In the courtyard, in the room.

Wang Qin was so proud that he was thinking about how he should behave when he comes to Beijing to see the eldest princess after this incident is over.

I heard that the eldest princess has no desire but is obsessed with martial arts. So, should the eldest princess have a special eye for people who know martial arts?

Thinking of this, Wang Qin wondered if he should learn a few tricks so that he could have a chance to show off his skills in front of the eldest princess in the future?

While he was still thinking about it, Wang Qin suddenly felt a cold light flash before his eyes.

The next second, his whole body was cold, and a piercing murderous aura suddenly hit him. His whole body trembled violently, and his hair stood on end.

"Sir, be careful!"

The horrified voice of his confidants could be heard in his ears, and it was too late to stop him. As soon as the henchman approached, a majestic force knocked him away.


He fell to the ground and passed out.

Wang Qin's whole body was cold. When he came to his senses, he felt an icy chill on his neck.

He looked down and saw a long sword pressed against his neck at some point.

Life hangs in the balance!

Wang Qin's pupils shrank sharply, with a look of horror on his face. He turned his head and saw a line of red clothes in the room.

The long red dress, as bright as blood, is so cool that it makes people want to worship her.

Just the smell made Wang Qin feel uneasy.

"Who are you?!"

Wang Qin did not dare to move, his voice was hoarse, he was shocked and panicked.

He, are all the guards in his prefect's mansion just for a living?

Why could someone break into his room silently?

Who is this woman in red? !

Wang Qin was shocked and angry. He could feel the undisguised murderous intent of the woman in red in front of him, and she was clearly extremely angry.

She, she wants to kill herself? !

Wang Qin's voice was horrified: "Woman, woman... you, what's wrong with you?"

Behind Wang Qin, Liu Su stared at this person expressionlessly, her voice cold and trembling: "Prince Lin, how did he die?!"

Prince Lin?

This, this woman is here for Prince Lin Wang?

Come to avenge Prince Lin Wang? !

Wang Qin's heart felt cold and his whole body was cold: "I, I don't know..."

Before he finished speaking, he noticed that the sword on his neck was closer, almost slitting his throat.

Wang Qinhun was frightened to death: "Woman, spare your life..."

"If you don't tell the truth, you will die!"

A cold tone came.

Wang Qin was so frightened that he almost collapsed to the ground, and immediately panicked: "I, I really don't know. I, I just heard... He, he was in trouble outside the city. I heard that a back mountain exploded and collapsed. , buried him in it... This, this really has nothing to do with me..."

Wang Qin spoke tremblingly. He didn't dare to deny it anymore when death was imminent. But Wang Qin is not a fool after all. At this time, he must not admit that Prince Lin's death has anything to do with him.

Once he admits it, even if he is lucky enough to survive, but he has left a clue, the Lin family will definitely not let him go.

So Wang Qin gritted his teeth and told the story, but he removed himself from it.

When he finished speaking, he could clearly feel the killing intent behind him getting stronger, as if the sword on his neck would kill him in the next second.

Wang Qin's whole body was tense. It was not until a long time later that a low, cold voice with a hint of trembling came: "Back Mountain, where is it?!"


Outside Xunyang City.

Private residence.

Inside and outside the private house, everything was lifeless. A strong chilling atmosphere enveloped this world, and the bloody aura that had not completely subsided added a bit of chill to the place.

These days, various forces inside and outside Xunyang City have gathered here, wanting to find out what's going on. But no matter how many masters approached, they were all forced back by the large black figure in black armor outside the private house.

The soldiers in black armor were arrayed outside, like elites coming out of the battlefield, and the bloody and murderous aura of their bodies was enough to drive back even the youngest.

Just outside this private house, a man dressed in red appeared quietly. He raised his eyes expressionlessly and looked ahead, approaching slowly.


The figure of the woman in red appeared too conspicuously, and she was immediately noticed when a figure in black armor blocked her.

Liu Su slowly raised her eyes and glanced at the black-armored figure in front of her. Her voice was low and hoarse: "Where is Prince Lin?"

Hearing Hongyi mention His Highness the Crown Prince, Heijia stared at her suspiciously: "Who are you?"

Liu Su was silent for a moment: "Old friend."

Heijia frowned, His Highness the Crown Prince's old friend?

"Is there any proof?"

Liu Su didn't answer, looked up at the private house behind them, and took a light step.

There was a strong wind all around, and her figure disappeared from the place strangely.

"Stop her!"

The black-armored figure's pupils shrank suddenly, who else dared to break in?

The next second, several figures appeared behind him, approaching the woman in red from all directions.

However, Liu Su just took a slight step, and the figure quickly broke in from the surroundings and stepped into the private house.

The pupils of the others shrank.


"This person has extremely high martial arts skills and is a dangerous person!"

"Quickly intercept!"

Liu Suru entered a deserted area, broke into a private house, and went straight to the back mountain not far away. However, before she reached the foot of the mountain, she was suddenly blocked by a sharp sword energy.

"Who is this person? If you dare to break into this place, you are seeking death!"

The fierce sword energy was directed towards Liu Su's face. Liu Su stopped and suddenly waved his sleeves. The incoming sword energy was instantly resolved and disappeared.

Looking up, a clear shadow appeared in front of him.

"It's you?!"

Lin Qingqing was holding a long sword. When she saw the figure in red, she was startled.

She originally thought that a powerful enemy had broken in, but when she saw the opponent's appearance clearly, Lin was stunned again.

"How will you be here?!"

Lin Qingqing naturally recognized Liu Su. Although Liu Su had changed her clothes and her temperament had changed greatly, Lin Qingqing still recognized her identity at a glance.

Isn't she the maid who often appeared next to His Royal Highness a few months ago?

What is it called willow leaf?

Lin Qingqing had an impression of her because she often appeared next to His Highness, and it was rumored that she often visited His Highness's palace and was His Highness's most trusted maid.

However, Lin Qingqing also quickly remembered Sister Zhiyuan's previous warning that this maid named Liu Ye had an unusual identity, so be careful.

Not long after that, the maid named Liu Ye disappeared without a trace. Now I see Liu Su. She is dressed in a long red dress and looks extremely elegant. Her whole body is wrapped in coldness. It is difficult to compare with the harmless and peaceful person she once was. Contact the maid.

Lin Qingqing's eyes narrowed. No wonder Sister Zhiyuan said that her identity was very unusual.

How could a master with such high martial arts skills and an aura even better than hers be a little maid beside His Royal Highness the Prince of Prince Lin?

Liu Su looked at Lin Qingqing who appeared in front of her, and her heart sank even more. There was a bit of anxiety in her cold eyes: "Where is Lin Jiangnian?"

"Is he still alive?"

Hearing this, Lin Qingqing's heart sank and she did not speak. But the sadness in his eyes was not hidden at all.

Seeing this scene, Liu Su's heart sank instantly and she hit the bottom.

"Here, what's going on?"

"he died?!"

Liu Su's voice was low and angry, with a hint of indescribable grief and indignation.

It was an emotion that even she herself didn't understand.

The other party was His Highness's former personal maid. Now she came in a hurry and looked so anxious. Lin Qingqing was silent for a moment and told the whole story.

"His Royal Highness discovered the secret of the Wang family in the secret room in the back mountain... In order to cover up the secret, the Wang family caused the explosion and collapse of the secret room in the back mountain, and buried His Highness under the secret room..."

"Your Highness, his life and death are still unknown..."


After confirming this from Lin Qingqing's mouth, Liu Su staggered and could barely stand still.

The expression on his face finally turned to panic.

If we say that before, all the rumors were learned from the people of Xunyang City and Wang Qin. But now that this was confirmed from Lin Qingqing's mouth, the last trace of luck in her heart completely disappeared.

"he died?!"

At this moment, Liu Su only felt her head buzzing and going blank. An uncontrollable sadness suddenly surged into my heart.

She raised her eyes and looked behind Lin Qingqing. At the foot of the mountain in the distance, there were several figures busy... They were digging the mountain, trying to dig out the guy.

But, is he still alive?

The secret room in the back mountain collapsed. Can he survive?

Let alone him, even if a first-level master comes, he may not be able to survive.

And he...

No one knows the details of Lin Jiangnian better than Liu Su. Naturally, no one knows better than him whether Lin Jiangnian can survive...

Thinking of this, the dullness in my chest and the unspeakable uncomfortable emotions surged into my heart.

Vaguely, the vision was a little blurry.

Liu Su slowly closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, her cold eyes were filled with cold murderous intent!


She turned around expressionlessly and left without looking back.

Lin Qingqing stood there, looking at Liu Su's leaving figure with a complicated expression.

Doesn’t she seem to treat His Highness differently?

But at this time, Lin Qingqing was not in the mood to think about this. His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan encountered an accident. Although I have not seen their bodies with my own eyes, but...

Can you survive?

Lin Qingqing had no idea.

Or rather, she actually already had the answer in her heart.

Thinking of this, a feeling of sadness and grief surged into her heart. She gritted her teeth and forced herself to calm down.

No, she can't fall down now.

Now that something happened between His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan, she was left alone to support herself. If she falls down too, it's over!

She must cheer up, even if there is only the last glimmer of hope, she cannot give up.

And the Wang family...

This grudge has not yet been settled with the Wang family!

Lin Qingqing gritted her teeth, her eyes cold. Take a deep breath and try to calm down.

Turning around, just at this moment, a figure hurriedly appeared in the yard.

"Commander Lin, we caught a sneaky villager outside a private house."

"Village?" Lin Qingqing frowned: "What's the origin?"

"I've already been interrogated. He's just an ordinary villager. However, he said he was here to deliver a letter..."

As he said that, his subordinate handed over a letter: "I said I can only let you come and see it!"


Lin Qingqing took it, opened the letter with a frown, and looked down for a few times.

After just one glance, Lin Qingqing's eyes widened in disbelief, and the next second, a look of surprise emerged.

"What, what's wrong?"

The subordinate saw Lin Qingqing's reaction and asked subconsciously.


Lin Qingqing was about to speak when she suddenly thought of something and shut up.

She raised her head with a look of ecstasy on her face. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to calm herself down.

Then, he put away the letter in his hand and said in a low voice: "Pass my order to gather everyone."

The subordinates were stunned: "Commander Lin, we don't, we don't dig..."

"No more digging!"

Lin Qingqing sounded excited and clenched her fists.

His Highness is not dead, so why dig?

In the small mountain village, night gradually falls.

After working for a day, the people in the small mountain village returned home one after another. After a while, the smell of food began to drift from each house.

In the courtyard, in the room.

The dim oil lamp swayed on the table, slightly illuminating the room. Beside the bed, Lin Jiangqing gently applied the ointment on Zhiyuan's back.

The delicate and smooth skin is particularly beautiful under the dim candlelight.

On the bed, Zhiyuan was still lying on the bed as before, with his upper body naked and his head buried under the quilt, motionless.

It has to be said that this day's ointment is indeed a rare ointment. In just a few days, Zhiyuan's back injury has improved greatly.

The wound has scabbed over, and the injury has stabilized, and it's nothing serious.

After the ointment was applied, he bandaged the wound with ease.

"Your injury is almost healed. After applying the medicine this time, you can use the real Tianxiang ointment next time when you go back. It can help you get rid of the scars and get back to your original state."

Lin Jiangnian spoke with a slightly regretful tone.

This is the last application.

I'm afraid I won't have a chance in the future!

For some reason, Lin Jiangnian even felt a little pity.

Maybe it was the first experience, the first time he was born, the second time he was familiar with it. Apart from being shy the first time, the kite was quite cooperative with the subsequent dressing changes.

He took off his clothes, lay down on the bed, and then remained motionless, letting Lin Jiangnian do whatever he wanted.

Lin Jiangnian, on the other hand, was very familiar with changing the dressing, applying medicine, and bandaging. After doing this, he left the room. Zhiyuan was dressing alone in the room. When the two met again, they never mentioned what happened before.

It's like eating everything and being irresponsible, everyone maintains a strange tacit understanding.

Tonight, too.

When Lin Jiangnian returned to the room, Zhiyuan had already put on his clothes and was sitting at the table, looking as usual.

Except for a hint of crimson that has not completely faded, there is no other abnormal color on the cold face.

Lin Jiangnian stepped forward and sat down.

"When will we go back?"

After a long silence, Zhiyuan spoke.

"What do you think?"

Lin Jiangnian asked back.

Zhiyuan paused for a moment: "My injury is almost healed."

Her injuries weren't completely healed, but they weren't too serious. She had been delayed in this small mountain village for a while, and she had to rush back as soon as possible. There are still many things waiting for her in Xunyang City.

Lin Jiangnian understood what she meant: "Then, go back tomorrow?"

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and nodded: "Okay."

Lin Jiangnian stared at her for a moment, then suddenly sighed: "From your tone, do you think you can't wait to leave here?"

"What? You don't want to stay with me?"

Zhiyuan was startled, said nothing, and lowered his eyes slightly. The oil lamp on the table shone on the side of her face, vaguely revealing an alluring and beautiful face.


Zhiyuan looked away, her tone soft and a little strange.



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