Shen Lingjun could be said to be holding back his anger.

Angry and aggrieved.

Since this journey, I don’t know how many losses I have suffered from this son of a bitch, and how many grievances I have suffered. After finally hearing that he died in Xunyang City, Shen Lingjun almost didn't set off fireworks to celebrate.

I thought that this evil son of a bitch would find his way, but I didn't expect that we would meet on a narrow road here tonight.

Meet again?

This son of a bitch is actually not dead? !

However, after learning that Lin Jiangnian was not dead, Shen Lingjun was not willing to accept such a hard life for this son of a bitch, but he was not worried at all.

After all, she wasn't alone this time.

She was supported by her uncle.

Shen Lingjun didn't expect to meet his uncle in Xunyang City!

After the death of their master, their sect was disbanded, and all the brothers in the sect went down to the mountain to seek a living. Shen Lingjun wandered the world alone, doing chivalrous acts for others, robbing the rich and giving to the poor to barely make ends meet.

Within the division, most of the brothers have lost contact, and the whereabouts of the elders and uncles are also unknown.

Shen Lingjun didn't expect to meet his uncle in Xunyang City.

Since the death of the master, the master's uncle has been the person with the highest status in the mountain gate. When he was still in the mountain gate, the master's uncle had taken good care of her. Therefore, Shen Lingjun was naturally excited and happy to see his uncle in a foreign land.

After learning that his uncle had traveled all the way in the past few years and was preparing to go to Beijing to meet other brothers, Shen Lingjun immediately followed his uncle without saying a word.

Heading all the way north, getting ready to enter Beijing!

Unexpectedly, I would meet Prince Lin who had been 'resurrected from the dead' in this remote town inn.

What's even more unexpected is that her most respected master didn't help her?

Instead, are you talking to that bitch prince?

Shen Lingjun was anxious, angry, and extremely aggrieved.

You are my uncle, how can you speak for this bitch?

Master, do you know how he bullied me?

Shen Lingjun was angry and aggrieved.

"Uncle, you must not believe his lies..."

Shen Lingjun pointed at Lin Jiangnian and said angrily: "Uncle, he is all pretending. Although this son of a bitch looks like a polite scum, in fact he does all kinds of evil in private. Uncle, please don't be fooled..."

Shen Lingjun tried his best to let his uncle see the true face of this son of a bitch.

However, before her uncle could speak, Lin Jiangnian crossed his arms and half-smiled: "Nvxia Shen said that I have done all kinds of evil, but I would like to know, what evil has I done?"

"What evil have you done? The evil you have done is countless!"

Shen Lingjun gritted his teeth: "How many innocent people have you killed? How long ago did you brutally kill Miss Yingying... How dare you not admit it?"

"I have told you many times that Chen Yingying was not killed by this prince."

Shen Lingjun sneered: "Did she die in your Prince Lin's Mansion? Did she die because of you?"

"I can't explain it to you."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head. The heroine in front of him had already determined that Chen Yingying was killed by him, so there was no point in explaining.

Lin Jiangnian didn't intend to explain.

"Oh, are you feeling guilty?"

When Shen Lingjun saw this, he sneered again and again.

Lin Jiangnian ignored her and turned to look at the silent old man beside him. If he wasn't afraid of the old man, Lin Jiangnian would have tied up the noisy heroine and thrown her into the dungeon.

"I saw that the senior has a good temperament and should be the leader of a sect, but I didn't expect that your sect is unfortunate enough to have such a disciple who doesn't distinguish between black and white. It's a pity..."

Lin Jiangnian sighed with emotion and meant something.

Hearing this, Shen Lingjun became even more angry and glared: "Who are you scolding? Who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian ignored him and still looked at the old man in front of him.

A slight sigh appeared on the old man's face: "Lingjun, don't be rude."

The voice was very soft, yet somewhat majestic.

Hearing this, Shen Lingjun reluctantly shut up, glared at Lin Jiangnian, and said to his uncle aggrievedly: "Uncle, you really can't be deceived by him..."

"It doesn't matter who Prince Lin is. How can you distinguish right from wrong in the affairs of the world?" The old man shook his head gently.

There is no real black and white in this world.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "Senior has seen things thoroughly."

"It's just that I have seen more and understood more..."

The old man sighed softly: "Lingjun Duo was offended tonight, but His Highness did not blame him. This is enough to show that His Highness is not as narrow-minded as the outside world said... On the contrary, Duo caused trouble tonight, so please don't blame him!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the old man and said, "Senior, don't worry, I am indeed not a narrow-minded person. As long as Shen Nuxia does not continue to offend me, I will let the past go!"

"Then thank you so much, Your Highness!"

The old man nodded slightly and turned to look at Shen Lingjun: "Lingjun, let's go!"

Shen Lingjun felt aggrieved at this time and had nowhere to vent. When he heard that his uncle was leaving, he immediately said in a depressed tone: "Where are you going?"

"It's so late, where else can we go?"

"Since His Royal Highness, Prince Lin, is resting again, we will not disturb him and go look elsewhere."

The old man shook his head slightly, turned and left.

When Shen Lingjun saw this, he could only stare at Lin Jiangnian for a while, then turned around and followed his uncle's footsteps.

Lin Jiangnian stood there, watching the two figures disappear into the night.

After he completely disappeared, the expression on his face returned to calm.

"Someone is coming."

"What are your orders, Your Highness?"

"Send someone to keep an eye on the two of you, be careful not to be discovered... I'm afraid this old man is not simple!"


Inn, third floor.


Lin Jiangnian opened the door and walked into the room.

An oil lamp was burning on the table in the room, illuminating the dim room. On the bed not far away, there was a figure sitting beside the bed.

Zhiyuan, who had taken off her white coat, was sitting quietly by the bed, wrapped in quilt, holding a book and looking down. When she heard the door open, she glanced up, then lowered her eyes.

Lin Jiangnian approached and sat down on the bed beside her.

"How is your health?"

Lin Jiang young spoke loudly.

Zhiyuan shook her head slightly.

Lin Jiangnian looked at her slightly pale cheeks under the black hair, which were a little more red than before.

However, he is still weak.

I couldn't help but feel a little distressed in my heart.

"You, could you please stop being so pushy next time!"

Lin Jiangnian's tone was slightly reproachful, and he gently held her hand.

Zhiyuan didn't struggle, his eyes still fell on the books. He was silent for a moment and then spoke lightly.

"If I don't take action, you will die."

The smile on Lin Jiangnian's face froze.

After a while, he shook his head: "I'll be fine."

Zhiyuan said nothing.

"He is indeed very powerful, but it's not that easy to kill me..."


"The military guards around my prince are not just for nothing. They can always stop him. Even if they can't kill him, they will not have the chance to hurt my prince."

Zhiyuan still didn't speak.

There is no comment on Lin Jiangnian's explanation.

For some reason, Lin Jiangnian suddenly felt a little more frustrated.

He, the majestic prince, is actually reduced to relying on the maids around him to protect him?

Looking down at Zhiyuan's face, she was still calm and calm. Lin Jiangnian looked at it and suddenly chuckled.

This chuckle made Zhiyuan slightly suspicious, and she raised her eyes to look at him.

"I met two people outside the door just now."

Lin Jiangnian thought of Shen Lingjun and her uncle outside the door, so he mentioned these two people to Zhiyuan.

"I'm afraid that old man has a good background. He can't tell the way of aura. I guess he is not a simple person..."

After listening to Lin Jiangnian's words, Zhiyuan finally raised his eyes slightly, with a hint of solemnity in his expression: "An enemy or a friend?"

"It's not clear yet."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly.

Although Shen Lingjun's uncle did not show hostility, Lin Jiangnian was not so easy to trust him. He had to be more vigilant when going out.


Zhiyuan didn't say anything more. After humming, he continued to lower his head and read.

"Okay, it's getting late. You're tired today. You should rest early."

Lin Jiangnian spoke.

Zhiyuan paused for a moment, closed the book in his hand, put it aside, looked up at Lin Jiangnian, and got into the quilt.


His movements were skillful, as if he had been well prepared.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian was startled, and then he seemed to realize something...

Has she been waiting for him all this time?

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian also took off his coat with the same skill and got into the quilt. Feeling the rich aroma of the warm quilt, he turned around and took the delicate body of the girl next to him into his arms.

The girl's delicate body was still tense and trembling slightly, but this time it seemed that she resisted very little.

Even... there was just a symbolic resistance, and then there was no movement.

Lin Jiangnian looked down again and saw the gentle breathing on that fair and delicate side face.

Already asleep!

The girl was in his arms, but Lin Jiangnian had no thoughts. Gaze at the pale and haggard face, the girl's gentle and relaxed breathing, and her delicate body that is gradually softening.

Zhiyuan seems to trust him more and more!

early morning.

When Lin Jiangnian woke up, the sun slowly shone into the inn.

Looking down, he saw the girl in his arms still sleeping soundly.

A ray of light fell on the girl's delicate and fair face, adding a bit of delicate beauty.

This is an expression that was difficult to see from Zhiyuan in the past.

She suffered a severe loss of internal energy yesterday and has not woken up today.

The girl closed her eyes slightly, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, as if she was dreaming. Her delicate and flawless face was calm and elegant.

It makes people want to kiss you.

Lin Jiangnian stared at her quietly for a long time, but finally stopped kissing her.

He slowly pulled his arms out from under the girl's body and stood up quietly, fearing to disturb the girl's dream on the bed.

After putting on his clothes and wrapping Zhi Yuan in quilt, Lin Jiang young sighed as he looked at her delicate face.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to be stuck.

After staying in the room for a moment, Lin Jiangnian turned around and came to the door, opened the door, and went out.

Just after Lin Jiangnian left the room, Zhiyuan, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, slowly opened his eyes.

She stared blankly at the door, her clear eyes seemed to be a little shy, and she stared blankly for a long time.

The beauty is beyond compare.



"Your Highness, it was the incompetence of my subordinates who failed to catch him!"

In the backyard, Lin Qingqing rushed back with a dusty face. Her delicate face looked a little tired and her eyes were bloodshot.

Last night, after the elder took the opportunity to escape from the inn, Lin Qingqing led people to hunt him down. But he didn't expect that he still underestimated the other party's skill. The other party was injured and managed to get rid of their pursuit.

This made Lin Qingqing feel very guilty.

"It doesn't matter."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and shook his head: "It's normal that you can't catch him."

It was expected that he could not be caught. This person's martial arts skills were higher than Zhiyuan's. It was also expected that Lin Qingqing could not be caught.

"But Your Highness..."

Lin Qingqing was a little anxious. The opponent's martial arts skills were extremely high. If he couldn't take advantage of this opportunity to kill him while he was sick, and waited for the opponent to recover, it would be troublesome.

Lin Jiangnian was not worried about this.

"The Tianshen Sect has suffered heavy losses this time and will probably not dare to come back again in the short term."

"When they regain their strength next time, we will have already arrived in the capital. Once we arrive in the capital, they will have to think twice before touching my son again..."

Having said this, Lin Jiangnian glanced at Lin Qingqing and waved his hand: "Okay, you are tired after a hard night last night. Go down and have a good rest first. Recharge your batteries before we hit the road."


After telling Lin Qingqing to go down and rest, Lin Jiangnian returned to the inn lobby. After a night of cleaning, the inn lobby had already returned to its original state.

In order not to attract attention, the guards inside and outside the inn have long been hidden. The inn is still open for business, as if everything that happened last night no longer exists.

Lin Jiangnian walked around the lobby, planning to see Xiaozhu. As soon as he walked outside the door of Xiaozhu's room, he heard a burst of laughter coming from the room.

Lin Jiangnian stopped.


Why does this voice sound familiar?

open the door.

I saw two figures in the room sitting at the table. Xiaozhu, who was wearing a green skirt, had his eyes wide open and a smile on his face.

Seems very happy.

Opposite Xiaozhu is...

"Your Highness?!"

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Xiaozhu turned his head subconsciously. When he saw His Highness outside the door, he was happy at first, and then he realized something, and a bit of panic appeared on his face.

"Your Highness, why are you here?"

"How will you be here?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the person sitting opposite Xiaozhu, a little surprised.

"What? Can't this girl come? You run this inn?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, his mouth was full of gunpowder.

Shen Lingjun sneered, not having a good look at the prince in front of him.

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "You asked a very good question. If I want to, I can open this inn!"

How could Shen Lingjun not understand the meaning of his words?

This son of a bitch is rich and powerful, so he can easily buy an inn.

She felt extremely unhappy and gritted her teeth: "Is having money a big deal?"

"if not"


Shen Lingjun gritted her teeth. She suspected that this son of a bitch was deliberately trying to disgust her.

"Don't be complacent, my account with you has not been settled yet!"


Lin Jiangnian squinted at her and sneered, "Did you understand something wrong?"


"This is my prince's territory. Now you come here to threaten me?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her with a sneer, a cold murderous intent flashing in his eyes: "For the sake of your uncle last night, I will not care about you."

"Did you think..."

"I won't kill you, will I?!"


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