Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 180 Killing two birds with one stone

"As expected!"

The news brought back by Lin Qingqing just confirmed Lin Jiangnian's suspicion.

"The Wang family was wiped out, and I'm afraid they have something to do with it!"

While in the dungeon, Lin Jiangnian just had some guesses. But when I heard that the people from the Tianshen Sect suddenly left in a hurry at this time, it seemed like there was something wrong.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian immediately asked: "Is there any news about their whereabouts?"

Lin Qingqing shook her head with some regret: "When my subordinates arrived at the inn, they had already left. I sent people to inquire about their whereabouts, but..."

"The other party's traces are strange, and their behavior is cautious. It may not be easy to find them!"

Lin Qingqing was right. Since the last encounter, the people of the Tianshen Sect have been extremely low-key in Xunyang City and have hardly attracted anyone's attention. If Lin Jiangnian hadn't accidentally discovered it this time, I'm afraid no one would associate the destruction of the Wang family with the Tianshen Sect.

Even Lin Jiangnian would not have thought of this without previous contact with Liu Su.

"How many of them are there?"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly asked.

Lin Qingqing lowered her head and said: "According to the innkeeper, there are about seven or eight people in the other party, including two women..."

"Two women?"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned.

Although there were many women in the Tianshen Sect, the first thing he thought of was Liu Su.

Could these two women be related to Liu Su?

Will she appear in Xunyang City?

Just when he was about to ask something, he realized something and glanced beside him.

Zhiyuan sat quietly aside, looking towards the courtyard, seemingly not hearing the conversation between the two.

Lin Jiangnian was about to speak, but held back.

"Your Highness, what should we do now?"

Lin Qingqing asked: "Do I need my subordinates to hunt them down?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and shook his head: "Forget it, there's no need!"

Since these believers of the Tianshen Sect act cautiously, they may leave Xunyang City as soon as possible after leaving the inn. It would be extremely difficult and thankless to pursue him again.

For Lin Jiangnian, it was a waste of energy.

It is not known whether the Wang family was wiped out by members of the Tianshen Sect. It is still unclear whether the Wang family was silenced or seeking revenge, and how much grievances there are.

However, these have nothing to do with Lin Jiangnian.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian turned to look at Zhiyuan beside him: "What do you think?"

Zhiyuan was admiring the scenery in the courtyard. When she heard Lin Jiangnian's words, she was silent for a long time without speaking.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian waved his hand towards Lin Qingqing.

How smart is Lin Qingqing?

After looking at Sister Zhiyuan and then at His Highness, I realized that she was no longer a redundant person, so I hurriedly resigned and left the courtyard quickly.

After Lin Qingqing left, Lin Jiangnian sighed: "I did miss something this time. I didn't expect that someone would be one step ahead!"

"However, the fate of the Wang family seems to be exactly the same as that of the Jiang family back then..."

History may be reincarnation after all.

Back then, the Wang family joined forces with other families in Xunyang County to plot against the Jiang family, which resulted in the Jiang family being wiped out. Doesn't the current Wang family look a lot like the Jiang family back then?

"Tell me, is this retribution?"

Zhiyuan's eyes fell quietly in the courtyard. After a while, he said coldly: "We must eradicate the weeds!"

"Hey, you think longer than me!"

Lin Jiang young laughed, looking at Zhiyuan's cold face, he didn't seem to be joking.

Obviously, she was reminding Lin Jiangnian of something.

Back then, the Jiang family was wiped out, but Zhiyuan was allowed to survive. Today, more than ten years later, Zhiyuan comes to take revenge. Although the demise of the Wang family had nothing to do with her, the Wang family had gotten to this point thanks to the paper kite.

Now that the Wang family has been wiped out, there are still some people in the Wang family who are lucky enough to escape. For example, Wang Changjin whose whereabouts are unknown, or Wang Qin who is still locked up in the dungeon...

Zhiyuan's words were a reminder to Lin Jiangnian... don't let anyone from the Wang family have the chance to become her next.

"Don't worry, I have a plan!"

Lin Jiangnian laughed: "Yuan Zhongnan would be even less hopeful that anyone in the Wang family is still alive than we are. As for the rest, we can wait... After all, this time, someone is more anxious than us!"

Zhiyuan withdrew her gaze, fell on Lin Jiangnian, stared at his face for a few times, and then looked away.

Then he stood up and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Go out for a walk."

Zhiyuan didn't even look back.

The Wang family was wiped out, and the news could not be kept secret for long.

The attack on the prefect's mansion alarmed the city defense army, and these things could not be hidden from the eyes and ears of those who were interested. Such a big movement naturally alarmed all the forces in Xunyang City.

Although no one knows the specific situation, many aristocratic families in Xunyang City have sent people to inquire.

As a result, the prefect's mansion was tightly closed, and the guards inside and outside the mansion were strengthened to keep out all those who came to test and visit.

As a result, it caused panic and anxiety among the aristocratic families.

More thoughtful people discovered that the guards inside and outside the prefecture had a group of new faces. All clues point to a very bad omen, which is getting worse.

And all this pressure falls on Yuan Zhongnan. Before the news of the Wang family's extermination was revealed, he had to stabilize the matter as quickly as possible and minimize the impact.

Otherwise, once turmoil occurs, the consequences will be disastrous.

However, no clues have been found about the murder of the Wang family. Just when Yuan Zhongnan looked gloomy and anxious, Lin Jiangnian suddenly sent someone to deliver clues.

"Celestial Cult?!"

Yuan Zhongnan looked down at the letter sent by His Royal Highness Prince Lin in his hand, frowned and fell into deep thought.

After a while, he looked up at the door expressionlessly: "Here comes someone!"

A soldier in armor hurriedly stepped in.

"Go check it out!"

Yuan Zhongnan threw the letter in his hand in front of the soldiers with an expressionless face: "Dig the ground three feet to find out the people of the Tianshen Sect!"


On the other side, in the courtyard.

"Your Highness, will Yuan Zhongnan believe it?"

Lin Qingqing stood aside, a little confused.

Why did His Highness suddenly ask her to hand over clues and information about the Tianshen Sect to Yuan Zhongnan?

Lin Jiangnian was lying leisurely on the rocking chair in the courtyard, squinting his eyes and enjoying this rare leisure time.

Xiaozhu followed suit and leaned aside obediently, carefully serving His Highness.

The weather was getting colder, so the little maid helped His Highness wrap his clothes without leaving any trace.

"He will."

Lin Jiangnian was confident, half-smiling but not smiling: "Even if he doesn't believe it, he will still take a gamble."

Lin Qingqing was still puzzled, but Lin Jiangnian didn't explain any more.

Yuan Zhongnan will definitely believe it. After all, Lin Jiangnian did not lie to him.

This time, the dignified Governor of Xunyang was killed under his nose. If the case could not be solved as soon as possible and the matter handled properly, it would have a great impact on him as the governor of Yanzhou. Not only will it affect his authority in Yanzhou, but it will also affect the court's view of him.

At this time, Lin Jiangnian suddenly sent a clue, and whether it was true or false, he would not let it go.

If it is false, it will have no effect on him. But if it is true, this can be regarded as a favor given by Lin Jiangnian to him as the governor of Yanzhou.

What's more important is that Lin Jiangnian has no interest or energy to hunt down people from the Tianshen Sect.

But Yuan Zhongnan is different.

He would be very interested.

Lin Qingqing was thoughtful and didn't ask any more questions.

"Your Highness, I have just received a lot of news about this Celestial Cult..."

"Last month, the prince ordered a large-scale search for Tianshen Sect members in Linzhou, and many people were arrested. However, I heard that the Tianshen Sect seemed to have taken precautions, so not many useful people were captured... …”

Lin Qingqing was confused as she spoke.

I was confused as to why the prince would suddenly attack that Celestial Cult. How could an organization that I had rarely heard of before be allowed to be captured by the prince himself?

Lin Jiangnian had a clear mind, and he had expected that Lin Hengzhong would attack the Tianshen Sect. After all, Liu Su failed to assassinate Lin Hengzhong, and the mastermind behind it was the Tianshen Sect.

As for the Tianshen Sect's internal precautions, it was probably Liu Sutong who reported the news.

"By the way, where is the paper kite?"

Lin Jiangnian asked suddenly, as if he hadn't seen her today?

"Sister Zhiyuan went out early in the morning." Before Lin Qingqing could speak, Xiaozhu's voice came from the side.

"Going out? Where did she go?"

"have no idea……"

Xiaozhu shook his head.

Lin Jiangnian was a little confused, where did the kite go?

Could it be that there are some acquaintances of hers in Xunyang City?

Inside Xunyang City.

In the western suburbs, a private residence.

A light figure climbed over the wall, fell into the courtyard, and walked towards the room.

As soon as she reached the door of the room and was about to push it open, she was suddenly startled, and at the same time she was instantly alert.

Is there anyone in the room? !


She spoke with a fierce look and immediately reached out to touch the sword at her waist.

The next second, a cold voice came from the room: "It's me."

The woman outside the door was startled, then a look of surprise suddenly appeared on her face the next second, and she opened the door.

In a quiet room, a man wearing a green shirt sat quietly at the table.

"Sister, is it you?!"

Shen Lingjun said in surprise: "Are you still alive?!"

Soon, Shen Lingjun realized that what he said was inappropriate: "Bah, look at my nonsense..."

Shen Lingjun stepped forward excitedly, looking up and down at the woman in green shirt in front of him, and was pleasantly surprised: "Sister, where have you been during this time? I haven't heard from you since you left some time ago. I thought..."

Speaking of this, Shen Lingjun felt a little frightened.

The sister in front of me has not appeared since she left last time.

During this time, there was a turmoil in the city. Shen Lingjun went out many times to inquire, but she never found her sister's whereabouts, so that she almost thought that something bad had happened to her sister.

Not to mention how happy she was to see her sister appear in front of her now!

"This matter is beyond words..."

Zhiyuan looked at the woman in front of her quietly, as if she wanted to explain, but didn't know where to start. There was silence for a moment: "There was an accident, but it's okay."

"As long as it's okay, it'll be okay!"

Shen Lingjun breathed a sigh of relief. Then he remembered something: "By the way, sister, what happened before..."

"It has ended."


Shen Lingjun was stunned for a moment, a little confused.

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment: "The Wang family's revenge has been avenged..."


After listening to Zhiyuan's words, Shen Lingjun's eyes widened in disbelief.

"You, you mean...Wang, the Wang family was wiped out?"

"Everyone in the Wang family is dead?!"

Zhiyuan nodded calmly: "Yes."

Shen Lingjun was stunned on the spot and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

During this time, she often inquired about news in the city, and often paid attention to the movements of the Wang family. In the past two days, she did notice that something was wrong in the Prefect's Mansion, but she never expected that the Wang family would be... wiped out?

The news came so suddenly that she couldn't accept it for a while.

His eyes were dull for a long time, and then he seemed to think of something. He raised his head and looked at Zhiyuan: "Yes, who did it?"

Zhiyuan shook her head and did not explain.

She looked at Shen Lingjun in front of her and said, "I'm leaving!"

Shen Lingjun finally came back to his senses: "Go, where are you going?"

"Let's go to the capital."

As if thinking of something, Zhiyuan's voice became softer.


Just as he was about to ask his sister what she was doing in the capital, Shen Lingjun held back.

She remembered that her sister had said she wanted to come to Xunyang City for revenge, and her sister's enemies seemed to be related to the Wang family.

Now that the Wang family is wiped out, this also means that my sister's great revenge will be avenged.


She might indeed have to leave.

"So, sister, are you here to say goodbye to me today?"

Shen Lingjun was a little regretful and a little reluctant to give up.


Zhiyuan nodded, remained silent for a moment, and said, "I would like to thank you for this time!"

Shen Lingjun waved his hands quickly: "No, no, thank you for what I did. I should also thank you..."

She was able to come to Xunyang City alive thanks to this sister.

Otherwise, no one knew what would happen given her state of losing all her martial arts skills at that time.

"Speaking of which, I can't do anything to help you, sister!"

Shen Lingjun felt somewhat regretful.

She thought she would be able to show off her skills this time, but she didn't expect that the Wang family would be wiped out before she could take action.

This left her feeling completely uninvolved.

Zhiyuan seemed to read her thoughts, glanced at her a few times, and said softly: "You are the woman with the most sense of justice I have ever seen. I hope you can maintain this original intention in the future."

Shen Lingjun blinked, a sense of justice?

"Sister, are you the same?!" Shen Lingjun said. She also felt that the sister in front of her was also very kind and had a sense of justice.

Didn't they just travel together some time ago, doing chivalry and justice?

Zhiyuan didn't say anything more. He took out a piece of jade from his arms and handed it to Shen Lingjun: "I'm going to the capital. Keep this piece of jade. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can take this piece of jade and go to the capital to find it." I will naturally have someone pick you up when the time comes..."

Shen Lingjun lowered his head and looked at the jade in his hand. It was crystal clear and worth a lot of money. When he was about to refuse, he saw Zhiyuan waving his hand: "Okay, I should go!"

Hearing this, Shen Lingjun inevitably felt a little sad.

Although she has only known this sister for a short time, she likes her very much and has helped her a lot along the way. Now that they were about to be separated, she was indeed a little reluctant to let go.

This time we say goodbye, I don’t know when we can meet again next time.

When children in the world say goodbye, they often say goodbye forever.

Shen Lingjun walked to the door. When he saw his sister was about to leave, he seemed to think of something: "By the way, sister, I still don't know your name?"

Only then did she remember that she still didn’t know the name of this unknown sister.

Zhiyuan's steps slowed down a bit, paused, and said calmly: "Zhiyuan."

"Paper Kite?"

Shen Lingjun muttered the name silently, his eyes brightening slightly.

Good to hear.

Watching Sister Zhiyuan's figure disappear into the street, Shen Lingjun looked away with some sadness. Just as he was about to go back, he turned around and suddenly fell on an old man wearing a gray robe and carrying a box on the side of the street.

Shen Lingjun was stunned for a moment, and then was pleasantly surprised.

"Teacher, uncle?"

"How will you be here?!!"


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