
In the originally dark lobby, the surrounding lights suddenly lit up, illuminating the entire lobby.

It also illuminated the three great elders with nowhere to hide.

At this moment, the Great Elder and the remaining two believers were preparing to evacuate the inn. They walked to the center of the inn and were blocked.

In front of the sight of several people, a dozen black-armored figures were fully armed, holding crossbows and arrows aimed at them.

The cold crossbow arrows are full of murderous intent.

On the balcony on the second floor of the inn, several figures poured in from the window, and the three people in the inn were instantly surrounded by water.

There was sudden tension in the air.

The Great Elder's pupils shrank suddenly as he recognized the identities of these people...

It is rumored that Prince Lin has a personal army around him. This personal army was organized by Lin Hengzhong himself. More than ten years ago, he adopted some talented orphans from all over the world, and trained them in secret to become a military force. A pro-army force that is as elite as a dead soldier.

This pro-army is extremely hidden and has amazing combat effectiveness. This time Lin Jiangnian traveled north from Linjiang City, this pro-army played an indispensable and key role.

At this moment, when the people in front of them were wearing cold black armor and exuding the murderous intention of a dead soldier, a trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the great elder, which quickly dissipated.

At the same time, as the lights came on, Lin Jiangnian's figure slowly appeared in his sight behind the crowd.

Lin Jiangnian, who was dressed in a light robe, was sitting at a table not far away from the door. His eyes were indifferent and his expression was lazy, and he seemed to be looking at the elder with a playful smile.

There were several cups of hot tea on the table. Next to Lin Jiangnian, Zhiyuan sat quietly, his eyes also falling on the elder in the crowd.


The First Elder stared at Lin Jiangnian behind the crowd, and suddenly understood everything in his heart, and said in a cold voice: "Prince Lin, you are so scheming!"


Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows, "Your Excellency sent someone to sneak into my son's room in the middle of the night. What do you want?"

"If you want to talk about scheming, it should be your lord who is scheming against me, right?"

The great elder's face was livid and extremely depressed.

How could he not know that he was being tricked tonight?

Now that it has been exposed, let's just stop pretending.

"How did you find out?"

The great elder stared at Lin Jiangnian and asked.

He believed that he had never exposed any flaws in front of Lin Jiangnian. Whether it was in Xunyang City or when they met at Bairi Inn today, he had never exposed his identity, nor had he shown any hostility towards Lin Jiangnian. .

How did Lin Jiangnian realize that something was wrong and predict it in advance?

It was obvious that he had been prepared for all this tonight!

The great elder was puzzled.

"How did you find out?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at him playfully: "It's very simple... you guys are not good people at first glance!"

"The crooked melons and cracked jujubes look like they have bad intentions towards my eldest son!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and spoke, even sighing slightly.

The great elder's eyelids twitched sharply, and anger suddenly arose in his heart.

That's too much!

"Prince Lin is indeed very resourceful. It seems that I still underestimate you!"

The great elder's face was gloomy. No matter how the other party noticed it, since his identity was exposed, there was no need to hide it anymore.

"Young Prince, I wanted to let you go, but I didn't expect you to come to my door yourself!"

"In that case, I'll give you a ride!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding wind suddenly rose.

The howling cold wind suddenly surged in the inn, blowing out the lights of the inn, and instantly plunged into darkness.

In the darkness, the figure of the great elder disappeared from the place.


"Protect His Highness!"

The moment the lights went out, the crossbow arrows in the hands of the guards blocking Lin Jiangnian's body were aimed at the figure in the darkness and flew away.

The figure of the Great Elder was hidden in the dark lobby. A cold aura filled his body. He waved his sleeves to block the incoming crossbow arrows. He jumped up and approached Lin Jiangnian at the door.

Murderous intent, approaching!

After the first round of crossbow arrows failed, the guards standing in front of Lin Jiangnian quickly put away their crossbow arrows, drew out their swords from their waists, and charged towards the great elder.

At the same time, other figures in the inn also moved!

The moment the great elder started to move, the two believers beside him did not hesitate at all, and followed the great elder at the same time as they approached Lin Jiangnian at the door.

However, they are not as lucky as the Great Elder. As the crossbow arrow approached, the Great Elder relied on his strong internal strength to block it. Although the two of them had strong internal strength and the crossbow arrows could not cause any harm to them, they still blocked their steps.

Immediately afterwards, the lights in the inn that were originally extinguished were lit again.

The moment the hotel lobby lit up, the two men were exposed to sight. As the guards and soldiers approached from all directions, the two of them were surrounded. Even though the two were good at martial arts, they quickly fell into a disadvantage when faced with such well-trained guards and their martial arts were not weak.


Lin Jiangnian raised his head and looked towards the lobby.

The great elder who had just approached was surrounded by a dozen black-armored figures.

The great elder in gray robes was shrouded in gloom, and his aura of terror was fully unleashed. One against ten with bare hands, facing the encirclement and attack of the black-armored orderly formation, he did not lose at all.

"With such strength, this person must be at least an elder in the Celestial Sect, right?"

It was obvious that the middle-aged man in front of him had good martial arts skills, and his status in the Tianshen Sect was definitely not low. If he could be captured alive, he might be able to get a lot of things out of his mouth.

"Do you think my crown prince's troops can capture him?"

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at Zhiyuan beside him.

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and looked ahead, silent for a moment: "No."


Lin Jiangnian glanced at the inn. He expected that people from the Tianshen Sect would attack him tonight, so he was well prepared.

At this moment, his people were everywhere in the inn, and the believers following the middle-aged man were vulnerable.

No matter how high his martial arts skills are, is it possible that he can really defeat one against a hundred?

Before Zhiyuan could speak, he already had the answer.

A majestic aura of internal energy rippled out instantly, and the tables and chairs throughout the inn seemed to be shaking. The teacup on Lin Jiangnian's table also had several cracks under the shroud of internal energy.

The black-armored guards who were originally blocking the Great Elder were instantly knocked back. At the same time, the Great Elder fought his way out of the crowd and approached Lin Jiangnian.

His eyes were cold and came in the blink of an eye.

He didn't need to fight one against a hundred, just killing Lin Jiangnian was enough!

Tonight, his plan failed and he was ambushed, causing almost all of his cronies who had been with him for many years to be wiped out. He was already extremely angry and his eyes were red.

Right now, he just wants to kill Lin Jiangnian!

As long as Lin Jiangnian can be killed, all losses can be accepted.

In anger, the Great Elder unleashed all his momentum and instantly shook away the surrounding black-armored guards, approaching Lin Jiangnian.

The speed was extremely fast, and he arrived in front of Lin Jiangnian in an instant like an afterimage.

At such a speed, even Lin Jiangnian almost didn't react. The majestic and sharp breath passed across his face, causing a slight tingling sensation.

The next second, Zhiyuan, who was sitting next to Lin Jiangnian, suddenly took action.


The table in front of Lin Jiangnian instantly fell into pieces.

Debris was flying in the lobby of the inn, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

The elder who had been approaching Lin Jiangnian took two or three steps back, managed to steady himself, and raised his eyes to stare straight ahead, his eyes cold and horrified.

Zhiyuan beside Lin Jiangnian stood up at some point and also took four or five steps back. His pretty face was a little pale, but he was also staring ahead coldly, looking at the elder.

The great elder stared at the woman in white, horrified.

This woman is indeed extraordinary!

He had realized before that this woman's martial arts might not be weak. Judging from the aura on the opponent's body, he is definitely a master.

Now that we are testing each other, it is indeed the case.

This woman's martial arts skills exceeded his expectations.

At such an age, his inner strength is so powerful and terrifying. If you look around the world, you won't be able to find many people.

This woman is probably an expert in secretly protecting Prince Lin?

With this thought in his mind, the last trace of contempt in the Great Elder's eyes was put away, becoming extremely solemn.

This woman is a powerful enemy!

However, he could obviously feel that this woman's internal strength was weaker than his.

Having such strength at such an age should not be underestimated, but after all, she is too young. If she is given a few more years, it may not be easy to predict.

But right now...

The great elder's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Are you OK?"

At this time, Lin Jiangnian looked at Zhiyuan nervously.


Zhiyuan's answer was still cold, neither cold nor indifferent.

"His martial arts skills are better than yours!"

Lin Jiangnian saw some reasons for the fight just now.

The opponent's strength seems to be higher than that of Zhiyuan.

But Zhiyuan remained calm: "I know."

"If it doesn't work, don't be brave!"

Lin Jiangnian saw her intention and persuaded her.

But Zhiyuan didn't speak, just glanced back at him.

Looking into her eyes, Lin Jiangnian understood instantly. This woman is going to show off her strength.


With this in mind, Lin Jiangnian grabbed the sword next to him and threw it to Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan took it, looked down at the sword in his hand, and was startled.

‘Autumn Water Sword’!

When Lin Jiangnian left Linjiang City, Senior Li handed Lin Jiangnian the sword that had been with him for many years.

Lin Jiangnian has always been with him, but he has never been able to use it.

Now, it seems to come in handy!

Zhiyuan looked down at the sword in his hand, something strange flashed in his eyes.

She grasped the hilt of the sword.

"call out!"

The long sword was unsheathed, and a cold light flashed in the lobby.

The blade of the sword, as delicate as black iron stone, was exposed in the air, and the cold breath filled the air with a bit of penetrating chill.

When the great elder in front saw the sword, his eyes became more solemn.

Although he didn't recognize the sword, he could still tell the difference. Even when the woman in front of her held the sword, her aura changed a lot.

Has the momentum reached a new level?

Before the elder could think, the kite had already moved.

The figure holding the sword disappeared from the spot, and along with the afterimage and the chill that filled the air, it was like a sharp sword energy heading towards the great elder.

The great elder's pupils narrowed, and he hurriedly avoided without any thought.


A sword ripples.

The series of tables and chairs in the lobby behind the great elder were instantly cut off by this sword. A deep crack appeared on the ground, emitting heat.

Seeing this scene, the great elder became more and more horrified. But before he had time to think, the sword failed, and Zhiyuan didn't give him any chance to breathe, approaching again.

One sword after another, the Qiushui Sword in Zhiyuan's hand seemed to be filled with cold light, which was particularly bright in the dim and dark night of the lobby inn.

Under such a strong offensive, the unarmed elder did not dare to confront him head-on, and kept avoiding him in embarrassment.

Not far away, Lin Jiangnian looked at this scene and marveled.

During the fight just now, Zhiyuan's strength was clearly weaker than that of the middle-aged man.

But after getting the Qiushui Sword, Zhiyuan seemed to have reached a higher level, and the opponent he hit did not dare to fight back.

Faced with Zhiyuan's attack, he did not dare to face the enemy head-on and ran away with his head in his arms.

It was really unexpected.

It's no wonder that those masters who have entered the world will fight for a peerless magic weapon and fight with blood!

For masters, weapons can sometimes greatly enhance their combat effectiveness. Right now, this middle-aged man is at the disadvantage of being defenseless.

On the other hand, Zhiyuan was originally Senior Li's apprentice, and the Autumn Water Sword was left by Senior Li. In her hands, she mastered it, and she was like a fish in water, and her attacks were fierce.

This was the first time Lin Jiangnian saw Zhiyuan use a sword and actually take action.

It has to be said that he underestimated Zhiyuan's strength.

Zhiyuan, who had obtained the Qiushui Sword, did not give the opponent any chance to breathe. Lin Jiangnian was amazed by his superb swordsmanship and strong posture.

The sharp sword energy roared out densely, and the great elder retreated step by step, feeling increasingly frightened.

He never expected that after taking the sword, this woman's strength would increase so fiercely that she almost couldn't breathe when she hit her.

The gleaming sword in her hand was like a magic weapon, as if it could easily split him in half at any time. Such a terrifying pressure made him feel a little timid. Even if there is a chance to attack, he gives up because he is afraid of the weapons in the opponent's hands.

As a result, the great elder was forced to the extreme embarrassment. I realized that it was almost impossible to kill Prince Lin tonight. With Prince Lin protected by such experts, there was no chance of getting close.

If he continues and his internal energy is severely depleted, he may end up here tonight.

Thinking of this, the elder turned back and stared at Lin Jiangnian fiercely for a few times.

I feel unwilling!

Not only did he fail to kill this son of a bitch tonight, he even lost so many of his cronies, which was a heavy loss.

He will take revenge sooner or later!

Thinking of this, the great elder did not hesitate any longer. After blocking a series of fierce attacks from Zhiyuan, he seized the opportunity and jumped out from the window next to him.

"Lin Jiangnian, I will kill you sooner or later!"

Strong threatening words came from the night outside the window, and the figure of the great elder escaped into the night.


At the same time, several guards and soldiers inside the inn followed closely and chased him into the night.

In the lobby, Zhiyuan stopped in place and did not pursue it.

She raised her eyes and looked out the window. After a while, she suddenly staggered and was a little unsteady.

"Paper Kite?!"

Lin Jiangnian, with quick eyes and quick hands, quickly stepped forward to support her and looked down, only to see that Zhiyuan's face was pale and her breathing was rapid.

Obviously excessive exercise.

Thinking of the scene just now, I understood everything immediately.


Lin Jiangnian was angry and distressed.

"Are you willing to die?"


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