Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 160 Kill instantly with one move

Xunyang City.

The city was heavily fortified, with rows of armored soldiers patrolling the city. A depressing atmosphere enveloped the people in the city.

As the news continued to spread, information about the murder of Prince Lin gradually spread in the city. More and more people learned about the news, which caused many opinions to spread like wildfire in the city.

After all, it was Prince Lin who died, and the impact was quite considerable. In addition, there are many soldiers and horses stationed outside Xunyang City, and many important figures who were rarely seen in Xunyang County in the past are in and out of the prefect's mansion in a hurry, giving people a sense of urgency that an impending disaster is coming.

Such a big move has to make people nervous.

Many people in the city are even guessing, if King Lin comes, how long can Xunyang County hold out?

More than ten years ago, Lin Wang's reputation for destroying more than a dozen countries still existed, and Yanzhou bordered Linzhou. Once Lin Wang sent troops, his army would enter the Yanzhou realm almost instantly and approach Xunyang County.

If King Lin loses his mind after experiencing the pain of losing his son, will innocent people like them be spared?

The rumored King Lin is ruthless, decisive in killing, and has countless lives and souls on his hands. Will he avenge his son and implicate innocent people?

There are even many people who have secretly packed their luggage and packages and prepared for a retreat...

Of course, some people are not too worried.

They didn't believe that King Lin really dared to attack. After all, once he launched troops, it would be rebellion.

He can't really rebel when he becomes king...right?

Besides, what does the death of Prince Lin have to do with ordinary people?

They were not the ones who killed the person, so even if Lin Hengzhong got angry again, could he still implicate everyone and kill everyone in Xunyang County?

If Lin Hengzhong dared to massacre the city, there would be no place for him in this world.

As a result, this group of people still live a normal life, listening to music on the streets every day, and discussing the trends in Linzhou's boundaries in teahouses and taverns, and their lives have not been greatly affected.

Prefect's Mansion.


Wang Qin was sitting in the yard, bored and irritable.

Since coming back, Wang Qin has been staying at home honestly.

Wang Qin was certainly not stupid when he got into trouble this time. In this special period, it is natural to be low-key and honest.

Especially when his father learned about this incident, he was furious. Under such circumstances, Wang Qin naturally stayed at home for less than half a month.

In addition, the last time he was inexplicably threatened by a woman in red with a sword in the mansion, Wang Qin was also frightened for a long time. Immediately, countless experts were placed inside and outside the courtyard to protect him day and night.

In the past half month, everything was fine, but it also made Wang Qin very depressed.

He was not a peaceful master to begin with. He was domineering in Xunyang County from time to time, and he was used to a life of debauchery. This time, being locked up at home with nothing to do all day long, even the maids and servants in the house were tired of seeing him.

He began to miss the girls from Liuxianglou and the lingering beauty of the courtesan Piaoxiang from Liuxianglou.

Especially during this period of time, everything inside and outside Xunyang County was peaceful. There was no strange movement in the city. It was rumored that the soldiers around Prince Lin were also missing.

In addition, during this period, after his father and his second uncle moved around a lot, contacted various families in Xunyang County, and corresponded with several major families in the capital, Wang Qin was completely relieved.

After all, the Wang family is also the largest family in Xunyang County, with deep roots and overwhelming power. No matter how angry Lin Hengzhong was, he still had to give the Wang family a bit of mercy. After all, this is Yanzhou, not Linzhou.

Not to mention that behind the Wang family, there is also the support of the Yanzhou governor.

As a result, Wang Qin, who was completely relieved, began to make moves again.

Seeing that the limelight was gradually passing, Wang Qin called his close associates and prepared to sneak out while his father and second uncle were not at home.

"Sir, I have told you not to go out casually during this period." The confidants following Wang Qin couldn't help but remind him.

"What are you afraid of? People from the Lin family can't come to our territory in Xunyang City to cause trouble for me, right?"

Wang Qin sneered disdainfully, but soon remembered the experience of being kidnapped last time, and subconsciously glanced around.

When he realized that there were master guards hiding in the surroundings, Wang Qin felt a sense of security and felt relieved.

After the previous experiences, Wang Qin now attaches great importance to safety awareness. He must bring many guards with him for personal protection when he goes out, and even mysterious and powerful masters secretly protect him.

Under such circumstances, Wang Qin went out with satisfaction.

After leaving the prefect's mansion after half a month, Wang Qin was in a very good mood. He was walking on the street, looking at the still prosperous Xunyang City, thinking about how he would go to the capital to meet the eldest princess in the future.

When Lin Jiangnian died, the engagement was terminated. But the eldest princess has already reached the age of marriage. Without Prince Lin, there will probably be many people in the capital asking for marriage.

If he, Wang Qin, wants to be favored by the eldest princess, he may have to be creative...

After thinking about it like this, Wang Qin walked around the streets for a few times and stepped into Liuxiang Tower with ease.

As a frequent visitor to Liuxiang Tower, the Madam was very familiar with Wang Qin. Seeing Wang Qin appear, he immediately approached him with a warm smile on his face.

"Master Wang, you are finally here, but I haven't seen you for a while. I miss you so much."

Wang Qin narrowed his eyes and enjoyed the madam's flattery to him: "Where is Miss Piao Xiang? I haven't seen her for a while, so let her come to see me."

The madam was a little confused: "Master Wang, I'm afraid this Miss Piao Xiang is in some inconvenience today..."


Wang Qin glanced at her, and the guard behind him immediately threw a large piece of silver to the madam and sneered: "I would like to see, how can she do this inconvenient way?"

The old bustard took the money and immediately beamed with joy: "Young Master Wang is indeed very generous. Please wait a moment. I will go to persuade Miss Piao Xiang now..."

Teahouse opposite Liuxiang Tower, second floor.

"He is indeed here."

Standing next to the window, Lin Jiangnian glanced at the door of Liuxiang Building and spoke calmly.

From this line of sight, we could just see Wang Qin walking into this brothel.

From the moment Wang Qin left home, all his whereabouts were under Lin Jiangnian's surveillance. Based on the previous investigation of Wang Qin’s habits, we determined his daily places of entry and exit.

And this Liuxiang Tower is where Wang Qin comes most often.

I heard that there is an oiran in Liuxiang Tower who is Wang Qin’s old friend.

"This Wang Qin goes straight to the brothel as soon as he leaves the house. He is really not a thing."

Lin Jiangnian sighed, and suddenly realized something was wrong. He raised his eyes and saw Zhiyuan and Lin Qingqing's eyes on him.

Zhiyuan glanced expressionlessly and quickly moved away.

Lin Qingqing gave His Highness a strange look and then also changed her gaze: "Then, do you want to do it now?"

"Not urgent!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly: "Wait a little longer, wait until he relaxes his vigilance."

After saying that, Lin Jiangnian asked again: "Have you figured out the master guards around him?"

"Don't worry, Your Highness, your subordinates have already found out..."

Lin Qingqing spoke in a low voice: "When Wang Qin goes out this time, he is protected by guards both overtly and covertly. There are guards both inside and outside Liuxiang Tower..."

Lin Jiangnian followed his gaze to the street and saw many figures in the bustling street. Although they were disguised as ordinary people, their auras could not be concealed, and these people were almost consciously guarding outside Liuxiang Tower. It was obvious that they were protecting something.

"In addition, there is a master secretly beside Wang Qin. His martial arts is not weak. He should be sent by the Wang family to protect him."

"Can it be solved?" Lin Jiangnian glanced at her.

Lin Qingqing hesitated and shook her head slightly: "I can't guarantee it."

She didn't care about the other guards, but the martial arts master beside Wang Qin was not weak. Lin Qingqing couldn't guarantee that she would win. Even if she could win, she might be able to alert the enemy.

Lin Jiangnian nodded, which he expected. Although Lin Qingqing is the commander of his own army, and his martial arts skills are not weak, he is not a top expert.

After all, she is too young to have such martial arts strength, which is already extremely powerful.

After all, she is not one of those talented and intelligent geniuses. Her martial arts talent is indeed stronger than that of ordinary people, but it is still far from a genius.

"In this case, we can't attack by force, we can only outwit them."

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and was about to say something when he saw Zhiyuan, who had been silent in front of him, suddenly stand up.

"Where are you going?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and saw Zhiyuan turning around and walking towards the door. She paused for a moment and said expressionlessly: "Kill someone."

The tone was neither cold nor indifferent, as if he was talking about something lightly.

Lin Jiangnian was startled, and he instantly realized her purpose and shook his head: "You can't go, your injuries haven't healed yet!"

Although Zhiyuan's martial arts skills are advanced, her injuries have not completely improved and it is too dangerous.

However, Zhiyuan just said lightly: "It doesn't matter."

Then he turned and left.

Leave gracefully.

Lin Jiangnian frowned, somewhat angry.

Lin Qingqing on the side saw this scene and looked at His Highness without daring to speak.

Sister Zhiyuan is still awesome... She doesn't listen to His Highness at all.

"Your Highness..."

After a while, Lin Qingqing carefully tested: "Sister Zhiyuan, she..."


Lin Jiangnian had a straight face and waved his hands: "Why are you still stunned? Send someone over quickly to watch, don't let anything happen to her!"

"When she comes back, let's see how I teach her a lesson!"

Is she really a maverick and doesn't take his words seriously?

Normally I would forget about it, but this time I was so impulsive even though I was injured. When she comes back, I must teach her a lesson tonight.

Inside Liuxiang Tower.

Mixed with the scent of alcohol and women's rouge, it was extremely rich. Drunken lantern riddles, the romantic place is hazy with mist and rain.

On the third floor, there is a private room.

Outside the corridor, it was quiet.

A middle-aged man in simple clothes stood outside the room, standing like a sculpture and saying nothing.

The aura all over his body was good, restrained and heavy.

It's intimidating.

In the room, you can occasionally hear the sound of women playing and panting, which is particularly pleasant to the ear.

The middle-aged man outside the door remained unmoved and abided by his duties.

Until a certain moment, a female figure suddenly appeared outside the corridor, approaching slowly.

The middle-aged man glanced at it, but when he first glanced at it, he didn't take it seriously. It is not surprising that there are many women in Liuxiang Tower.

However, as the other party's footsteps gradually approached, the middle-aged man finally raised his head. This place is the exclusive place for his son. There is no order not to allow others to trespass. How dare this person come close?

The middle-aged man looked up. When his eyes fell on the other person's face, his expression was startled and a little dazed.

That was a stunningly beautiful face.

Stunningly beautiful!

Even though there are many stunning women in Liuxiang Tower, none of them can compare with them.

It was an indescribable beauty, elegant and indifferent, completely different from this vulgar atmosphere.

How could there be such a woman in Liuxiang Tower?

How could the temperament be so out of place?

Something's wrong!

The next second, the middle-aged man's heart suddenly sank.

This woman is definitely not from Liuxianglou.

Who is she?

Ominous thoughts emerged in his mind, and the middle-aged man immediately shouted in a deep voice: "You..."

But just as he had time to open his mouth and say a word, he suddenly felt a burst of majestic energy hitting his face.


The middle-aged man's pupils shrank suddenly, he snorted coldly, raised his hand and greeted him.


A muffled groan.

The middle-aged man froze on the spot. He slowly lowered his head and looked down, his eyes falling on his chest.

I don't know when a silver needle appeared on the chest that was originally blocked.

The silver needle entered the body, and the heartbreaking pain spread along the chest and throughout the body, and the heart suddenly stopped.

His pupils dilated, with an expression of disbelief.


He raised his head with difficulty, his body stiffened, and he couldn't believe that he had failed.

Just one move!

He couldn't even resist the other party's understatement.

He raised his eyes with difficulty, and finally his eyes fell on the stunningly beautiful woman in front of him. She was like a fairy in the sky, but also cold and thrilling.

Who is she? !

This was the last thought in his mind.

Then he fell heavily.


Not far behind, Lin Qingqing, who was following Sister Zhiyuan, saw this scene and her eyes were dull.

When he came back to his senses after a long time, his eyes were shocked and envious.

Sister Zhiyuan was injured and has not yet recovered. His Highness asked her to follow him in case something unexpected happened.

But unexpectedly, the scene in front of her made Lin Qingqing completely silent.

What accident could happen?

The most powerful worship master around Wang Qin couldn't even block the injured Zhiyuan sister's move.

Lin Qingqing's mood was complicated, and her eyes were full of envy.

Sister Zhiyuan seems to be even more powerful...

Given time, Sister Zhiyuan might really be able to compete with the eldest princess, right?

Thinking of this, Lin Qingqing couldn't help but look forward to it.

At the same time, in the private room.

In the antique and beautiful room, on the soft couch, two figures were entangled, which was unsightly.

After a long time, the dust settled!

"Young Master Wang, you are so awesome..."

The woman's soft and boneless voice came, very soft and waxy, making people feel comfortable all over.

Hearing such compliments, Wang Qin was in a great mood. Seeing the woman he had not seen for a long time twisting and coquettishly in his arms, the depression of being imprisoned at home for a long time was swept away.

"Little goblin, today I have to show you how powerful I am!"

Just as Wang Qin was about to continue to show his strength, he stood up and accidentally glanced at the room.

The next second, he looked shocked.

"Who are you?!!"


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