to report...

Lin Jiangnian already had a plan in mind.

For Zhiyuan, her revenge is to rehabilitate the Jiang family. But for Lin Jiangnian...

Prince Lin needs a reason to take revenge?

Obviously, not necessarily!


Lin Jiangnian suddenly remembered something and said thoughtfully: "When your Jiang family was slandered for treason, it must have been the work of the Wang family, right?"

"The Wang family had an affair with a foreign enemy country and put the blame on your Jiang family?"

There was another long silence.

Zhiyuan then spoke in a deep voice: "The Wang family is the mastermind!"

Lin Jiangnian understood that there were accomplices.

As for who the accomplice was, he did not ask again, but he already had the answer in his mind.

At that time, the Jiang family was considered the largest family in Xunyang County. It fell apart overnight. It is impossible for a Wang family to have such ability. There are probably forces behind the Wang family that are adding fuel to the flames.

Lin Jiangnian heard the coldness in Zhiyuan's tone, chuckled, and turned to look at her: "Tell me, does this mean that it's wrong to be so turbid and sober?"

Maybe the Jiang family was the only one awake in Xunyang County back then?

"I guess so."

Zhiyuan's tone was a little light, neither cold nor indifferent. After a long silence, he suddenly spoke again.

"Then Your Highness, do you want to be a muddy person or a sober person?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised. He turned to look at her and chuckled: "Is it important what kind of person you are?"

Zhiyuan didn't speak.

Lin Jiangnian smiled and narrowed his eyes slightly, "Who can really tell clearly between sobriety and turbidity? If I had to choose, I would like to be a turbid and sober person."

"The two are actually not in conflict."

How can there be so much black and white in this world?

Many times, it is difficult to distinguish between turbidity and clarity.

Take Lin Hengzhong, for example. In the eyes of the courtiers in Beijing, he was a treacherous traitor who held great power, was eyeing the dynasty, and had the intention of rebellion. In the eyes of the people in the capital, Lin Hengzhong was an uncivilized savage from a savage land, a murderous devil with countless innocent souls on his hands.

But in the eyes of the people of Linzhou, Lin Hengzhong was a diligent and caring prince. Under Lin Hengzhong's governance, Linzhou, a "barbaric land", became the economic center of the south. The people lived and worked in peace and contentment. The people all praised the prince, except for giving birth to a dandy prince who did not live up to expectations. , there are almost no other shortcomings.

So, is he a good guy or a bad guy?

I'm afraid Lin Hengzhong himself can't figure this out.


in the dark.

Zhiyuan's back was facing Lin Jiangnian, her clear and bright eyes staring at the wall, her expression was in a daze, as if she was a little surprised.

He lowered his eyes, as if silently reciting something.

He was in a daze for a long time.

Outside the window, the cold wind seemed to gradually stop.

There was silence inside and outside the room.

Zhiyuan still didn't feel much sleepy.

Maybe it's nervousness, maybe... discomfort.

This was her first time sleeping in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex, and this feeling was even more uncomfortable than when His Highness's aunt forced her to sleep with her.

That kind of nervousness always enveloped her, and she was even a little scared...

Even she herself didn't know why she suddenly... told him not to go?

Zhiyuan doesn't know and can't find the answer. Maybe it was a sudden thought, or maybe there were other reasons...

The moment Lin Jiangnian lay on the bed, Zhiyuan almost stopped breathing. The nervousness spread, and she didn't dare to turn around or move. Underneath the black hair was a red and hot face, as well as an indescribable emotion. Clenching her silver teeth, her delicate body trembled, not daring to make any movement.

Although he knew in his heart that His Highness would not do anything to her... at least not now.

However, she is still afraid...

She was afraid that His Highness would notice that she was shaking and nervous.

She was even more afraid that His Highness would find out how fragile and uneasy she was at the moment... She didn't want anyone to see her.

Until soft and gentle breathing came from behind him, Lin Jiangnian, who had not spoken for a long time, seemed to be asleep.

In the dead of night, the cold wind disappeared outside the window, and the sound of Lin Jiangnian's gentle breathing remained in the room.

Very close, as if lingering in her ears.

Zhiyuan, who was originally tense, gradually relaxed slightly for some reason when he heard the familiar breathing sound.

However, she still didn't dare to turn around.

I was afraid that the slightest movement would wake him up.

Until a long time passed, the breathing behind him was still steady, as if he had been asleep for a long time.

Zhiyuan finally breathed a deep sigh of relief.

As his spirit relaxed, sleepiness suddenly came to his mind. Zhiyuan closed his eyes and fell asleep in a daze.

That night, she slept extremely peacefully.

When I woke up the next day, it was already bright.

When I opened my eyes, the room was empty.

Zhiyuan lowered her head, saw that her clothes were neatly dressed, and breathed a sigh of relief.

But right after, looking at the empty space beside me, another inexplicable emotion surged into my heart.

last night……

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes, wondering what she was thinking.

After a long time, she got up, opened the door and walked out.

The weather is nice today. The sun is shining outside and it is warm on your body. Only then did Zhiyuan realize that she had slept until almost noon?

Maybe it was because she was seriously injured, or maybe she slept too peacefully last night, so that she slept too deeply last night, and even became a little less alert to unfamiliar surroundings.

"Girl, are you awake?"

Hearing the voice of the old woman's enthusiastic surprise, Zhiyuan turned around and saw the old woman under the eaves looking at her with concern: "Did you sleep well last night? Are you feeling well?"

Zhiyuan was still at a loss and nodded silently.

The old woman nodded and said, "Are you hungry? Come and eat!"

This time, Zhiyuan was silent and nodded. Just as he was about to take a step, he seemed to think of something again. His beautiful eyes glanced around: "He..."


The old woman smiled and said, "Your husband is making medicine in the backyard."

Zhiyuan's face was slightly red, and she was not used to this title.

However, he did not open his mouth to explain. He was startled: "Getting medicine?"


The old woman nodded and explained with a smile: "Your husband-in-law woke up early in the morning and said he was going to the back mountain to pick some herbs to treat your injury. He went there early in the morning, and not long after he came back, he even brought them back. Many herbs from the mountains..."

The old woman's words were full of praise for Lin Jiangnian.

Judging from the attire of Mr. Lin, he is either rich or noble. At first glance, he looks like a young man from a wealthy family. Most of the ordinary wealthy young men are pampered, but none of them can be as kind to their wives as Mr. Lin.

Mr. Lin was busy all night long taking care of her, taking care of everything. He also went to collect medicines and boil them early in the morning. He had been busy all morning and didn't have time to eat anything. Even the old woman's son-in-law didn't treat her daughter like this. Better off.

This Mr. Lin really loves his wife!

The old woman couldn't help but sigh, and secretly looked at the paper kite in front of her.

However, this girl is as beautiful as a flower, like a fairy, and she is a perfect match for Mr. Lin.

She really is a talented man and a beautiful woman!

Zhiyuan was stunned on the spot, her eyes were in a trance.

He went to the back mountain to collect herbs early in the morning?

Here, heal yourself?

At this moment, something seemed to be stirred in Zhiyuan's heart.

Tremble violently!

In the backyard.

Lin Jiangnian was rolling up his sleeves and mashing the picked herbs into a sticky paste. The green herbs have been pounded into dark green, and the courtyard is filled with a strong aroma of herbs.

Lin Jiangnian added some powder to the mashed herbs and stirred them up.

You're done!

Looking at his proud work in the basin, Lin Jiangnian nodded with satisfaction.

It's ugly, but it's a good medicine that can cure trauma according to the prescription stored in Ruyi Building!

He raised his head and saw an unknown figure not far away in the courtyard.

Paper kite.

She was standing quietly under the eaves, her eyes a little complicated.

The simple clothes could not hide his cold temperament, and there were some indescribable emotions on his delicate facial features, like a statue, just looking at him quietly.

"woke up?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her.

Zhiyuan was silent, his eyes falling on the basin in front of Lin Jiangnian, the sticky herb juice, a little confused.

"What's this?"


Zhiyuan was silent, "Where did you pick it?"

"Back mountain."

Lin Jiangnian sounded a little proud, this was his proud work.

Zhiyuan was silent. She looked at the basin and then at Lin Jiangnian, but stopped talking. But he didn't say anything, but his eyes became more complicated.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Have you eaten?"

Zhiyuan was silent and nodded slightly.

"Then you go back to your room and get ready."

Lin Jiangnian nodded and pointed to the basin: "I'll help you apply the medicine later."

Zhiyuan nodded subconsciously, turned around and prepared to leave.

But as soon as he took a step, he realized something, stopped, and looked back.

"Apply medicine?"

A trace of doubt appeared on that cold and beautiful face.



Supplementing yesterday’s chapter, two chapters in one

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