Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 174 Night Attack on the Prefect’s Mansion

In the dim lobby.

Piao Xiang, who was in ragged clothes and looked embarrassed, fell to his knees on the ground, his face pale, and he no longer had half of his previous exquisite appearance and temperament.

She looked panicked and her lips were trembling slightly.


His voice was panicked, as if he had experienced some indelible fear.

"No, it's none of my business... I, I don't know anything..."

Wang Shiquan was extremely anxious at the moment. He stared at the woman in front of him and said in a deep voice: "What's going on? Call me truthfully!"

"If you have anything to hide, I will definitely not spare you!"

The frightened Piao Xiang shivered for a long time before gradually calming down.

"I, I don't know what happened. Last time at Liuxiang Tower, the king, the prince came to see me. Unexpectedly, a group of people suddenly broke into them and kidnapped the prince and concubine without any explanation... "

Piao Xiang said in a horrified tone: "He, they took the prince and my concubine back and locked them up..."

"I don't know how long I have been imprisoned, and I don't know how the prince is doing now..."

"Today, I just found a chance to escape today..."

The fragrance lingered intermittently, and he spoke tremblingly.

Wang Shiquan stared at her coldly: "Where are you being held? Where is Qin'er now?"

"I, I don't know, I don't know..."

Piao Xiang's face turned pale and she said, "I, I only remember that I was in a side courtyard on the outskirts of the city..."

Hearing the news, several people in the lobby were shocked.

Especially Wang Cheng's eyes lit up: "Sir, my subordinates will go over now!"


Wang Shiquan stopped him, his eyes still staring at the fragrance in the lobby, his eyes cold: "You said you escaped from the guards?"

"Yes, it is……"

"How did you escape?"

Wang Shiquan's eyes became colder and colder. He didn't believe that she could escape from the hands of Prince Lin.

Miss Piao Xiang's face turned pale, "Sir, do you think I am deceiving you?"

Wang Shiquan said nothing and had no expression on his face.

But it was clear that he did have doubts.

Piao Xiang lowered her head and laughed miserably: "My lord, what do you think I can do if I want to escape?"

"My whole body, the only good thing about it... is probably this body..."

"The person who is guarding my concubine covets my body. If he relaxes his guard, I will find an opportunity..."

"Concubine, I have a chance to escape and report the case to you..."

After hearing this, Wang Shiquan's eyes narrowed, and the suspicion in his eyes weakened slightly.

Judging from her expression, it really didn't look like she was lying. Furthermore, if she dares to lie here, she will never get out of the prefect's mansion.

Thinking of this, Wang Shiquan's eyes narrowed again and he suddenly turned his head: "Wang Cheng!"

Wang Cheng on the side immediately became energetic: "Sir!"

"Take the people and rescue Qin'er quickly!"



Under night.

Several lines of soldiers and horses quickly galloped through the city, heading towards the west of the city.

At the same time, several figures poured in from the prefect's mansion, converging towards the west of the city.

West of the city, suburbs.

A very remote house, walking through a long alley, gradually arrived at the gate of the side courtyard.

Under the night, fires were everywhere.

Countless figures holding torches surrounded the house from all directions. Following an order, he broke in through the door.

However, when Wang Chengshen and his soldiers broke into the house, they only saw an empty house.


"Where are the people?"

"Look quickly and rescue the young master!"

However, when everyone searched around the house, they could not find anyone.

"Everyone is gone!"

"The teacup on the table is just cold, which means the person left not long ago. I'm afraid he noticed it!"

"There's an underground cell here!"


Wang Cheng quickly stepped into the cell.

Passing through the quiet and cold cell, in the deepest cell, the cell door was wide open and empty.

However, the traces left in the cell indicate that people were previously held here.

Soon, something on the floor of the cell caught Wang Cheng's attention. He bent down to pick it up and looked at the jade pendant in his palm. After just a glance, his expression became extremely solemn.

"It's the jade pendant of the young master. The young master is indeed imprisoned here. There is no mistake!"

Wang Cheng was frightened and angry when he thought that the young master had been locked up in a place like this before.

Now that the building is empty, the other party may have been prepared.

"They left in a hurry. They must not have been gone for long. They were probably within a few dozen miles around here!"

"Search, search them all!"

Wang Cheng's voice was extremely anxious. This was the best opportunity to rescue the young master now. If you miss tonight, it will be even harder to save the young master.

After giving the instructions quickly, Wang Cheng hurriedly left the cell. Just as he was about to leave, an ominous premonition suddenly came to his heart.

The next second.


The surroundings suddenly shook, and explosions burst out.

The houses around the courtyard collapsed, suppressing the shadows of many soldiers.


The screams sounded instantly and could not stop being heard.

This sudden explosion stunned everyone.

Wang Cheng dodged in time and was not affected by the explosion. The violent sound in his ears made him almost deaf. When he came to his senses, his face changed drastically and he realized that he might have been trapped.

"Be careful, there is an ambush!"

"Line up to meet the enemy!"

In addition to the soldiers in Xunyang City, there are also many master guards from the Prefectural Palace in the courtyard. After the explosion, they immediately realized something was wrong and immediately jumped up, trying to get out of here first.

But the next second.


Countless crossbow arrows pierced the air from all directions, and the coldness hit.


Those guards who had just leaped into the air and had not had time to leave became living targets. Crossbow arrows instantly penetrated their bodies, causing them to scream and fall from the air.

This scene frightened everyone.

It’s over!


Wang Cheng, who realized this, looked extremely ugly.

They had already suffered heavy losses due to the explosion, and the crossbow arrows coming from all directions made their losses even more serious.

After one round, more than half were killed or injured.

But they haven't even seen the enemy yet. If you continue to stay here, you will definitely die.

Thinking of this, Wang Cheng turned pale and said, "Retreat!"

"Quickly retreat!"


Not far outside the house, Lin Qingqing looked expressionlessly at the scene of a sea of ​​fire in front of her.

Under the explosion, the houses in the courtyard collapsed, burying many soldiers, and the torches in their hands ignited the surrounding area, turning into a sea of ​​fire.

In the surrounding darkness, on various rooftops, several black-armored figures were holding crossbows and staring indifferently into the house.


Catching a turtle in a urn!

This place is remote and there are not many residents around. Such a big movement did not cause much confusion.

In the sea of ​​​​fire, screams continued, and countless people were killed in the sea of ​​​​fire. Even if someone occasionally managed to escape and wanted to leave, he was instantly pierced by crossbow arrows and fell down, dying with his eyes open.

Tonight, this place has become a burial ground!

Lin Qingqing watched this scene quietly, without any pity in her eyes.

Not long ago, they did the same to His Highness.

They didn't know how many friends they lost in the explosion in the secret room behind the private house.

This debt must be paid with blood!

Hidden around were those sharp figures wearing black armor, with cold air rising from their bodies, and the black armor glowed coldly in the night.

No one will survive tonight.

Lin Qingqing turned back and looked in the direction of the Prefect's Mansion not far away without saying a word.

Prefect's Mansion.

In the lobby.

Wang Shiquan was restless and kept pacing back and forth in the lobby.

It has been two hours, why is there no news?

It was late at night and there was silence outside the courtyard, but Wang Shiquan had an uneasy premonition.

Will anything unexpected happen?

But then, this idea was dismissed by Wang Shiquan.

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps outside the hospital, and immediately after, an embarrassed figure staggered over.

"S-Sir, no, it's not good..."

A shabby and dusty figure broke in.

It’s Wang Cheng!

Seeing this scene, Wang Shiquan's pupils shrank and his heart almost stopped: "What's going on?!"

"Sir, sir, I, we were fooled..."

"My subordinates rushed to the western suburbs and found the place where the young master was detained. However, the building was empty... The young master had been transferred by them in advance..."

"Just when my subordinates were about to search for people, there was a big explosion and they were attacked..."

"We were fooled. The other party was well prepared. We were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses..."

"My subordinate, I risked my life to escape..."

Wang Cheng's tone was extremely low. He almost had a narrow escape before he could fight his way out.

Wang Shiquan's face was pale and his body was shaking.

Sure enough, the ominous premonition came true.

Things are really not that simple!

"Didn't you find Qin'er?"

Wang Shiquan's voice was extremely low and angry.

"No, no..."

After receiving the affirmative answer, Wang Shiquan's body was shaky and he was almost unsteady on his feet.

"grown ups!"

Wang Cheng stepped forward to help, but Wang Shiquan waved his hand, with a gloomy expression on his face, and almost roared from his throat: "Go, find, pass my order, mobilize the city defense troops to support, don't let anyone go!"


Just when Wang Cheng turned around and was about to leave, another burst of rapid footsteps sounded, and a figure staggered into the lobby.

"Da, sir, something's wrong. There's an attack. There's an attack..."

A panicked voice sounded, and Wang Shiquan suddenly raised his head: "What's going on?"

"Yes, someone attacked the prefect's mansion at night!"

"Kill, kill in!"

Before Wang Shiquan could react, he heard the clash of swords and swords not far away.

Wang Shiquan's expression suddenly changed again.

Fighting in?


How dare you break into the prefect's mansion at night? !

"Sir, come, there are many people here..."

The guard's voice was trembling and uneasy, and his heart was filled with fear. This is the first time such a thing has happened in so many years.

Someone actually dared to attack the prefect’s mansion at night!


But they are indeed crazy!

Under the cover of night, countless figures wearing black armor appeared outside the Prefect's Mansion and launched a surprise attack on the Prefect's Mansion.

Wang Shiquan suddenly raised his head, and with his eyes he could vaguely see several figures intertwining and colliding in the darkness not far away. They were the enemies attacking and the master guards of his prefect's mansion fighting each other.

At this moment, he was extremely angry and frightened!

He knew exactly who was coming!

The revenge of Prince Lin's Mansion is finally here!

He had known that such a day would come, but he never expected that the other party would come so unscrupulously!

This is Xunyang County, the territory of his royal family. The other party dares to attack so blatantly. Do they really think that his prefect's mansion is a vegetable market and treat his prefect's mansion and the soldiers and horses of Xunyang City as nothing?

"Since they dare to come, then no one will be spared!"

Wang Shiquan's voice was low and cold as he ordered: "Kill without mercy!"

It's quiet at night.

However, there was already chaos and uproar inside and outside the Prefect's Mansion.

In the dark night, countless figures poured into the prefect's mansion and started fighting with the guards in the mansion.

Even though the prefect's mansion is heavily guarded and filled with experts. But the martial arts of those attacking figures in the dark night were too terrifying. Under the cold light, no one could stop them under the sword. One face-to-face meeting tore through the defense of the Prefect's Mansion.

The guards in the prefect's mansion almost tried their best to delay the opponent's progress.

But this was not a long-term solution. The guards of the Prefecture soon realized that the gap between them and the other party was too terrifying. These people's martial arts skills are too high and well-trained. The black-armored figures in the dark night are terrifying, the cold knives are everywhere, and the cold killing intent makes their hearts tremble.

The black-armored figure was like a ruthless harvesting machine. He raised his knife and dropped it among the crowd, causing blood mist to fill the sky.

The master guards of the Prefect's Mansion simply cannot stop the other party's steps. At the moment, they can only delay as much as possible and retreat steadily.

Fortunately, they were well prepared. As long as they delayed for a moment and waited for the city defense troops to arrive, they could outflank these people and catch them all in one fell swoop!

Not far away, Wang Shiquan looked at the scene in front of him, his face pale.

Even in the dark night, he could still feel the terrifying momentum of the black figures in front of him.

Are these people the personal soldiers of Prince Lin?

How could it be so terrifying?

There are many masters in the bodyguards in his prefecture, and he supports many martial arts masters. However, they were now vulnerable and retreating steadily.

Although he had been mentally prepared, Wang Shiquan was still frightened.

Even Prince Lin's personal army has such terrifying fighting power. So, what about the legendary Prince Lin's army?

Can Yanzhou's soldiers and horses really be able to stop King Lin's army?

"Sir, no, please follow your subordinates and leave here first."

Not far away, the masters of the Prefect's Mansion were obviously a little tired. They could not stop the offensive of those black armors in the dark night. There were already many black figures coming towards here on the night force.

The city defense troops haven't arrived yet, so nothing can happen to you before that.

Wang Shiquan also realized this, his face changed slightly, and he felt a little humiliated. Unexpectedly, one day, he, the dignified Governor of Xunyang, would fall to this level. Just as he was about to turn around and leave with the guard beside him, the next second he heard the guard beside him shout vigilantly.


When Wang Shiquan turned his head, he realized that a strange figure had appeared in the lobby behind him.

His heart trembled.

Anyone? !

When did the other party appear behind him?

Why didn't you notice it at all? !

Wang Shiquan raised his head warily. In the lobby not far ahead, a figure in white stood quietly.

White clothes are better than snow.

The temperament comes out of the dust.

The snow-white dress looked particularly cool in the cold night.

In the dark night, those bright and clear eyes seemed to have substantial cold and murderous intent.

Make no secret of it!

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