Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 169 The anxious little maid

After informing His Highness what happened today, Lin Qingqing was waved by Lin Jiangnian to go down and rest first.

During this period of time, Lin Qingqing was exhausted from running around and was suffering a lot. The person also seemed to have lost a lot of weight. Things have been almost done, and there is no need to do anything more next.

Just need to wait!

Wait for an opportunity.

As for the specific opportunity, Lin Jiangnian didn't say much, and Lin Qingqing didn't ask too much.

This time something happened to His Highness, she sent a letter to the Prince of Linzhou with flying pigeons. But the content of the prince's reply surprised Lin Qingqing.

The prince told her in the letter that the matter would be left to His Highness to handle on his own, so she just had to obey.

This surprised Lin Qingqing, but also a little shocked. But then he quickly realized that this was not the prince’s trust in His Highness?

Since leaving Linjiang City, the prince has been extremely reassured by His Highness, and His Highness's performance along the way did not disappoint the prince.

As for her, just obey and protect His Highness's safety.

After Lin Qingqing retreated, it was getting late. Lin Jiangnian looked outside the courtyard, surrounded by silence.

The residence here is located in a remote location. Nowadays, Xunyang City is full of officers and soldiers, but it is not easy to find this place.

Based on Lin Jiangnian's understanding of the prefect, he probably wouldn't give up. Lin Qingqing went to see him today, firstly to test him, and secondly to find out the trump card of the prefect.

As expected, Wang Shiquan will most likely be unable to sit still and will definitely take action next.

As for what he will do, Lin Jiangnian still doesn't know yet.

He is still waiting for an opportunity.

To be precise, I am waiting for someone!

"It should be arriving soon."

Lin Jiangnian murmured to himself and looked into the distance.

The time spent in Xunyang County is not short, and it is almost time to leave. If we continue to delay, winter will soon come. If we haven’t arrived in the capital before winter, I’m afraid the journey north will be even more difficult.

At night, after having dinner, bathing and washing, Lin Jiangnian returned to the room.

When he opened the door, the room was dark and empty.

Lin Jiangnian, who had just stepped into the room with one foot, stepped back again.

"Where's Xiaozhu?"

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at a maid at the door.

On his way to Beijing this time, there was naturally more than one maid responsible for taking care of Lin Jiangnian. In addition to Xiaozhu, there were also several maids who came with him from the Prince's Mansion. However, most of the time, Xiaozhu takes care of Lin Jiangnian's daily life, so the presence of other maids is not strong.

Lin Jiangnian clearly remembered specifically telling Xiaozhu during the day to wait for him in the room tonight.

As a result, now, where are the people?

The room was empty, with no sign of Xiaozhu.

Where did the little maid sneak away?


Lin Jiangnian then remembered something. It seemed that he had not seen the little maid tonight!

The maid under the eaves lowered her head and said respectfully, "I don't know."

"Not sure?"

Lin Jiangnian frowned: "You haven't seen her?"

"My slave has seen Sister Xiaozhu in the afternoon, but not in the evening. I don't know where she went."

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian frowned even deeper.

"Go find her and call her over."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand.

The two maids under the eaves nodded quickly and hurried to find someone.

Lin Jiangnian stood in the corridor, frowning, where could this little maid go if she was in good condition?

There won't be any accidents, right?

As soon as this thought came to my mind, I quickly shook my head.

Although there is chaos in Xunyang City now, there are countless masters hiding and protecting the private residence, not to mention the existence of masters of Zhiyuan's level. It is almost impossible for outsiders to sneak in quietly.

Then where can Xiaozhu run?

Just when Lin Jiangnian was confused and walked outside the hospital, he bumped into Lin Qingqing who was about to go back to his room.


Lin Qingqing stopped and turned around: "Your Highness?"

"Why are you here?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Why didn't you go to rest?"

"My subordinate just went to see Sister Zhiyuan..."

Lin Qingqing glanced at His Highness and hesitated: "Your Highness, I just saw several maids around you hurriedly passing by in the courtyard. Are they... looking for something?"

"Going to find Xiaozhu."

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "The maid is missing."


Lin Qingqing was startled, and then her eyes became strange and complicated: "Xiao Zhu, I seem to be at Sister Zhiyuan's place."

"Paper Kite?"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly stopped and turned around: "Is Xiaozhu at Zhiyuan's place?"


Lin Qingqing nodded subconsciously.

"What are you doing at Zhiyuan's place?"

"No, not sure..."

Lin Qingqing shook her head. She just happened to see Xiaozhu when she went to report some things to Sister Zhiyuan. At that time, she was quite wondering why Xiaozhu was at Sister Zhiyuan's place.

She didn't know the specific reason. When he was about to speak again, he saw that Lin Jiangnian had turned around and walked towards Sister Zhiyuan's room.

Lin Qingqing stood there, looking at His Highness's leaving back. She was startled, and only later did she realize something...


Lin Qingqing's expression froze. Recalling the scene she saw in the afternoon, a trace of worry quickly rose in her heart.

Not surprisingly, His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan probably have a special relationship...

But...what about Xiaozhu?

Lin Qingqing's eyes were complicated. She was the one who knew the relationship between His Highness and Xiaozhu best.

Xiaozhu is now not only His Highness's personal maid, but also His Highness's... bed-warming maid.

Along the way to Beijing, she could see how much His Highness doted on Xiaozhu. The two of them were like glue and extremely close. Not to mention, the night between His Highness and Xiaozhu... was the scene she handled.

It can be said that she witnessed everything with her own eyes.


Lin Qingqing's eyelids twitched sharply.

Sister Zhiyuan, are you trying to cause trouble for Xiaozhu?

Although based on Sister Zhiyuan’s character, she shouldn’t be that kind of person, but...

Who can say for sure?

Thinking of this, Lin Qingqing couldn't help but become more worried.


Is it going to kill someone?

Side yard, inside the room.

There was an oil lamp on the table, and the weak light illuminated the room, which was deserted and silent.

at the table.

Xiaozhu Banban sat upright on the stool and subconsciously rubbed his arms.

a little cold!

It's not as cold as the cold wind blowing.

Instead, there was an inexplicable chill that filled the room, enveloping her, like a cold from the depths of her soul.

An indescribable feeling.

The little maid had a somewhat dazed look on her face, uneasy and uneasy, and she quietly raised her eyes.

In front of him, Zhiyuan, dressed in white, was also sitting quietly at the table, holding a book and looking down at it.

The weak light shone on her peaceful face, adding a bit of amazement.

Very beautiful!

It was so beautiful that Xiaozhu was a little envious.

But for some reason, she was very uneasy now.

Just in the evening, Sister Zhiyuan suddenly called her over. Xiaozhu originally thought that Sister Zhiyuan had some important instructions, but he didn't expect that Sister Zhiyuan just told her to stay here and not go anywhere.

Xiaozhu felt baffled, but he didn't dare to refuse. I can only sit here obediently, motionless.

Such a well-behaved action, just like the well-behaved and upright look when meeting Mr. Teacher, makes people laugh a bit.

But as the sky gradually darkened, Xiaozhu began to feel anxious.

She has not forgotten His Highness's instructions today. His Highness told her to go warm His Highness's bed early today...

It's getting dark now, His Highness must have gone back to his room, but she is still here...

In case His Highness is angry...

Thinking of this, Xiaozhu gradually became restless. She couldn't help but secretly glance at Sister Zhiyuan a few more times, and found that Sister Zhiyuan was still reading the book calmly, as if she was not in a hurry at all.

Sister Zhiyuan, what are you doing with her?

Xiaozhu didn't know why Sister Zhiyuan called her over, but Xiaozhu was indeed in a hurry now.

After a few more peeks, and a few more glances, Xiaozhu finally couldn't help it, took a deep breath, and said in a low and cautious voice: "Sister Zhiyuan, sister?"

Zhiyuan, who was reading a book with his head down, didn't even raise his head: "Huh?"

"It's getting late. Can I go back?"

Xiaozhu asked cautiously.

Zhiyuan moved her hands and raised her eyes to look at her.

This glance made Xiaozhu's delicate body tremble slightly for some reason.

feel a little scared.

The look in Sister Zhiyuan's eyes... gave her an indescribable feeling of guilt.

As if the purpose was seen through?

Zhiyuan stared at her little face for a few times before speaking calmly: "Are you sleepy?"

"No, I'm not sleepy..."

Xiaozhu shook her head gently. She was not sleepy yet, but...

His Highness is waiting for her.

After hearing this, Zhiyuan said calmly: "Since you're not sleepy, then stay with me for a while."


Xiaozhu was dumbfounded: "I, I..."


Zhiyuan glanced at her again: "Don't want to?"

"No, no..."

Hearing this, Xiaozhu's face immediately turned pale and he waved his hands quickly: "Xiao, of course Xiaozhu is willing to accompany Sister Zhiyuan..."

How could she not want to accompany Sister Zhiyuan?

Normally, she would have no objection.

But, I just think of His Highness now...

His Highness is still waiting for her.

However, she couldn't say it.

If Sister Zhiyuan finds out, maybe...

Xiaozhu became increasingly uneasy, and her face was full of annoyance and confusion.

Zhiyuan nodded lightly: "That's good."

"Long time no see, please stay with me for a while."

After saying that, she continued to read with her head down.

Xiaozhu sat on the spot, his little face frozen in place.

After a while, he finally lowered his head aggrievedly.

Sister Zhiyuan has said this, so what else can she do?

I can only accompany Sister Zhiyuan.

As for His Highness...

Your Highness won't be angry, right?

What if His Highness is really angry...

Xiaozhu lowered his head, a bit of panic appeared on his face, and finally gritted his teeth as if he had made up his mind.

If His Highness is angry, then she will behave well and make up for His Highness...

I don't know what he thought of, but Xiaozhu's face turned slightly red and hot.

The room is quiet.

Zhiyuan, who was leisurely reading, seemed to catch a glimpse of the expression on Xiaozhu's face and frowned slightly. After looking at it for a few times, he slowly withdrew and glanced out the window not far away.

It was quiet outside the window, and the small courtyard was quiet.

There was no emotion on her face. She glanced out the window for a while, then looked back, lowered her head and continued reading.

After an unknown amount of time, there was movement in the yard outside the room, and footsteps gradually approached, approaching the eaves door of the corridor.

Hearing the footsteps, Xiaozhu, who was sitting at the table, quickly sat up straight. But after a while, there was still no knock on the door.

Then, the room was suddenly pushed open. A gust of cold wind blew in, and the cold air instantly filled the room. Xiaozhu felt the cold wind blowing behind her. She was so cold that she shivered and subconsciously turned around.

The next second, her pupils suddenly widened, and she exclaimed in a panic: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty?! Why are you here?"

Outside the door, Lin Jiangnian's figure appeared at the door and slowly stepped into the room.

His eyes fell from Zhiyuan, who was looking down at a book in the room, to Xiaozhu. When he saw Xiaozhu sitting upright, he quickly realized something.

"My prince's maid is lost, why don't we look for her?"

Lin Jiangnian's lips raised slightly.

Hearing this, Xiaozhu's little face immediately became anxious and ashamed. He subconsciously glanced at Sister Zhiyuan, and then quickly lowered his head, "Yes, I'm sorry..."

"Slave, I came to see Sister Zhiyuan today and accidentally forgot the time..."

"If His Highness is angry, punish Xiaozhu."

Xiaozhu lowered his head with guilt on his face.

Hearing this, Zhiyuan, who was still reading at the table, glanced at her casually.

When Lin Jiangnian heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little funny.

He naturally knew Xiaozhu's character, and Xiaozhu would never do such a thing.

It was obvious that she was taking the blame for Zhiyuan.

"Don't worry, I will definitely punish you."

Lin Jiangnian stepped forward slowly, reached out and pinched her cheek gently.

Xiaozhu's face immediately turned red. Thinking that there was Sister Zhiyuan in the room, he lowered his head shyly.

"You go back first."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and said angrily: "I will take care of you later."

Xiaozhu was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked at Zhiyuan beside him.

"What? My prince's words don't work?"

Lin Jiangnian snorted coldly.

This little maid is actually prepared to act based on Zhiyuan's face?

Seeing that His Highness seemed a little angry, Xiaozhu shook his head in panic, "Slave, I don't dare..."

"Slave, I will go back now."

Xiaozhu lowered his head, stood up and left the room uneasily.

Even after walking out of the room, her little head was still a little confused.

What's going on here?

Why did His Highness come to find her?

Sister Zhiyuan, no, you won’t be angry, right?

With these thoughts in mind, the little maid left the yard uneasily.

Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan were the only ones left in the room.

Lin Jiangnian sat down directly where Xiaozhu had been and looked at Zhiyuan opposite.

"Stop pretending!"

Seeing that she was still reading with her head down, Lin Jiangnian curled his lips and said, "Did you do this on purpose?"

no respond.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian reached out to grab the book in her hand.

Zhiyuan leaned back a little, avoiding Lin Jiangnian's movements and looking at him expressionlessly.

"what are you doing?"

"What are you reading?" Lin Jiang young laughed and glanced at the book she was holding in her hand.

The kite didn't move.

"Why did you deliberately call Xiaozhu here?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

Zhiyuan's eyes were indifferent: "Ask her to come and accompany me."

"You are lying."

Lin Jiangnian stared into her eyes.

Zhiyuan remained silent, as if he was too lazy to explain.

However, Lin Jiangnian had no intention of letting her go.


He suddenly narrowed his eyes and approached Zhiyuan, half-smiling.

"Have you heard everything today?"


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