Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 182 The extra little maid

The news that the governor of Xunyang was killed and that the Wang family was wiped out became more and more intense in Xunyang City. All major family forces took action one after another, and the entire Xunyang City became a mess.

At this time, Lin Jiangnian, the instigator, quietly left Xunyang City and went north to Beijing.

As we continue north, the weather gets colder and colder.

After spending some time in Xunyang City, it was almost late autumn, and the chill in the air continued to increase.

After leaving Xunyang City, the road back to the north returned to desolation. Above the official road, you can see as far as you can see. There are withered yellow trees on both sides of the road, and the fallen leaves make a crisp sound when stepped on.

The front and back are desolate, with few people around.

Although the Daning Dynasty had a stable economy and was relatively prosperous, it had a vast territory after all, and apart from the large cities, most places were still desolate. And this also provides innate conditions for bandits and bandits to occupy the mountains and become kings.

This time he is on the road again. Unlike the previous fanfare, Lin Jiangnian is much more low-key.

The news that he was killed in Xunyang City has already spread, although it cannot be hidden from those who are interested. After all, Prince Lin's crown prince was killed, but Prince Lin's army continued to march north, which is unreasonable.

If you probe carefully, you can find anomalies.

However, before being discovered, Lin Jiangnian could use this to hide his whereabouts and catch those people off guard.

"My prince is almost halfway through his journey to the capital, and they haven't shown up yet, but they can really hold it back!"

In the carriage heading north, Lin Jiangnian was half-lying on a comfortable and soft mink blanket, squinting his eyes and mumbling to himself.

In the carriage, Xiaozhu was sitting aside, straight and straight, as well-behaved as an obedient child.

According to the past situation, Xiaozhu at this time should be in Lin Jiangnian's arms, or being held on Lin Jiangnian's lap to check his health.

But now...

Xiaozhu sat obediently and obediently, his little eyes peeking at the opposite side from time to time.

Opposite her, a paper kite with a delicate and pretty face, wearing a plain white dress and a fluffy coat, was looking out the car window at the desolate scenery.

The weather was a little colder, and the clothes she wore were a little thicker. She was wrapped around her body, but she still couldn't hide her graceful and pretty figure. She sat upright and looked elegant.

Even though she didn't say a word, there was still an invisible pressure oppressing Xiaozhu's pitiful heart. She didn't dare to take a breath, she only dared to carefully look at Sister Zhiyuan from the corner of her eyes.

More and more well-behaved!

Zhiyuan retracted her gaze, glanced at him, and then moved her gaze outside the car again.

After a moment, she whispered: "It will come."

"If they don't come, I will feel a little regretful..."

Lin Jiangnian sighed, but his tone was very relaxed: "I hope they don't disappoint me too much!"

Zhiyuan paused and asked, "You really hope they come?"

"That's natural!"

Lin Jiangnian changed his position and lay lazily on the carpet: "If they don't come, wouldn't my prince's waiting be in vain?"

"They will definitely come..."

For some reason, a trace of worry appeared on Zhiyuan's cold face.

Lin Jiangnian saw it and smiled half-heartedly: "Are you worried about my son?"

Zhiyuan said nothing, his face expressionless.

Lin Jiangnian said in a lazy tone: "No matter sooner or later, they will come... This is the best time for them to assassinate my son."

"If they miss this time, they will not have this opportunity when my prince arrives in the capital!"

From Linjiang City to Xunyang City, Lin Jiangnian had a smooth journey and encountered almost no danger.

The only person I met who was not short-sighted was Li Qianlin when I first arrived in Xunyang City. But before Li Qianlin could assassinate him, Lin Jiangnian took action and ransacked his home.

The gang of Jianghu knights organized by Li Qianlin suffered heavy losses and were almost wiped out. However, Li Qianlin escaped and his whereabouts are unknown.

After being delayed for such a long time in Xunyang City, I continued to go north, but I was still safe and sound along the way without encountering anything.

The more so, the more unusual it is.

Something's wrong!

If it were anyone else, they would naturally hope for a safe journey to the capital.

But Lin Jiangnian is different!

He knew better than anyone that some people did not want him to reach the capital alive.

If he, the son of a vassal king with a different surname, enters the capital, he will definitely attract great attention. His identity and stance are bound to cause controversy.

Lin Jiangnian represented not only himself, but also Lin Hengzhong behind him, Lin Wangfu.

Lin Hengzhong held a high position and had offended many forces in Beijing. Now that Lin Jiangnian has entered Beijing, it is inevitable that they will have other ideas secretly.

On the other hand, everyone in the world knew that Lin Jiangnian came to Beijing this time to marry the eldest princess. The son of a vassal king with a different surname in a barbaric land, with a very bad reputation, wanted to marry the eldest princess of their capital city, who was a beautiful and beautiful daughter. Naturally, many people refused.

More importantly, the Prince's Palace is now powerful, but the situation in Beijing is becoming more and more complicated. The emperor is in seclusion and ignores the government affairs, and various forces in the court are intrigues and suspicious of each other. Under such circumstances, let alone reducing the vassal state, whether the situation in the court could be stabilized was a question.

Once Prince Lin has a different intention, it will definitely be a devastating blow to the dynasty.

Lin Hengzhong has unrivaled martial arts skills and is still in his prime. It is almost impossible to deal with him.

Naturally, they could only target Lin Jiangnian.

The only son of King Lin, the only heir to the future King Lin's palace. As long as he dies and there is no successor to King Lin, there will naturally be no danger.

Therefore, Prince Wang has encountered countless assassinations in the past few years. Even in Linjiang City, it is still difficult to avoid the pervasive assassinations.

And this time Lin Jiangnian entered Beijing and left Linjiang City, it was undoubtedly a golden opportunity for those behind him.

How could they let go of this opportunity?

Zhiyuan remained silent, her gaze still falling outside the car window. The journey north was destined to be boring. With Lin Qingqing's arrangement and the secret escort by the prince's personal army, not even a bandit or bandit could be encountered within a radius of ten miles.

No matter how powerful the bandit is, if he encounters the well-trained prince's army, looking at the dark and fully armed black armor, he will be scared out of his wits and run away.

Zhiyuan looked away from the window, as if thinking of something, she turned back to look at Lin Jiangnian, and suddenly said: "Where is Wang Changjin?"

Lin Jiangnian spread his hands: "I don't know!"

Zhiyuan frowned slightly and wanted to say something, but when she saw a flash of smile in the corner of Lin Jiangnian's eyes, she fell silent again.

He didn't speak again, but there seemed to be a bit of displeasure on the corners of his cold eyebrows.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian sat up and sighed: "I'm not lying to you, I really don't know, but..."

"He can't run away!"

That night, the Wang family was captured by Yuan Zhongnan in one fell swoop, but Wang Changjin's whereabouts were unknown and there has been no news to this day.

Did he foresee the danger in advance and escape, or was he lucky enough to survive?


Seeing that Zhiyuan still didn't speak, Lin Jiangnian moved closer to her, but Zhiyuan noticed her and raised her eyes to look at him.

Lin Jiangnian turned a blind eye and continued: "As expected, Yuan Zhongnan will do everything possible to find him and kill him at any cost... Now that the Wang family has fallen, Wang Changjin has nowhere to go and nowhere to hide. He won't be able to hide for long. !”

"In this case, he has only one way to go..."

"Just wait, he will show up soon!"

As Lin Jiangnian spoke, he reached out to grab Zhiyuan's hand out of habit. He held the soft, jade-like, somewhat cold hand in his hand, and felt a striking gaze.

Looking up, right across from him, Xiaozhu was looking at the two of them with wide eyes, a look of shock on his face. His eyes fell on His Highness's hand holding Sister Zhiyuan.

His expression was dull, as if he had seen something unbelievable.

Being stared at by Xiaozhu's clear and innocent eyes, Lin Jiangnian felt a little... embarrassed!

At the same time, Zhiyuan on the side seemed to realize something and quickly withdrew his hand. Subconsciously, his body moved to the side, further away from Lin Jiangnian.

On the turned away face, a trace of blush and confusion appeared inadvertently on the fair side face.

It's really beautiful.


Young Lin Jiang coughed: "Xiao Zhu!"

"Your Highness?"

Xiaozhu was still a little shocked at this time. When she heard His Highness calling her, she quickly responded.

"Qingqing has something to do with you, please come over."

"Sister Qingqing is looking for me?"

Xiaozhu was a little confused. What did Sister Qingqing want to do with her?

Also, how did His Highness know that Sister Qingqing was looking for her?

Xiaozhu was confused, but he still subconsciously stood up and prepared to leave.

However, she had just stood up when she heard Zhiyuan's cold voice coming from the side: "Don't go."

Xiaozhu paused on the spot, with a confused look on his face... Should he go or not?

She looked at Lin Jiangnian for help, but saw Lin Jiangnian waving his hand: "Go quickly, don't keep Qingqing waiting!"

Xiaozhu woke up from a dream and glanced at Sister Zhiyuan. When she saw that Sister Zhiyuan didn't speak, she left the carriage.

After Xiaozhu left, Lin Jianghe and Zhiyuan were left in the carriage.

Without Xiaozhu as a small obstacle, Lin Jiangnian moved unscrupulously towards Zhiyuan, and Zhiyuan immediately became wary.

"what are you doing?"

"Let's chat with you!"

"no talking."

Zhiyuan didn't know what Lin Jiangnian was thinking, so she didn't give him this chance.

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't give up and kept getting closer. In the end, after a lot of tugging and entanglement, Lin Jiangnian managed to hold Zhiyuan's white little hand again.

It's cool and soft and feels good to hold.

Zhiyuan remained motionless, lowering her eyes to the tightly held hands, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Actually, it would look better if you smiled a little!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Zhiyuan's expressionless face. It looked good, but it was too cold.

There is no emotional change at all, and it seems a bit boring.

Lin Jiangnian wanted to try to make her change.

But Zhiyuan remained expressionless: "No."


Lin Jiangnian naturally didn't believe it: "How could someone not laugh?"

Zhiyuan turned away and said nothing.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian sighed secretly and didn't force it anymore.

The cold should be a little colder, at least I won’t resist anymore.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian looked at the girl beside him who let him hold her little hand, and his mind became active again.

As if aware of the scorching gaze beside her, Zhiyuan looked back at him warily, her voice cold but with a hint of warning: "Don't mess around."

"Don't worry, I never mess around."

Lin Jiangnian vowed to do so.

The girl's face was expressionless, and the corners of her mouth moved slightly.

He glanced at his hand from the corner of his eye. Someone was holding it restlessly and stroking it gently, his movements becoming more and more bold.

Feeling the strange feeling coming from the palm of her hand, she bit her lips lightly, her fair face flushed slightly, and she turned her head away in shame and anger.

Full of nonsense!

Outside the carriage, Xiaozhu came to the front of the carriage.

"Sister Qingqing, are you looking for me?"

Lin Qingqing looked at Xiaozhu who suddenly appeared in front of her and was stunned: "What's wrong?"

"His Highness said that you have something urgent to do with me. Do you have any instructions?" Xiaozhu asked.


Lin Qingqing looked confused. Didn't she find Xiaozhu?

Just when he was about to speak, he seemed to realize something. He glanced at the carriage and was silent for a moment.


"Sister Qingqing, what's wrong?"

"Where's Sister Zhiyuan?"

"In the carriage with His Highness!" Xiaozhu answered innocently.

Lin Qingqing was silent for a long time.

"I suddenly remembered that I did have something to do with you..."


On the deserted and overgrown path, a few figures shuttled back and forth, letting the thorns on both sides cut their clothes. The group looked exhausted and panted.

After crossing the trail, the group of people got rid of the tracking behind them and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great Elder, the officers and soldiers in Xunyang County are closely pursuing you along the way. Have they discovered something?"

The voice of a congregant came from the side.

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man looked embarrassed and gloomy.

As the great elder of Tianshen Sect, when has he ever suffered such a downfall?

After learning that Liu Su was determined to attack the Wang family in advance, the elder realized that he was in big trouble and immediately arranged to notify everyone to evacuate Xunyang City. But they still didn't expect that they underestimated Xunyang City's reaction speed.

Along the way, they encountered countless officers and soldiers who were investigating and tracking them. After being exposed, they fled all the way, but the officers and soldiers behind them were in hot pursuit.

The great elder naturally did not take these officers and soldiers seriously, but if they were delayed until the reinforcements arrived, the consequences would be disastrous.

Therefore, the group of them could only flee all the way.

Fortunately, he finally got rid of the pursuers behind him for the time being.

"Great Elder, what should we do now?"

The great elder looked gloomy and took a deep breath: "Go to the capital!"

"No matter what, the Wang family has been wiped out, and the order given by the leader has been completed. As for the trouble Liu Su caused, I will definitely sue him in front of the leader this time!"

After making up his mind, the great elder spoke fiercely, took another deep breath, and looked up ahead.

"There is a small town ahead. Find an inn to have something to eat, rest for a night, and then continue on your way!"


The small town located on the official road is quite lively on weekdays, with businessmen and people traveling from north to south.

The appearance of the great elder and his entourage in the small town did not seem out of place.

A few people found an inn, asked the waiter for a few rooms, ordered a table of delicious dishes, and had a hot meal.

"Great Elder..."

While the great elder was eating, a figure walked up to the great elder and said something in his ear.

When he finished listening, the great elder frowned: "Is what you said true?"

"Absolutely true!"

The man said in a deep voice: "Someone has discovered the traces of the soldiers around Prince Lin on the official road going north. There is something fishy going on. I'm afraid Prince Lin is not that simple..."

Hearing this, the great elder's face darkened: "His fate is so great, he's not even dead?!"

But then, the great elder narrowed his eyes again: "Go north..."

"In this case, this is a good opportunity..."

"If he hadn't died..."

Just when the great elder was thinking about something, he was on the official road not far outside the town.

Several carriages slowly approached.

Lin Qingqing came to one of the carriages: "Your Highness, there is a small town ahead, why not take a rest in this town for now?"


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