Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 167 The person who displeases the scenery

Lin Jiangnian walked out of the basement cell and stood in the courtyard breathing the fresh air and relaxing his brain.

The dreary underground cell is airtight, giving people an extremely depressing and terrifying aura. Lin Jiangnian felt a little uncomfortable after staying there for a while. No wonder Wang Qin collapsed like that.

How could the son of a prefect, who had been used to enjoying wealth and wealth since childhood, endure such torture?

Recalling what Wang Qin had said in the dungeon just now, the smile on Lin Jiangnian's face gradually disappeared and became more solemn.

If Wang Qin had not lied, once the secret he told was spread, I don’t know how many people would be involved, and even cause a series of fishy and drizzle chain reactions.

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes. For him, this might be a mixed message.

The third prince was involved. Once the matter was exposed, the third prince's situation would be extremely dangerous. Lin Jiangnian might still be able to take advantage of this opportunity to avenge his past.

But on the other hand, the exposure of this matter will also involve Lin Jiangnian in this storm, which is not what he wants to see.

Although Lin Jiangnian had a plan when he entered Beijing this time, he had no intention of getting involved in the struggle in the capital. His identity is too sensitive. Once he attracts everyone's attention and becomes the target of public criticism, the gain outweighs the loss.

I stood there hesitating for a long time, but still had no answer.

"Where's Qingqing?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his head and asked the guard beside him.

The guard beside him looked serious and said respectfully: "Your Highness, Commander Lin has not returned yet."

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly and sighed softly.

He currently lacks useful people around him.

Nowadays, the only subordinate around Lin Jiangnian who might be trustworthy is Lin Qingqing. Except for Lin Qingqing, he didn't know how many informants and uncertain factors were mixed among these princes' relatives.

Lin Jiangnian couldn't believe it.

Other than that, Lin Kong might be barely usable. However, there was an explosion in the secret room in the back mountain. Lin Kong was seriously injured while trying to save him from the explosion. He stayed outside the city to recuperate with other members of the Crown Prince's army who were also injured.

Looking around now, Lin Jiangnian really doesn't have many reliable people around him.

It seems that I have to find a way to cultivate some real confidants that I can use.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and looked at the figures in the courtyard. These people were all guards who belonged to Prince Lin's Mansion and were loyal to the Prince's Mansion.

However, it is not certain whether he is loyal to him, the Prince of Linwang.

Lin Jiangnian naturally knew that few people, whether in Prince Lin's palace or in the Linzhou army, paid much attention to him, the crown prince of Prince Lin.

How could anyone be willing to listen to Prince Lin who was difficult to convince the public?

Lin Jiangnian knew this very well, and his visit to Beijing was a good opportunity to break the situation. As for how to cultivate confidants, Lin Jiangnian gradually had a rough idea in his mind.

After leaving the side yard next door, Lin Jiangnian returned to the yard. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he bumped into a figure with hurried steps and his head lowered.


A petite figure bumped into Lin Jiangnian's arms. He subconsciously reached out to rub his little head in pain and raised his head.

"Your Highness, Your Highness?"

When Xiaozhu saw His Highness, he first smiled with joy and excitement, then quickly thought of something, and his face gradually became guilty and aggrieved.

"What are you doing in such a hurry? Are you a thief?"

Lin Jiangnian looked down at the little maid, and then saw Xiaozhu's eyes looking around him, something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the position behind her. This was...

The direction of the paper kite room?

"No, no..."

Xiaozhu shook his head in panic.

However, her lying acting skills were really poor and she couldn't hide her emotions at all.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and looked her up and down.

The little maid lowered her head, looking aggrieved, and hesitated: "I, I..."

Lin Jiangnian suddenly became serious: "What? You are such a terrible little maid, how dare you hide something from me?!"

Hearing this tone, the little maid's delicate body trembled slightly, and the expression on her face was about to cry: "Xiao, Xiaozhu doesn't dare, I, I..."

Xiaozhu waved his hands quickly, lowering his head and not daring to raise it: "I... Your Highness, just, just..."

The little maid was in a hurry and stammered, not knowing how to explain. The more anxious she became, the more panicked she became, and the less she could say anything. She was so anxious that she stamped her feet on the spot.

When Lin Jiangnian saw this, his expression softened slightly: "Don't be anxious, speak slowly."

Xiaozhu took a few deep breaths and then gradually calmed down. He raised his head and glanced at His Highness quietly. Seeing that His Highness was not angry, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, it's Sister Zhiyuan..."

"What's wrong with her?" As expected, Lin Jiangnian asked.

"Sister Zhiyuan, she..."

Xiaozhu hesitated and struggled, finally lowered his head and gritted his teeth, saying with guilt and fear: "Sister Zhiyuan, I know, I know..."

Lin Jiangnian was surprised: "What do you know?"

"Just, just..."

Xiaozhu spoke intermittently and stammered, and finally told the whole story.

It turned out that not long after Lin Jiangnian left, Xiaozhu suddenly ran to Zhiyuan. He originally wanted to apologize to Zhiyuan and confess the fact that he had become a little traitor.

But she didn't expect to be called into the room by Zhiyuan to help her apply medicine. After applying the medicine, Zhiyuan suddenly asked about what happened between Xiaozhu and Lin Jiangnian...

How could Xiaozhu lie? With his head in a daze, facing Zhiyuan's questions, he explained everything.

Including how after Zhi Yuan left Prince Lin's Mansion, she was taken by His Highness the Crown Prince and followed her into the capital, how His Highness bullied her along the way, and how on the night she entered Yanzhou, His Highness tricked her into looking at goldfish and then...

After he finished speaking, Xiaozhu lowered his head and clasped his hands nervously: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I, I..."

After she finished speaking, she realized that she had said too much.

If His Highness finds out, will he be angry?

After all, that, that was the secret between her and His Highness...

As a result, Sister Zhiyuan now knows everything... Xiaozhu is very uneasy.

Lin Jiangnian was indeed a little shocked. He didn't expect Xiaozhu to tell all these things?

What was even more unexpected was, why did Zhiyuan ask about this matter?

Lin Jiangnian suddenly thought of a possibility in his mind, and when he was about to say something, he looked down and saw Xiaozhu's pitiful and guilty look, and his heart softened a little.

"Okay, it's okay."

Lin Jiangnian reached out and touched her little head: "She knows it, and it's not a big deal."

Xiaozhu didn't dare to raise his head, his face was red and a little hot with shyness: "But, but..."

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, don't you blame Xiaozhu?"

Xiaozhu asked anxiously.

"Weird!" Lin Jiangnian nodded with a straight face.

Xiaozhu immediately panicked: "Then, then..."


Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and suddenly came closer to Xiaozhu's ear: "You have to accept the punishment, so I will punish you to warm my son's bed tonight..."

In an instant, Xiaozhu's delicate body trembled slightly, and her ears instantly turned red.

Biting her lower lip, her originally panicked eyes suddenly became amorous, and her shyness suddenly emerged.

In the end, he didn't dare to raise his head, but nodded his head subconsciously.



The little maid's face was red with embarrassment, her head lowered and she clenched her fists and left in a hurry.

Lin Jiangnian stood there, squinting his eyes, full of joy.

Counting the time, I haven't experienced the feeling of Xiaozhu's warm quilt for some time.

The weather is getting colder and I feel a little nostalgic.

Thinking of Xiaozhu's soft and warm body, curled up in his arms like nephrite, Lin Jiangnian was somewhat moved.

As for what Xiaozhu just mentioned, it was not a big deal in his eyes. Now Lin Jiangnian is not the same person he was a few months ago, and Zhiyuan is not the same as before.

After leaving Prince Lin's Mansion, the previous master-servant relationship between the two was gone.

What if she knew?

While still in Linwang's Mansion, Zhiyuan used various reasons to restrict Lin Jiangnian from harassing Xiaozhu, and even used Xuanyang's mental method to secretly trap Lin Jiangnian.

but now……

Can she control it?

Lin Jiangnian was in a happy mood and was about to turn around and leave when he saw something not far away from the corner of his eye.

Under the eaves not far away, a cold figure watched him quietly.

Poker face.

His face was cold.

Temperament like ice.

Just looking at Lin Jiangnian like this, the atmosphere in the entire courtyard seemed to become a lot colder.

For some reason, when Lin Jiangnian saw this extremely beautiful but indifferent face, he suddenly felt guilty?

He was a little stunned, but quickly came to his senses.

"Why are you here?"

When did she show up?

Have you seen them all?

Zhiyuan said nothing, looked at him expressionlessly for a few times, then slowly looked away, landing in the yard beside him.

Lin Jiangnian, who was about to leave, thought for a while, then walked lightly to the eaves and came to her side. As soon as he got closer, he felt the indescribable indifference on Zhiyuan next to him.

Reject people thousands of miles away.

It was as cold as the first time I saw her in Prince Lin's Mansion.

Lin Jiangnian stared at her profile for a long time without saying anything.

He had some vague guesses in his mind, but he was not sure.

After a while, Zhiyuan still looked at the courtyard with a cold expression, as if in a daze.

"I heard from Xiaozhu that she gave you the medicine?"

Lin Jiangnian spoke and glanced at Zhiyuan's back. The thick clothes covered her figure, and no trace could be seen. The clothes wrapped around him slipped off, and his eyes fell on the slender willow waist.

Zhiyuan still didn't speak.

Lin Jiangnian didn't expect her to answer, so he quickly changed the subject: "I just went to see Wang Qin, and I didn't expect to find out a big secret from him..."

Speaking of this, Lin Jiangnian paused.

The kite still didn't move.

However, her originally calm eyes could be vaguely seen twitching slightly.

"What? Aren't you interested?"

Lin Jiang young laughed.

Zhiyuan still didn't speak.

"Since you're not interested, forget it."

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian turned around and prepared to leave.

However, after just two steps, he heard the cold voice of Zhi Yuan coming from behind.

"What secret?"

The voice was still cold.

Lin Jiangnian turned around and saw Zhiyuan staring at him expressionlessly.

"Are you just going to look at me with a bad face?"

Lin Jiangnian spoke calmly.

Zhiyuan seemed to be stunned for a moment, her eyes flickered slightly, she lowered her eyes and was silent for a long time, but stopped talking.

In the end, nothing was said.


Seeing that she didn't say anything, Lin Jiangnian pressed forward step by step.

Zhiyuan was silent for a long time: "I, no."


Lin Jiangnian sneered: "Do you want to look in the mirror?"

Her cold face at the moment is indeed very beautiful. It is indeed stunning at first glance, with an unattainable cold beauty.

But it would be a bit boring to keep such a cold expression on his face.

Lin Jiangnian naturally didn't intend to coddle her.

Zhiyuan took a deep breath, turned her head, and looked at the courtyard calmly: "If your highness doesn't like it, you don't have to look at it."

"It's a good idea not to look at it."

Lin Jiangnian was happy, stared at her twice, and suddenly took a few steps closer.

Zhiyuan felt Lin Jiangnian approaching and almost instinctively acted on guard.

But Lin Jiangnian suddenly came closer and stared at her deserted, delicate and beautiful face: "Who said that this prince doesn't like to look at her?"

As soon as he finished speaking, it was obvious that the look on Zhiyuan's face in front of him was slightly startled, and even his breathing became faster at a certain moment.

Extremely unnatural.

The fluttering eyelashes trembled slightly and quickly avoided it.

"However, I really don't like your stinking face all day long."

Lin Jiangnian stared at her, "As my maid, it is important to cater to my master's preferences. Since I don't like it, you should change it!"

Zhiyuan was silent, "How to change it?"

"Shouldn't you be happy to see my prince?"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "Why don't you give me a smile first?"

Zhiyuan: "..."


"Can't you do it or don't want to?"



Facing such an incompetent maid, Lin Jiangnian really had a headache.

However, Lin Jiangnian is not what he used to be after all.

Seeing that Zhiyuan still had the attitude of "I will do whatever you want with this virtue, you can do whatever you want", Lin Jiangnian's eyes flashed and he gently stretched out his hand.

Zhiyuan suddenly became alert and subconsciously took a step back.

However, Lin Jiangnian did not retreat and pressed closer.

The kite retreats again, and Lin Jiangnian draws near again.

Finally, Zhiyuan suddenly raised his eyes and said in a cold voice with a trace of imperceptible panic: "Your Highness, please respect yourself."


Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian sneered and stared at Zhiyuan's face: "My prince suddenly remembered something..."

"The thing you said last time still counts, right?"

A hint of imperceptible panic flashed in Zhiyuan's eyes, she turned away and said coldly: "What's the matter?"

"Just that time..."

Lin Jiangnian suddenly came close to her ear and smelled the familiar body fragrance of Zhiyuan. He took a deep breath and said with a half-smile, "You said that time that as long as my father agreed, you would be willing to sleep with me?"

"Before I came here this time, I specifically asked my father. Guess what?"

Zhiyuan was suddenly startled, and the expression on his face froze at this moment.

In my mind, I vaguely remembered that she seemed to have said that when she was at Prince Lin's Mansion?


Zhiyuan subconsciously raised her eyes and saw Lin Jiangnian looking at her with a bright smile on his face.

"My dad agreed!"

In an instant, a feeling of shyness surged up. Zhiyuan's delicate body tensed up, and she subconsciously wanted to escape. But the next second, he was hugged by a pair of tight hands, and a familiar and hot breath came to him.


Zhiyuan's head suddenly went blank, and the hot breath approached, causing her, who had always been cold, to panic instantly.

at this time.

A sudden voice suddenly sounded.

"Your Highness, Sister Zhiyuan, I..."

A loud voice sounded in vain, and then stopped abruptly in the middle of the sentence.

Not far away, Lin Qingqing's figure appeared at the entrance of the courtyard. She was looking at the scene under the eaves in disbelief and swallowed subconsciously.

"No, it's okay...Your Majesty, I, I didn't see anything, you, you continue..."


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